I would like to dedicate this book to my mother who puts up with me and still is willing to read all my crazy poems I write. Thank you momma, I love you!

I Am Poem................................................. 5
Bio-Poem.................................................... 8
Re-Creation Poem.................................... 10
Stylistic Imitation Poem......................... 14
Definition Poem....................................... 19
Limerick Poem ........................................ 22
Ode Poem................................................... 24
Found Poem............................................... 28
Choral Poem............................................... 30
"Fire and Ice"............................................. 34

I am a Christ follower
I wonder if people see all the brokenness in the world
I hear the laugh my sister lets out when she does something bad
I see why I am imperfect
I want to go to college
I am an aspiring photographer
I pretend I know math
I feel separate from the world
I worry people don’t see the bigger picture
I cry when my friends hurt me
I am a daughter
I understand I need to be urgent
I say I understand
I dream of a peace for all
I try to put all my trust in God
I hope I don’t fail high school
I am a teen but I still have a voice
I AM...
I wrote this poem to give a clear message of who I am and what represents me and my life. I used repetition with the letter "I" to show that the focus of the poem is about me and the things I find important. I also repeat the word "understand" to show although I may understand one thing, there are still many things I don't understand yet. In the "I Am" poem I really wanted to be truthful about my beliefs and worries with this world. One of these being my worry for how lost it is in corruption and pain. But one thing that was hard to articulate in this piece is the fact that I still believe we have hope through Christ alone.
Much like the "I Am" poem, my bio poem focuses on aspects of what make me me. I once again used repetition, but this time I used it within the structure of my poem. For example when I say "Lover of adventure, people, and music", then "Who feels excited, inspired, and thankful", I am using repetition by listing of three items in the lines. This poem was more focused on adjectives that describe me and my personality rather than my direct views and opinions. Also an important factor that is different is the fact that the poem is in third person all for one line that says: "resident of my house".
Determined, compassionate, intentional, bold
Older sister of Emma and daughter of Chad and Lisa
Lover of adventure, people, and music
Who feels excited, inspired, and thankful
Who needs more time in the day, food, and a haircut
Who gives her effort, kindness, and heart
Who fears not being a good representation of Christ, bad grades, and spiders
Who would like to see a world unbroken, the world, and James Charles
Resident of my house
I could feel the autumn leaves break beneath my steps
The day, at last, was over when her eyes met mine
She smiled back as I approached
She put her hand in mine and all fell away
I could feel her sweet breath emanate from the pillows of her lips
Once again I looked up, but to now see the light in her eyes had dimmed
She held them in a state of disdain and I choked knowing what was about to happen
As the seconds drew on the distance between us grew
I could feel the burning fire in my chest as I heard her last soft, “goodbye”
From a distance, I could see her now, fading as the light faded simultaneously
How She Slipped Away
Select words are from Gary Soto's poem "Oranges"
When I think of you, the time we had, the smiles we shared
The first time our eyes met
The first time I held your hand in mine
All seem insignificant to the fire you left behind
It took distance for me to recognize who you really were
Our light was gone in months who knows why I stayed
You held me on the end of a rope not daring to get closer, but unwilling to let me go
The spark between us nonexistent, but we pretended so your friends wouldn’t judge
Eggshells appeared beneath each of my steps
Each breath came with regret
I awoke the day before it all with senses anew
So thank you for teaching me toxicity
I will be the first to say goodbye
What He Didn't Know
The reason for writing "Goodbye" the way I did was to show a break up from both perspectives. I used a metaphor when I said, "she put her hand in mine and all fell away" because it gives the feeling that when he was with her it was like there was nothing else in the world of importance. I also used a simile when I said, "I could see her now, fading as the light faded simultaneously". This shows as she is walking away she is getting harder to see like a dimming light. This pair of poems is meant to describe what happened to a friend and me, and what each of us saw in the "break up".
RE-creation poem
I wrote "Silence in Still Waters" to detail the tragedy of the wreck and sinking of the Titanic. When I wrote "the frost caught her nose first" I was metaphorically speaking for the iceberg that hit the nose of the ship first. Then when I said "for she was beautiful but not well put" I used personification by describing the ship as a she. With this I was trying to tell the audience that although the ship was pretty, it was never prepared for disaster. Lastly, I utilized repetition of the phrase "at two twenty in the morning" to set a mood for the poem, showing that the ship sunk in the dark of the cold morning.
Imitation poem
At two twenty in the morning
It was two twenty in the morning
While the rest of the world sat in ignorance
At two twenty in the morning
They did not see it coming
At two twenty in the morning
The great one lost it's grip and met her doom
At two twenty in the morning
The frost caught her nose first
At two twenty in the morning
The festivities and drunken greetings were halted
At two twenty in the morning
The words danced in communication through code
At two twenty in the morning
Silence In Still Waters
Imitation of Federico Garcia Lorca's style in his poem "Llanto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias"
The lights flew waking suddenly to slumber again
At two twenty in the morning
The women and their offspring were given aid first
At two twenty in the morning
Many flew from her sides hoping to bear her cool surroundings
At two twenty in the morning
Children parted from their fathers
At two twenty in the morning
For she was beautiful but not well put
At two twenty in the morning
The windows gave in like a leaf underfoot
At two twenty in the morning
Bodies pushed against the wall with no relent
At two twenty in the morning
The unsinkable dipped her toe in the pool
At two twenty in the morning
The heart of the beautiful giant burst into flames
At two twenty in the morning
She broke at the waist
At two twenty in the morning
Her bow left her broken
At two twenty in the morning
A siren, calling her sailors leaving them with no escape
At two twenty in the morning
At last she plunged into the icy reflection leaving her prisoners to hang
At two twenty in the morning
The strongest lost their grip and fell down her deck banging on her chest
At two twenty in the morning
She sang her last song as her victims wailed theirs
At two twenty in the morning
The last of her waved to the sky as she went below the surface
At two twenty in the morning
The few left screamed but the search was too late
At two twenty in the morning
The ice took their bodies as it did with the siren
At two twenty in the morning
Everything changed
At two twenty in the morning

Bold: /bōld/ adjective; showing an ability to take risks,
confident, and courageous.
The orange stripe painted on white jeans
The font that screams for attention
The noise a lion makes when you threaten its territory
How I am called to live daily
The trumpets as they march
The wall as it falls
A time of significance that stands out next to all others
A warrior who would die for the cause
I was trying with "Roarange" to express the meaning, both literally then personally, of the word bold. An example of personification within the poem is: "the font that screams for attention". This line gives meaning to the word bold as it describes a font that stands out and catches attention. Another piece of figurative language is used when saying "the orange stripe painted on white jeans", and this is because it is defining the word by this phrase or circumstance when in reality this is nothing literal. The reason I chose this word was it was something I have always seen displayed to me that I need to be and I strive to be more bold.defi
Definition poem
This poem was to express a thing of fantasy that could happen if someone were to spend too much of their time watching tv. I used rhyming patterns to create a rhythm in the poem. For example when I used the three words, "floor... bore... more" at the end of sentence to carry out my pattern. The first line is trying to say that the girl sat every day to watch tv and then that it was boring because it was never a new activity. The third line is supposed to show that something happened which in this case the fourth line shows that the characters came out of the tv to get the girl. The fifth shows the lesson learned to watch less tv.
limerick poem
Every day she sat on that floor
In front of the tv what a bore
Until one day STOP!
They came to life POP!
From then on she promised no more
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I would like to dedicate this book to my mother who puts up with me and still is willing to read all my crazy poems I write. Thank you momma, I love you!

I Am Poem................................................. 5
Bio-Poem.................................................... 8
Re-Creation Poem.................................... 10
Stylistic Imitation Poem......................... 14
Definition Poem....................................... 19
Limerick Poem ........................................ 22
Ode Poem................................................... 24
Found Poem............................................... 28
Choral Poem............................................... 30
"Fire and Ice"............................................. 34

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