This is dedicated to those who just want to explore and be the interesting person they are

Table of Contents
- I am Poem
- Definition Poem
- Re-Creation Poem
- Limerick Poem
- Bio Poem
- Found Poem
- Lorca Imitation Poem
I am a girl
I wonder what it is like to be tall
I hear “tiny brain” in a joking manner
I see multiple people in their own heads
I want food
I am drained
I pretend I am smart in school
I feel hopeless
I worry I am a disappointment
I cry like a baby when I am pushed over the edge
I am an interesting person
I understand others lives are not perfect
I say “you already know”
I dream to be successful
I try to be kind
I hope to be moving through life okay
I am a human being living in 2019
I Am Poem
I wrote this poem the way I did because I kind of wanted to have fun with it but also give it some meaning. Poetry is kind of interesting to me so this unit was a little fun. I used figurative language because I had to. There is not really anything behind this poem; it is really just me explaining how I feel. If I had to put background knowledge it would be I did this while I was really tired and sad.
Explanation of the I am poem
Bio Poem
Tired, nice, late, loud
Aunt of Lilianna
Lover of Reed Hoots, my mah, and volleyball
Who feels tired, drained, sore
Who needs Mexican food, good grades, and a monster
Who gives attitude, RBF, and respect to the right people
Who fears, being yelled at, spiders, and big bugs
Who would like to see the world, something good, and my dogs
Resident of Royal Gardens
Explanation of the Bio Poem
I wrote this poem this way because it has to define me. This is kind of a plain poem because I am a plain person. There was no effect I wanted to put behind it, although, I want the reader to notice that I am a very tired individual and I think we all are. I wrote this when it was a day where I was really struggling to do anything. That day was very hard.
Re-Creation Poem: Why?
Her fearful eyes opened wide
Hazed cold made her breath crystallized
High risks overwhelmed her as the corners closed
Hatred and anger lit her up like fire
Her heart soon became cold
Healing after that night became hard
His body weighted over her, giving the greatest fear she will carry forever
Having to walk down the narrow hallway was just as hard as looking others in the eye, scared they will know
Her steps to the shower grew heavy
Her life after, felt like a grey December, dark and cold
Explanation of the Re-Creation Poem: Why?
I wrote this poem because this is something that has happened to me and many others and I wanted to explain at least a little of what this is like. I am not gonna say, but some might be able to get it. I used "like a grey December" because after, it feels all dark and cold. I used a lot of simile's such as "lit her up like fire" and "just as hard as looking others in the eye". This poem is just a little bit of my personal experience.
Stylistic Imitation Poem: Al Noor
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
He walked in like a hidden time bomb
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
Welcomed by all who saw him
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
The police took so long
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
An Australian man did this
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
Lives lost so quickly
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
The bodies and walls covered in crimson
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
16 minutes of utter shock
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
Deadliest shooting in New Zealand’s history
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
All that were talking to god, went to go pay him a permanent visit instead
“Let’s just pray it doesn't happen again”
Now we will finish their prayer
Imitation of Federico Garcia Lorca's style in his poem "Llanto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias."
Explanation of Stylistic Imitation Poem
I wrote this poem because of the shooting in New Zealand. The use of repetition "Lets just pray this doesn't happen again" to add more feeling. "crimson" is representing the blood on the walls. I wanted people to at least get a glimpse of what the video looked like if they have not seen it. The video was put on a live video and a lot of people saw it, unfortunately I did too.
Definition Poem
Late: [lāt], adverb
Far on in time; toward the end of a period
Walking in the class at 7:50am on a minimum day
Running by myself when I get to practice
Being the last one to understand a joke
“Why are you not here on time” the teacher said
Sneaking in the house as if I was as light as a feather
Waking up in a room of clocks passed my alarm
Last night was filled headaches
My head was pounding as the clock struck 12
Tomorrow only one can hope, I will be on time
Explanation of the Definition Poem
I chose the word late because I can never be on time and if I am on time, that streak will not last long. There was not really any poetic devices in this poem. I did not try and make any effect either. This poem basically says that you can not rely on me or my family to be on time to anything. One day, I will be on time.
Limerick Poem
I love when I play volleyball
Today my sisters baby did not crawl
She wanted to scream
She looked at the stream
Towards the end, she took a long fall
Explanation of Limerick Poem
I wrote this because we got to write about anything but we just had to make it rhyme. It goes "a" "a" and then "b" "b" and back to "a" after. The first 2 lines and the last one, end the same. The two middle lines, rhyme as well. I involved volleyball and my niece.
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This is dedicated to those who just want to explore and be the interesting person they are

Table of Contents
- I am Poem
- Definition Poem
- Re-Creation Poem
- Limerick Poem
- Bio Poem
- Found Poem
- Lorca Imitation Poem
I am a girl
I wonder what it is like to be tall
I hear “tiny brain” in a joking manner
I see multiple people in their own heads
I want food
I am drained
I pretend I am smart in school
I feel hopeless
I worry I am a disappointment
I cry like a baby when I am pushed over the edge
I am an interesting person
I understand others lives are not perfect
I say “you already know”
I dream to be successful
I try to be kind
I hope to be moving through life okay
I am a human being living in 2019
I Am Poem
I wrote this poem the way I did because I kind of wanted to have fun with it but also give it some meaning. Poetry is kind of interesting to me so this unit was a little fun. I used figurative language because I had to. There is not really anything behind this poem; it is really just me explaining how I feel. If I had to put background knowledge it would be I did this while I was really tired and sad.
Explanation of the I am poem
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