Dedicated to Corey and Nancy Hays

Table of Contents
I am poem 4/5
Bio poem 6/7
Re-Creation poem 8/9
Imitation poem 10/11
Definition poem 12/13
Limerick poem 14/15
Ode poem 16/17
Found poem 18/19
Choral poem 20/21
Favorite poem 22/23
I wrote this poem because of the feeling that people feel when new laws are passed, and when shootings continue to happen after strict gun control, and no one understands that they are not changing anything no matter how many are passed by congress. The people that shoot up schools get the guns from parents that do not know the proper way to keep them, and are most likely neglecting of kids, which causes them to do irrational things. The ones that shoot up night clubs, concerts, and churches can not be changed. They get their guns illegally and would in any situation. The only ones this is harming are great people who will end up protecting us in the future. I used a simile on "I feel like I am invisible" and I used Illiteration in "unfortunately, unheard."
I Am Poem
I am anti-gun control
I wonder if people realize what they are doing
I hear nothing but rambling
I see no change with passed laws
I want to find another solution
I am a strong pro-gun advocate
I pretend people will realize
I feel like I am invisible
I worry about the future
I cry for people in rough neighborhoods with no protection
I am sick of the excuses
I understand that things need to change
I say we go about this differently
I dream that it will be fixed
I try to make them see
I hope that one day they will
I am for now, unfortunately, unheard
Bio Poem
I wrote this to tell more about who I believe that I am to people. Parts of it may be what I only feel that I would be if I had the chance. I express my massive hatred (and yes, I know hate is a strong word, but it is very much that) for drugs and alcohol, as they are nothing but tools to destroy your life. some can slowly, some faster than you even realize. In high school I have realized this big time, especially among new freshman students. I hope that they will soon realize what hurt it is doing to them. I used "Time, an ear, and a shoulder" in succession to convey love and peace and I used used repetition on the word drug to show my attitude toward all of them.
Strong, determined, smart, old-souled
Student of Ms.Bachmann
Lover of coffee, art, and the outdoors
Who feels lonely, worried, and tired
Who needs a friend, no anxiety, and a nap
Who gives time, an ear, and a shoulder
Who fears school bathrooms, drugs, and students
Who would like to see an end to violence, drug use, and hatred
Resident of Santee, California
Re-Creation Poem
I wrote this to convey the feeling of romance near my favorite holiday, where it is known to be close to people to keep warmth. I added a lot of detail about the city street because it tells of what it is like to go out at night in winter when no one is out. I believe it tells about the spirit of the holiday and the perfect way to spend it. I used rhyme a lot in this poem. gold and cold. face, embrace, and pace. Street, heat, and beat. I used personification twice on "Season touches my heart" and "fire in my soul."
Christmas is near
The night is cold
Cars lights in the street like glistening gold
Hand in mine puts a smile on my face
I tugged on my jacket, its warm embrace
This season touches my heart with joy and grace
Fire in my soul makes it quicken its pace
My eyes locked with theirs, standing on the side of the street
Their kisses on my lips keeping the heat
This seasons presence keeps me red as a beet
Imitation Poem
I wrote this to tell the story about one of the main reasons World War 1 was started. He was assassinated on June 28, 1914 while riding in a car with his wife, who was shot and killed a couple seconds after her husband, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, which was one country then. I used rhyme multiple times on done and won. Rest and chest. Shocked and rocked. begun and gun. I used repetition several times of course on "On June 28th."
On June 28th
Early June 28th
A close shot rang out
On June 28th
The Archduke was done
On June 28th
The Serbs battle was won
On June 28th
He fell back with his wife as if in rest
On June 28th
A small hole through his chest
On June 28th
Most certainly dead
On June 28th
Austria-Hungary was shocked
On June 28th
The whole world was rocked
On June 28th
A new war had begun
On June 28th
With just one hand and one gun
On June 28th
Definition Poem
I wrote this to convey the feeling of fear that the Jews had when they were in the city before the concentration camps, somewhere between kristillnacht and the massive roundup of all people of Jewish decent. I used rhyme multiple times on heat and feet. rock and sock. god and facade. I used a hyperbole on "a million soldiers feet." I also used personification on "like a pile of rock."
Fear: [Fir], noun,
An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone is dangerous or a likely threat:
It is a cold winters night;
No source of heat
The only sound the stomp of a million soldiers feet;
We all hide on this block like a pile of rock
No clothes for warmth, not even a sock;
As we lay our heads down and pray right to God
We realize our fear was just a silly facade.
Limerick Poem
I wrote this because of my love for the morning and the extreme early hours when no one is up. When you are tired but very calm. When you can have breakfast and not worry about what you will be doing in a few minutes or hours. It is one of the only true times that you can do that, including late nights and quiet weekends on the lake. I used rhyme on shakin', awaken, and makin' as well as bed and head.
When you’re tired and your body’s a shakin’
When your parents have yet to awaken
Just sit on your bed
And rub on your head
And think about the breakfast they’ll be makin’
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Dedicated to Corey and Nancy Hays

Table of Contents
I am poem 4/5
Bio poem 6/7
Re-Creation poem 8/9
Imitation poem 10/11
Definition poem 12/13
Limerick poem 14/15
Ode poem 16/17
Found poem 18/19
Choral poem 20/21
Favorite poem 22/23
I wrote this poem because of the feeling that people feel when new laws are passed, and when shootings continue to happen after strict gun control, and no one understands that they are not changing anything no matter how many are passed by congress. The people that shoot up schools get the guns from parents that do not know the proper way to keep them, and are most likely neglecting of kids, which causes them to do irrational things. The ones that shoot up night clubs, concerts, and churches can not be changed. They get their guns illegally and would in any situation. The only ones this is harming are great people who will end up protecting us in the future. I used a simile on "I feel like I am invisible" and I used Illiteration in "unfortunately, unheard."
I Am Poem
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