I Dedicate this book to my family,friends,my pets and anybody else who wants to say they have a book dedicated to them.

Part 1:
Hi my name is Lilac Jones.When I was younger I actually believed I was a fairy.I know it’s crazy but I don’t believe that anymore.
But sometimes strange things happen to me.For example I always feel like somebody's watching me.
Sometimes people are watching me but other times my door is shut and my blinds are closed.Sometimes I feel like I am going insane.
Chapter 1
The sun was shining,birds were chirping.
“Good morning world,”I say.
I open my eyes.
“Ahhhhhhhhh!”I scream.
“I scar you,”my little sister says.
“Good morning Lily what's for breakfast”I say.
“Froot,Froot,Froot!”She says.
She pulls me out of bed and drags me through our endless halls(we live in a mansion)until we finally end up in the dining room.
Each of my four siblings is sitting at the table with a bowl.My youngest brother Liam is chanting:,food,food I want food!I have many annoying siblings.Layla is the oldest and she is 17.Leo is the second oldest and he is really annoying.After me there's Liam who is demanding and is always barging into my room without permission.And Lily is the youngest.She is Three but she acts like a one year old.Another strange thing about us is our birthdays.My mom was born in January,My Dad was born in February,Layla was born in March,Leo was born in April,I was born in May,Liam was born in June,and Lily was born in July.
Now back to the story.When we had finished breakfast I went up to my room and worked on a story I had to write for school.This is what i have so far:
Once there was a
I'm not doing to good!
Anyways i'm going to eat lunch.
Chapter 2
It was night time.The house was quiet.Everyone was asleep.Except for me.I couldn't sleep.I had tried reading and doing school work and everything else,but nothing would work.I wasn't tired at all.And that was that.I would get no sleep.Not even a little bit.All of a sudden I hear a noise.tap tap tap.
"Huh”I say.
“I’m at the window”The voice says.
The only thing I see at the window is a green,orange,and pink light.Something cool about our house is that there are window lights so you can see outside when it's dark but nobody can see you.I flipped the light switch so I can see what it is.I try not to scream at what is before my eyes.
There is a flying fairy in my window.
“Who are you aaand why are you here,”I ask.
“Why I’m Rose petals dear and I’m here to take you to the land of fairies”She says
“But I'm not a fairy they don’t exist”I stammer.
“Well of course they do exist.And yes you are a fairy.You only have wings around other fairies,look at yours,”she says.And she’s right.I have shining purple wings with gold detailing.I jump out of my bed thinking this is a dream,but my wings catch me in the air.I guess i'm going with her.
Me and the fairy have been talking for a while now.I calmed down a while ago and now I know that 1:my parents aren’t actually my parents i have fairy parents that died when I was 6 months old 2:that I am famous in the fairy world and three,I am never going back to the human world.Also I have to go to fairy school where you train for your 5 job options: the fairy leadership,teacher,planner,fun,or the one my parents did,writing.I’ve done stuff for school but really I want to be a planner.Rose said she would enroll me in the planar academy where I would go for a few years and I would start in 3 days!
When I asked about where I was staying, she said
“With me ,in my mansion,”
I also ask.
“Can I get stuff from my house”
And then Rose said
“If you want to,I can take you there tomorrow before we get school supplies for planner academy,”
So after that we went to Rose’s house and we set up my room.Right now I have blue walls with a few posters of my new favorite singer: Sugar Crusher.My bed has solid purple bedding,with a few decorative pillows. I have a bookcase with a few books my parents wrote and that’s all right right now.I went outside and decided to go for a fly.When I returned I spot a pen on the ground.
“Hey Rose,what's this?”
“Oh just a pen that turns stories into reality,”
"Say your mom said you were gonna be eating a salad but you wanted pizza.you could write down something like:
Rose really wanted to get pizza,so she did,”
“And it comes true?”
“Well see you later!I have to umm go do something!”and she fluttered away.
Well that was odd.
“Hi,are you new to the village?” A voice said
“What oh,yes,”I replied.
“Oh okay!I’m Winter,but I go by my middle name,Sunny.Well technically it’s Sunshine,but I like Sunny better,”said Sunny.
“oh ,cool”I say.
“So what are you in training for?”
“Me too!”
So we chatted for a bit and I think she might be my first friend here.
So me and Sunny are good friends now,which is good.I'm going to the library now,so I can study a bit.I'm at the library now,and i here two voices that sound familiar.I peak around the corner and it's Sunny and Rose!
“So Sunny how's it going with Lilac?”
“Great she doesn't suspect a thing,”
“Well,she won't be your “friend” for to long.The plan is almost ready,”
Uh-Oh.this does not sound good.
Chapter 4
I don't know what to do.My heart is racing so fast right now.I quickly run to the other side of the library.
It's almost 5:00 pm.I think i have a quick idea.
“Hey,Rose?i'm spending the night at a friends house tonight.See you tomorrow!”I run out the door as fast as i can.then i remember i can fly.So i fly to a weird old house,and sit in the backyard.
This has to be a dream.it has to.
I pinch myself.
Nope,not a dream.but i wish it was.
I think about flying home,but then I remember the barrier.
This is just like your typical book.Villain is kind.villain is villain.villain defeats main character.to be continued.wait that's it,a book!
Chapter 5
If this is like a book then maybe I can make it a book.That pen,it might solve all my problems!
But how to get that pen.
Meanwhile at the mansion,Rose was busy scheming...
“And,if I lead her here...GOT IT!Oh, what do you want sunny?”
“What is your,master plan?”
“Of course ,well,first we”
Now Lilac knows how to get the pen..
“Okay,let's do this,”i flutter back to the mansion and when I arrive,I peek inside a window.i overhear their plan.or rather,what's left to tell.
“So when do we do it,”I hear Sunny ask.
“When she gets back from her friend’s house,”
“Which friend is this?”
“I don't know,she never told me,”
“When did she have time to make friends,I was with her until I went to the library,”“She was in the library!”
“She could have heard us!That's why she’s away!”
“But she must've made a friend in the library,”
“I doubt that she sounds like she hardly suspects a thing!”
“She is probably just a good actress!”
“Well,let's assume she doesn't know and continue with our plan,shall we?”
I glide away feeling very confident in myself.
I arrive at Roses window,and creep in as quietly as I can.I'm about to go to the door,when i here Rose walking to her room.I panic and run into the closet,and what i see shocks me.
Inside the closet,I see all her plots.She plans to use the pen to make the whole fairytale world disappear.Then,she will use the pen(again)to turn all the humans against eachother.I have to stop this.All of a sudden,my leg starts sinking.I look down,and see a trap door.I let myself inside cautious.I look around it's a small room with-the pen!It’s locked up inside a stand.Now how to get in?I look around.I see a piece of trash on the ground right in front of the stand.I try to pick it up,but instead,end up opening the entrance to the stand.I look inside,and grab the pen.I fly out of the trap door,and look up into the closet.Right there,before my eyes,is Rose smiling an evil smile.
Chapter 6
"I've been wondering if you knew,”Rose says,still smiling creepily.I glare at her.
“Well then i'll be taking this,”She snatches the pen out of my grasp.
“No!”I yell.
“Well now that you can’t help me,I'll just have to find another fairy shall we?”
“Don't do this to anyone else!”
“You can't stop me,”and with that she carries me away.
“You can't stop me,”and with that she carries me away.
We've been walking for a while now,and soon we reach a cage.Rose throws me in and locks me up.
“NO!”I scream.
“Don’t worry,you’ll get fed,”
I can’t let Rose hurt anyone else,I can't!
Part 2:
Chapter 7
I wake up.Great another day of no friends,so much homework i could swim in it,and boring school work.I drag myself out of bed and slump down the stairs.I pour myself a bowl of cereal and eat quickly.I hop back up the stars,throw some clothes on,and grab my backpack.I run outside,the cool morning air against my face.The bus pulls up in front of my house,and I hop on.I sit down,and read until we (finally) get to school.i run in,and sit at my desk.the bell rings and our teacher begins to talk.
“Okay,class today we will have a new student,”I perk my head up.A girl enters the room.
“Class,this is Rosetta,”
“Hi,”she says,shy.
“Roesetta you can pick anyone in the class to give you a tour of the school,”
“Um okay,i pick um her,”
“yes,Autumn”I can hardly believe it.YES!
“Umm okay,”I respond,trying not to sound too eager.Me and Roesetta walk out of the classroom.
“hey,Autumn?”Rosetta asks me.
“I need to tell you something”
“We need to be somewhere no one knows about,”
“Okay,what about the basement?”
“That will work,”
We go to the basement.I’m a little suspicious but I trust her.
“Okay,so my name is actually Rose,i’m a fairy and so are you,”
“Hahahahahahahahahaha-oh you're serious?”
“Yes look at your wings,”i turn around.
“Woah,”sure enough i have fairy wings!
“So I've wiped the memory of everyone who knew you existed,and were going to the fairy village!”
“Okay then,”
We FLY to the fairy village,a magical place full of flowers,kind people,and fun(AKA all of my dreams come true).My bedroom is just as(if not more)impressive as fairy village.It has a plush,blue canopy bed,a white desk,with fancy gold detailing,and a closet with hundreds of rainbow clothes.I plop onto my bed and take a nap.
I wake up with a start.It’s night time now,and Rose is asleep,yet I hear someone yelling.I look outside my window and see no one.I follow the noise to the basement where i see a girl locked up in a cage.
Chapter 8
“Who are you?”I say cautiously
“Oh,thank goodness you came!”she says
“Who are you!”I say once again
“My name is Lilac Jones,and I have a bit of a crazy story to tell you!”
I tell this girl all about Rose,and how horrible she is,and what her plans are.
“I can't do this!I trust Rose!How am I supposed to know that your not some crazy villain trying to get Rose!
“Okay I know you don't trust me,but if you get that pen,then maybe we could save a lot of people!Act before it's too late.
“NO!”she runs away,muttering I trust Rose,I trust Rose,I trust her!
I absolutely have to find a way to show her she's only going to hurt more people!
Rose walks in,with an evil grin on her face.
“Who did you capture this time!”I yell at her.
“I’ll describe her to you because if i bring her down here,you'll just ruin me again,and we can't have that,now can we?”
“So she has dirty blond, wavy hair,freckles,hazel eyes-”
“Your describing me you twit!”
“oh ,right,well she has long curly brownish,blondish hair,and greenish,brownish eyes and glasses-”
“I don't care what she looks like!”
“Well she lived in Raleigh,NC and her name is Autumn,”
Autumn,why does that name sound so familiar!
That girl cannot be good.I mean,she’s probably just some evil villain that Rose locked up,right?I trust Rose.Yes,I trust her.But should I?Yes.Yes I should.
I creep back upstairs,and into bed.I can tell this is going to be a restless night.
Somehow,I manage to fall asleep(for like 5 hours).
It’s morning now,and I'm really hungry.I fly down the stairs and make myself some fairy-cakes(sort of like a pancake,but lots of powdered sugar,cotton candy,sprinkles,and whip cream).
“Hey,Autumn?can you do a favor for me?”I hear Rose yell.
“Well,can you go to the store to buy me some paper?”
“why,”I say concerned that that girl might be right.
“Just because were er-running out,”she says.At this point i'm thinking that the weird girl in the basement might be telling the truth.
Chapter 9
I know why I recognize that name.Its because Autumn was my best friend when I was like,two.Suddenly,I start to get shaky,and tired.I collapse to the floor,and have an odd dream.Autumn and I are standing in the hallway.We are yelling at Rose,and fighting over the pen.
“You can't get away with this!”I yell.
“Oh,but I already have,”Rose replies,looking sinister.
“Rose don't you understand that sometimes things just can't go your way?!”Autumn shouts.
I wake up,and look around.I realize it must be night because the clock on the wall reads 12:00.I think about what I just saw.I process it and realize I might have just seen the future.
It’s night now.I tip-toe down the stairs and creak open the basement door.
“Hello,hello?”I whisper.
“Who is it,”The girl says.
“It’s me,Autumn,”I respond.
“Oh Autumn,um i'm Lilac,”Lilac says.
“It’s me,Autumn,”I respond.
“Oh Autumn,um i'm Lilac,”Lilac says.
“That’s great and all, but I have a more important matter to discuss,”I say.
“What,”she says eagerly.
“I believe you,”
“Wait what?yes!”
“So,how do I break you out of here?”
“well,I think there's a key over their,”She points to the other side of the room.
“Okay,”I walk over to where she pointed,and grab the key.I creep back over to the cage and unlock it.
“Finally I can stretch my wings!”she claims.She glides around the room with a big,happy grin on her face.Lilac lands and says:
"Lets sneak into Rose’s room get the key,and get out,”she announces.
“Sounds good,”I respond.
We walk up the stairs,until we reach Rose’s door.We quietly open it up and peer inside.Rose seems to be asleep.we walk in and open the closet.Apparently Rose has a trap door their.we feel around for it and push it open.We lower ourselves into the room,and see Rose holding the pen.
Chapter 10
“Why,hello girls,Come to get the pen?”Rose says.
Quickly,I start to get dizzy.I feel similar to when I had the odd future predicting dream a few minutes ago.
All I can see is a big circle around this random spot.I don't know what it means,or why it’s there,but it is.Autumn is next to me sort of staring and the next thing I know I'm awake.
“Wait a second,I know how to get the pen!”
“Wait how!?”
"Right there,”I point to the spot on the wall that was circled in my dream.Autumn looks at me like I'm crazy then shakes her head.
“look,I know it’s weird,but it'll work,trust me,”I walk over to the spot on the wall,and tap it.
A big door appears.
“Wow,”me and Autumn exclaim in wonder.
“Let’s open it!”Autumn calls out.
“Okay,”We step through the door and find stairs behind it.
“Wow,”me and Autumn exclaim in wonder.
"Let’s open it!”Autumn calls out.
“Okay,”We step through the door and find stairs behind it.We carefully step down them,and ind two more doors.One of them is a creepy,old looking black door,and the other is a bright,pastel yellow one,with flower decorating it.
“Which one should we go through?”I asked.
“Isn’t it obvious!”Autumn declares.She walks over to the yellow door,and opens it.We step inside,and the door slams behind us.
“umm,creepy,”I say.Inside the room is books.Book on shelves,books on tables,books piled on top of everything.In the center of the room,there is a note.It says:
Dear Lilac and Autumn,
You will have 30 minutes to escape this room.Clues can be found anywhere,and everywhere.If you do not manage to escape this room in 30 minutes,you will be trapped down here forever.If you do happen to find the key,you will unlock the next room.In each room,It will get more and more difficult to escape.When you reach the end,a little surprise will be waiting for you.This Note will tear itself up when you set it down,so if you want it,keep it on you.
Good luck(you'll need it)
-The Mystery Man
Chapter 11
We and Lilac stand there for a second shocked.
“Who do you think the mystery man is anyway?”Lilac asks
“I really don’t know,but one thing I do know is we’d better get moving!we only have 30 minutes to escape!”We frantically start searching the room for anything out of place.
“Autumn,do you think this is anything?”Lilac asks.
“Let me see,”Lilac hands me a large red book with golden corners.I flip through it.On one of the pages,the words are covered with white out,and replaced with 3p.
“Three p?wait a second,Lilac,hand me the note,”I request
“Sure thing!”she says.I look at the peculiar letters and numbers at the bottom of the letter.
“3p,3p-there!”I exclaim.I quickly flip back to the page in the book and look bellow 3p.There,it says Red-5.
“red -5.Autumn,do you have a piece of paper?”Lilac asks.
“Yeah,right here,”I pull a sheet out of my pocket and hand it to her.She writes down:
“We’ll probably need this later,”Lilac mentions.
“Okay,now look for more irregular objects,”I instruct.
We continue searching the room until,unexpectedly,I find a chest.
“Hey Lilac,check this out!”
I show her the box and she looks at the lock.
“This lock is a color lock,with 15 different ones to fill in!”Lilac declares
“huh?”I ask
“There is 8 differnt colors,and you have to put in the colors in the correct order.
“And we found the fifth one,which is red?”
“Okay,well,let’s continue searching!”We look and look until we realize we probably only have about 15 minutes left!So far we've found 3 more here are colors right now:
Right now,there has only been clues in books,but who knows?Clues could be anywhere!
“Umm Autumn?I just found a clock...we only have 7 minutes left!”Lilac shrieks.
“We’ve gotta move!”I shout.We dig through everything,and find a few more colors now,our list looks a little something like this:
Red-5,Blue-14,Purple-8,Black-15,Green-7,Orange 1,Yellow-4,White-2,Black-3,
Me and Lilac are totally freaking out!We have 4 minutes to find 6 clues!What are we going to do!
It’s been a while(3 minutes) and Lilac just found the last clue!
“Quick,type i the code!”I yell.
“Okay,what color is first?”She asks.
“Got it,”
“Got it,”
“Got it,”
“Yellow,then Red,”
“Purple,green,purple,and Orange,”
“What’s next?”
“And then?”
“Blue,Red,Black,and then Blue!”
“Got it!”Lilac thrusts open the box,quickly grabs the key,and unlocks the next room.We run in.When we get to the second room ,the lights are off.We turn them on.
“wow!”Lilac gasps.In the room,are thousands of keys.
Chapter 12
The door shuts and somehow,the keys start to multiply.Soon,we can swim through the keys,without touching the floor.
“I think we have to find the key to the door,”Autumn declares.
“I think I remember what it looks like,”I say,hopefully
"I do too,”Autumn replies
Autumn and I dig and dig for ages,until finally we find the key!
“yes!”I yell
“But wait, where’s the door?”
"okay ,Lilac?I think we gotta dive under,and feel the walls for the door,”
“okay,3,2,1,”Autumn and I both take huge breaths,and dive under.As I swim through the keys,I don't just feel the keys,I smell them.They smell like old,rusty metal(which is not a pleasant smell at all).
“hmmmm!”I hear Autumn yell
“hmm?”I shout back
I hear Autumn come up from under the keys.
“Wait what!”
“I found it!”
“Great!”I swim over to Autumn and go down too unlock the door.All at once,the keys surround me,and block me from getting to the door.Autumn starts throwing the keys in the other direction,but they only come back again.Some how i manage to grasp hold of the door knob but I still have no clue how to unlock it.
“Lilac!I have an idea!”Autumn exclaims.
"hmm,”I yell back
“Hand me the key!”
“hmm hmm hmm hmm,”I hand Autumn the key and she plunges underneath the keys as well.She grabs the part of the door and unlocks the door.I twist the knob as quickly as I can.
“I found the door!”
All the keys disappear and we step inside the next room.Me and Autumn stare at the new room.
“It’s just a white room,”I say
“Yeah what’s so special about this.Look,I see the key,It’s on the table right-”
All at once,the room fills with a bright,blinding light.
Chapter 13
“My eyes!” Lilac shrieks
“I know,”I shout back
“How are we supposed to get through-,”
“Lilac!Lilac!”I yell.No response.I put my foot where she was.I feel her,on the ground
“Lilac!!!”I’m confused,then I think back to what happened earlier.She collapsed,then she knew where the pen went.Even though we don't have a lot of time,When Lilac gets up(which is hopefully in the next 10 minutes)she'll know what to do.
I sit,waiting for ages when I see a clock in my brain.It’s the clock from the book room.It says it’s 1:56.
“Okay,so,if we got here at 12:45,and we had about an hour in the other rooms,12;45 plus 60 is 1:45 and it’s 1:56 WE ONLY HAVE 19 MINUTES LEFT!!please wake up soon Lilac,”
wait a second.If Lilac can see the future,and I just saw the clock at its present stage,then I must be able to see things as what they are right now.Hmmm.I think of Rose.I see her and Sunny,trapped in a room,looking for clues like we did.
“Rose,whose the mystery man!?I know you know,”Sunny shouts
“I told you,I don’t know!It’s not me.You think I would just lock us down here!I didn’t even know this place existed!”
So Rose isn't The Mystery Man.Interesting.Very Interesting.Unexpectedly,My thoughts get interrupted by Lilac:
“Close your eyes as tight as you can,and cover them with your hands,and wings crawl forward.You grab the key,I’ll unlock the door.
“Okay,”I say following her directions.Something I learned while doing this,is that it is very hard to crawl on just your legs.I finally reach the key and shout:
“Lilac,I got it!”
“Okay I’m almost at the door-I think,”She replies.
I start following her voice.I somehow end up in a headstand,then flop onto my back.Ouch.
“who-what-when-how!”Lilac shrieks.
“oh,nothing.”I say,a little bit embarrassed.
“well,I think I found the door,I mean,what else could this large,sort of desk shaped thing be?”
“Oh, I don’t know,Maybe a desk!”I scream,a bit annoyed.
“Oh,right,”She says,a bit sad.
We continue to look around,when a deep,computer like voice comes over the room.
“Just a short reminder girls,you only have 5 minutes left,”
“AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”Me and Lilac scream.
“Wait the door was to the left of the front of the desk so maybe”I crawl over to the desk,and find the front of it.I then crawl to the left.
“I found the door!”I yell.
“Great let’s get out of here!”Lilac screams.We crawl as fast as we can to the door,and we stand on our knees and try to unlock the door.After about 3 minutes,the door swings open.
“This room looks pretty normal,”I say.
“Remember the last room,”Lilac says.
“Oh yeah,”In the room there is a couch, a TV,and a coffee table with a few books piled on top.All of a sudden,the lights turn off,and the TV starts to play a movie.
Chapter 14
“What’s happening?”Autumn asks.
“I really don’t know,”I say,frantically.I fumble around for the light switch,and flip the lights back on.
“huh,”Autumn gasps.
“what!”I say,hoping she found a clue.
“They have “the realm of glory”here!”
“huh?”I ask.
“ “the realm of glory” only the best book series ever!”
“okay,”I say.Autumn flips open the book
“Autumn,we don't have time to read.we need to look for clues!”I say
“Yeah,but I just found a clue!”
“Wait what!”I shout.
“yeah,look.”She shows me a piece of paper.It says:
Dear Lilac and Autumn,
I’m surprised you made it this far.I thought you’d be trapped by the 1st room.Now things are getting a bit more fun(for me).You will have to find clues to unlock the last door where your surprise will wait.You will be allowed in either room.However,the key will not be in either room and you will have to summon it by unscrambling all the words to do so.
Here is your clue to what the words will unscramble to:
Outside is where you’ll find me,on any normal day,If I go inside it’s not for long for I will shine again.
You will have 1 hour to complete this challenge.If you fail,not only will you be stuck down here forever,but you will be separated.You will not get food or water.There are 3 letters in each room.Good luck.You’ll need it more than ever.
-The Mystery Man
“You read the note,let’s get moving!”Autumn yells.
“I’ll go in the next room,you can stay in one.”I say.
“Sounds good,”Autumn replies.I head into the next room.This room looks like an art gallery.There are paintings covering three of the walls,and on the fourth one,there is an easel.The easel has a blank canvas on it.Wait a second.I could have sworn that canvas was blank.The canvas now has a blue streak across the middle.Now it has a yellow streak,What.Is.Happening.
I dig through the couch cushions,feeling around for anything.So far i’ve found a chip bag,3 pennies,a half eaten grilled cheese,and a shovel.I wonder how Lilac is doing.
“Autumn,I found the first letter!”That answers my question.
“Great,what is it?
“U,”She shouts back at me.
“Cool,you only have to find two more,”
“Yep,but keep looking,”She yells.I move on from the couch,and move over to the stand the TV is sitting on.I bend down,and look through the DVDs.I look inside all the disks.Just when i’ve looked through every one,I give up looking there.I scan the room for anything odd.I see a salt shaker behind the door.This place is crazy.I flutter over to it and open it.
“A letter!”I shout.
“Great,what does it say!”Lilac yells back.
“H,”I reply.
“Four letters to go!”Lilac screams.
“yep,”I respond.I continue searching the room,when I remember the coffee table.I fly over and dig through the small basket on top of it.I find a locked box.I shake it,to see what’s inside.It sounds like a clue.I fumble over to the couch and reach my hands in between the cushions.I pull out a piece of hardened gum.Disgusting.I feel around again and pull out...A key!I grab the box and unlock it.Another letter!
“Lilac,I just found T,”
“Well don’t drink it!”she shouts.
“No,the letter T,”I say giggling.
“Is it a clue?”
“Yes!”I yell.
“Oh well I just found one too.It’s the letter N,”
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I Dedicate this book to my family,friends,my pets and anybody else who wants to say they have a book dedicated to them.

Part 1:
Hi my name is Lilac Jones.When I was younger I actually believed I was a fairy.I know it’s crazy but I don’t believe that anymore.
But sometimes strange things happen to me.For example I always feel like somebody's watching me.
Sometimes people are watching me but other times my door is shut and my blinds are closed.Sometimes I feel like I am going insane.
Chapter 1
The sun was shining,birds were chirping.
“Good morning world,”I say.
I open my eyes.
“Ahhhhhhhhh!”I scream.
“I scar you,”my little sister says.
“Good morning Lily what's for breakfast”I say.
“Froot,Froot,Froot!”She says.
She pulls me out of bed and drags me through our endless halls(we live in a mansion)until we finally end up in the dining room.
Each of my four siblings is sitting at the table with a bowl.My youngest brother Liam is chanting:,food,food I want food!I have many annoying siblings.Layla is the oldest and she is 17.Leo is the second oldest and he is really annoying.After me there's Liam who is demanding and is always barging into my room without permission.And Lily is the youngest.She is Three but she acts like a one year old.Another strange thing about us is our birthdays.My mom was born in January,My Dad was born in February,Layla was born in March,Leo was born in April,I was born in May,Liam was born in June,and Lily was born in July.
Now back to the story.When we had finished breakfast I went up to my room and worked on a story I had to write for school.This is what i have so far:
Once there was a
I'm not doing to good!
Anyways i'm going to eat lunch.
- END >
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