This anthology is dedicated to my younger brother. Thank you for always being there for me and supporting me, no matter how much I messed up. I hope I can be as good of a brother to you as you are to me.

Table of Contents
I Am Poem
Bio Poem
Recreation Poem
Stylistic Poem
Definition Poem
Limerick Poem
Ode Poem
Found Poem
Choral Poem
Favorite Poem
I Am Poem
I am James Buksa
I wonder if people will ever come to their senses
I hear people complain about how hard their life is
I see laziness wander aimlessly
I want to get into a good college
I am an all honors student
I pretend to cotton to certain company
I feel sad for others misfortunes
I worry for certain peoples futures
I don’t cry because tears are for quitters
I am a hardworking individual
I understand complex topics
I say only things in public I filter carefully
I dream of living a happy life with a family
I try to achieve success in every situation
I want my kids' lives to be as enjoyable as mine
I am James Michael Buksa III
I Am Poem Response
In this poem, I described the academic side of my school experiences. In all my classes I strive to achieve an A and make sure I turn in all my work on time. I hear a lot of people complain about their grades in their classes. They blame their teachers when they don't even try to do the classwork or homework. In my poem, I personify laziness to show my frustration with my peers who want good grades but do not want to work hard to earn them. I also used alliteration to focus the reader's attention on a specific section of wordplay that I used.
My Bio Poem
Comedic, Competetive, Cleanly, Intelligent
Son of JJ Buksa
Lover of Competition, Video games, and the Beach
Who feels I could do better, be happier, and more productive
Who needs directions like no other, sleep, and a goal
Who gives, help, advice, and support to whoever I can
Who fears losing, spiders, and growing up
Who would like to see the Grand Canyon, a college acceptance letter addressed to me, and an impressive feat of modern engineering in person
Resident of Santee, California
Bio Poem Response
In my bio poem, I talk about certain defining character traits of mine. One of these that I mention more than once is that I am a very competitive person, and love the satisfaction of success. Whether its video games, sports, or just basic tasks, I always try my best to achieve my goal. I use alliteration to focus the reader's attention on my three most defining traits: Comedic, Competetive, and Cleanly. I also use hyperbole to show that I often need more specific instructions that others when it comes to certain tasks.
Recreation Poem: Monster Hunter:
As the sun burns brightly
Another hunt begins
Crackling branches and agitated hissing
Assault us from all around
As glaring eyes watch intently
A smile breaks across my face
Through frosty blizzards
And scorching fires
We chase until the light dies
Each day begins a new hunt
Highlighted words are from Gary Soto’s poem “Oranges”
Recreation Poem Response
In my recreation poem, I describe a game I play called Monter Hunter: A New World. Although the name is self-explanatory, the gist of the game is you travel through dense forests and perilous mountains to hunt down giant monsters. I tried to create a feeling as if you were the hunter yourself, traversing these exotic landscapes. I used personification to give life to the ambient noises you would encounter in a jungle. I also used assonance to repeat an "a" sound when describing these sounds to create a smooth flow between them.
Style Poem: The Invasion of June
It all began at six thirty in the morning
At six thirty in the morning
The unstoppable force meets the immovable object
At six thirty in the morning
Soldiers storm up the beach like thunder
At six thirty in the morning
Bullets rip through the air like lightning bolts
At six thirty in the morning
Explosions roar across the battlefield
At six thirty in the morning
Medics fight a hopeless battle
At six thirty in the morning
These young men bleed red blood
At six thirty in the morning
Fighting to defend their liberty
At six thirty in the morning
So many die for the sake of others
At six thirty in the morning
On that bloody June 6th
It all began at six thirty in the morning
Imitation of Federico Garcia Lorca's style in his poem "Llanto Por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias."
Style Poem Response
In my style poem, I describe the events of June 6th, 1944, also known as D-Day. More specifically, I try to depict the capturing of Omaha beach, which was a single bloodiest battle of WWII. At the end of June 6th, the Allies successfully captured the beach, but not after a hellish struggle that claimed the lives of many and traumatized those who survived. I used repetition to emphasize the time that this decisive battle began. I also used a simile to compare the sounds of bullets ripping through the air to lightning.
Definition Poem: Satisfaction
Satisfaction: [sadsfakSH(u)n], noun, adjective-Satisfying, verb-Satisfy
Fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.
Winning against a tough opponent
Solving a difficult problem
A great ending to a story
Getting good exam results
Completing a mountain of work
Outsmarting your superior
Peeling the plastic cover off a new product
Drawing a perfect shape
Definition Poem Response
The word I chose to define in my poem was satisfaction. I picked this word because, as I've previously stated, I am a competitive person, and nothing makes me feel better than the satisfaction of winning a tough match. This poem is a list of things that I find the most satisfying. I used exaggeration to emphasize the satisfactory feeling of looking at the enormous amount of work you have completed after you finish. I also used alliteration to draw attention to one of my favorite satisfying actions on the list.
Limerick Poem: A Man Named Stan
There once was a man named Stan
Who dreamt of living off the land
When tax evasion
Joins the equation
Stan found there to be cuffs on his hands
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This anthology is dedicated to my younger brother. Thank you for always being there for me and supporting me, no matter how much I messed up. I hope I can be as good of a brother to you as you are to me.

Table of Contents
I Am Poem
Bio Poem
Recreation Poem
Stylistic Poem
Definition Poem
Limerick Poem
Ode Poem
Found Poem
Choral Poem
Favorite Poem
I Am Poem
I am James Buksa
I wonder if people will ever come to their senses
I hear people complain about how hard their life is
I see laziness wander aimlessly
I want to get into a good college
I am an all honors student
I pretend to cotton to certain company
I feel sad for others misfortunes
I worry for certain peoples futures
- END >
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