I dedicate this book to my family for supporting my through writing it! My mom and dad for helping me so much (I love you guys more then anything), my big brother Justin, and my little sister Alayna! I also dedicate this book to my friends for reading and editing it! Also i dedicate this book to the UNCG coaches for helping me!

Prologue/ 2010
Daisy: This isn't what I planned my summer to be like at all.
Jaxon: This isn't what I expected my summer to be like.
Liza: I just got invited to spend a week with my BFF and her brother. I didn't think it would end up like this.
Bryan: I was excited to hang out with Jaxon, I didn't think it would lead us to a prodigious wood.
None of them expected the trip to lead them to a huge wood, but....IT DID.
Chapter 1- 1-year earlier 2009
Daisy Carson: I cannot concentrate on anything right now, it's two minutes before the bell rings. My twin brother, Jaxon, and I have to go down to our dad's hotel for a week which is usually so boring. However, this year we get to bring a friend each with us!!!! I chose Liza! We have been best friends since we were like 3 months old. We know each other like sisters and since she has known me so long, she also knows my brother like it's her own.
Anyway, we are all so excited. One minute until the bell. Liza is riding to the hotel with us and so is my brother's friend.
RINNNGGG!!!! Yes, finally there was the bell. Dad is supposed to be waiting for the four of us outside in the parking lot. Hopefully we all fit in his
tiny car. If you are wondering where our mom is - she is also going on a business trip - but out of the state. I grab my book bag and leave the classroom and try to push past all the people in the halls. I finally reach my locker and grab my stuff from it. I start making my way to the parking lot where we are all going to meet. I am so excited!!
Liza Waters: I am trying to make my way through the hall to get outside but there are so many people at the end of the day trying to leave. It's Friday and the start of summer break so everybody is running to try to get out of the school as quick as they can. By the way I go to Dogwood Tree Elementary School. It is a really nice school, it is also my last year here. I am in 5th grade. We all are. Finally, I get outside, and Daisy, Jaxon, and Bryan are
already out there. I hate being last. We all squeeze in the backseat of the car. I am surprised we all fit! Daisy and Jaxon's dad is up front. He has a suit on and his briefcase in the passenger seat. He turns the radio on, and we start driving.
Our suitcases are in the trunk, I didn't know what to bring for clothes because I didn't know if the hotel was fancy or something, but I just decided on shorts and a few fancier skirts. Daisy usually wears dresses and she has on a navy blue one on right know with a floral design. She has her dirty blond hair pulled up into a french braid. Jaxon has the same hair color as her. Bryan has brown hair like me.
The boys are in shorts and a tee shirt. I am wearing light blue shorts and a shirt. One good thing about this vacation is that I get a break from my younger sister. She is in 1st grade and is 6 years old. She is such a pain sometimes!
“Are you guys excited about the trip?" asked Daisy and Jaxon's dad.
“So excited!" I answer, because I am.
Jaxon Carson: Dad's business trips are always so boring! I can't stand them. He has one at his hotel every year. I am the one who convinced dad to let us invite a friend - so you're welcome Daisy. Liza breaks the awkward silence by starting a conversation.
“I could not focus in school today, but good thing it's the last day of school
“Ha, ha Jaxon, thanks a lot! I never could be here with Liza if it weren't for you," says Daisy sarcastically.
“You’re welcome," I say sarcastically also.
Bryan Jones: I am excited about spending a week with Jaxon. I have to be around his sister and Liza, but it will be fine. Besides Liza's ok...I mean she's nice and we have met before and you know it won't be that bad.
“What about you, Bryan?" Liza asks.
“What," I said. I have not been listening to their conversation.
“Could you concentrate today?" asked Liza.
“Oh, yeah it didn't bother me that much. I am not as dramatic as you girls." I said.
“Could you concentrate today?" asked Liza.
“Oh, yeah it didn't bother me that much. I am not as dramatic as you girls." I said.
“We are not dramatic!" Daisy shot back.
“Sure...." Jaxon said sarcastically.
“Alright guys - here we are," said Daisy and Jaxon's dad.
“Finally!" Jaxon says. We get out of his blue sports car and grab our bags from the trunk. I turn around for the first-time and....WOW!!
“WOW!!" Bryan says. Suitcase in my arms I turn around,
and I see what he's talking about.
“That’s the biggest hotel I have ever seen in my life!" I said. It is, it's like ten stories tall, gray, shiny and had polished windows. It also had white polished stairs. I was a little worried I had underdressed. Daisy and Jaxon just started walking up the stairs like it was nothing important or that it wasn't prodigious. But they had been here like six years in a row - so I get it. I followed the rest of them, and we walked inside.
Chapter 2 -2009
Daisy: We walked inside the hotel and I could tell by the look on their faces it was one of the coolest things they have ever seen. That's how me and Jaxon felt the first time we saw the hotel. Anyway, me and Liza get to share our own room. Jaxon and Bryan share a room and our dad has his own. Right now, the four of us are in the lobby talking to dad.
"Can we please go outside just for an hour or two.... or three?" Jaxon pleaded.
"Yeah, please Mr. Carson!?" Bryan added. By the way our last name is Carson, so Daisy Rose Carson is my full name. Liza's full name is Liza Elise Waters.

"Oh fine, you can go outside and venture until dinner which is 7:00pm sharp," Dad said.
"Thanks Dad," I said.
"You're welcome honey," Dad said.
"Oh, remember this, don't go out too far in the woods," and with that he gave me and Jaxon a hug and we headed outside. We pushed open the heavy door and ran outside - the warm air blowing on our face. I had changed out of my dress and into a skirt which was pink and a tee shirt which was navy blue. I could already tell this was going to be the best week ever.
Liza: OMG!! The hotel was even better on the inside! There are red velvet couches and the walls were also a shiny gray on the inside.
There are red velvet couches and the walls were also a shiny gray on the inside. I get to share a room with Daisy which is great!! The boys convinced Mr. Carson to
let us go outside until dinner. Right now, we are in the woods - in fact deep in the woods. It does feel great outside though.
"Guys, don't you think we are out kind of far? Mr. Carson told us not to go out this far." I say.
"She's right guys," Daisy says.
"Don't be party poopers guys - we are fine...just a little farther." Jaxon says. A little bit later we approach a huge mansion that looks like it has been painted black."Guys we are definitely out to far!!" I kind of yell.
"Yeah we need to turn back!! It's probably almost time for
dinner and Liza has a point!!!!" Daisy yelled. It was getting darker by the minute and the trees were getting denser. What was said next is what changes the story FOREVER.
Bryan: Once we finally got there everything has been going fine. I have figured out me and Jaxon had our own room and that we get to go to some big buffet dinner tonight - which is awesome. Right now, we are in the woods past where we are supposed to be. I know that because a see a mansion in the middle of the woods.
"Guys do see that big mansion?" I asked. Everybody looked that direction.
"Yeah," Liza answered.
"Well I bet you girls are too scared to go up and even touch the front porch," I said. I don't know why I said this -I just wanted to see if they were brave enough to do it.
Liza: I was going to show Bryan I could do it; I knew I could. I walked up to the front porch. The windows were dusty, so I assumed nobody lived there. Right as I walked up the steps, I decided I should go and touch the front door just to prove a point. So, I walked up to the door raised my hand to knock and all the sudden....
Chapter 3- 2009
"Wait for me," I ran up the steps freaked out by all the cobwebs. All the sudden I felt boiled up by Bryan's words and felt the need to touch the door also.
"Ok, ready?" Liza said, " Go!" We knocked lightly once and the doors swung open making my hair flap around and Liza's fly everywhere since it was down, and it was long.
"What just happened?" Liza said.
"Come on let’s go in," Bryan said.
"Are you crazy!!" Daisy squealed.
"No, I’m not," Bryan said casually. He stomped up the steps to where me and Liza where. The only one who wasn't up there beside us was Jaxon.
"Come on man," Bryan said.
"Fine," Jaxon said. He came up the steps onto the porch and was now standing beside us.
"Doesn’t this look like it was just painted black?" Liza said.
"Yeah it does," I said.
"Who cares I am still going in," said Bryan confidently.
"No, you can't!! We have to be back in time for dinner, and we are technically trespassing!!" I yell.
"Well we also can't just stand here talking all day!" Bryan yelled back. What happened next is what started it all, WHAT CHANGED THE TRIP!!!!
Bryan: I walked straight through the doors inside. I don't know why...maybe to impress Liza, I don't know. The doors opened on their own which is crazy!! The house does look like it is painted black. What I could see from the doorway was a long hall with lots of closed doors...I mean lots. There was a spiral staircase with a black iron handle and iron vines meeting up to the bottom of the handle.
“Well what are we waiting for?” I say. I take a step inside the house a small step that is.
“We can’t go in there! Come on guys this is crazy!!” Daisy says. I don’t know why but I do. I walk farther into the house. It is dark and all the bulbs are gone.
“Come on man just go in a little farther,” Jaxon says.
“Guys this isn’t supposed to be a joke we could get in trouble for this,” Liza says. Then Jaxon walks in the house beside me.
“Jaxon!! Why, why! “Daisy says.
“Look all I want to do is take a look around the house and then we can all leave.” I say. That was the worst idea of all time.
Liza: I don’t understand why Jaxon and Bryan had to go inside those doors...it’s a stupid idea. We are technically trespassing.
“Please it will make this vacation awesome, I will pay you back somehow.” Bryan promised.
“Fine,” Daisy says.
“What, Daisy?” I say concerned.
“It won’t hurt, guys make this snappy.” Daisy says. Daisy takes a step inside and I have no choice but to follow her inside. Then all of the sudden. SLAM! That was the door!!!!
“Guys the door!!” I say. Bryan runs over to the door and tugs on it, but it won’t open.
“It won’t budge!” Bryan says.
“Let me try” Jaxon says. He runs over and pulls on the door and once again it won’t budge.
“Ah ha,” Jaxon says.
“What?” I ask.
“I found it out,” Jaxon says.
“What out?” I say.
“WE ARE LOCKED IN!!!!” Jaxon says. Then I noticed something on a semi-circle table pushed against the wall, there was a note laying on the table.
“Guys look!” I say.
“It’s a note,” Daisy says.
“What does it say” Bryan asks.
“Well we have to read it to find that out, duh” I say. I pick it up and they huddle around me we all read the note in our heads. We are all shocked by this note I can tell by the look on Daisy’s face she might faint.
The only way you will ever escape is to find the 13 keys hidden all over this place, each one rests in its very own space.
The note looked a little burned around the edges. It was a strange note.
“I am too young to die I am only 11!!” Daisy screamed dramatically.
“We are all only 11,” Jaxon says.
“Look Daisy calm down; we can split up in two and find the 13 keys as quick as
we can and get out of here fast.” I say. I hope my plan worked.
“I will be with Liza!” I say not thinking about my words.
“Uh. ok,” Jaxon says.
“I mean since you probably want to go with your sister,” I say trying to save myself.
Jaxon: We split up and I am walking down the hall with my sister and I am starting to worry we are not going to make it out alive. The hallway is so long you can’t see the end of it. We we’re walking in an awkward silence when Daisy said something. “I wonder how long it will take us to get out of this place,” Daisy says.
“Who knows,” I say.
“Well at least we have a clue, do you think someone locked us in here or like why are we stuck?” Daisy asks. We came up to the first door and the paint was peeling off.
“Should we go in?” Daisy asks.
“Well I would think so if I read the clue right,” I say.
“Here,” Daisy pulls the clue out of her pocket. “Yeah we read it right.” She says as she puts it back in her pocket. We open the door and.....
Chapter 4 -2009
Daisy: I am speechless at what we see inside, there is no light in the room whatsoever, the curtains are drawn, and it looks like it is a bedroom. There looks like there is somebody or something in the bed, I can’t really make out for sure what it is.
“Now what?” Jaxon whispers to me.
“Do you see a key anywhere? I think we are supposed to find one and take it. You know like collect them.” I say.
“Oh, ok let’s look quietly and see if we can find one, I don’t want to wake up that thing.” Jaxon says. We creep farther in the room trying to see in the darkness, but it is nearly impossible.
“Here it is I found it,” Jaxon says and points to a silver key laying on the dresser.
“That was easy, we will be out of this house in no time.” I say.
“JJJaaaazzzzoonnn!!!!” Says something else in the room.
“What the heck was that? OMG!!!! JAXON LOOK OUT!!!!” I say, because right be hide Jaxon is what was in the bed.
Bryan: I think I made it way to obvious that I wanted to be teamed up with Liza, but she will eventually find out I like her probably. We are walking down a very long hallway. There were 2 hallways that were visible when we walked in the house, Daisy and Jaxon took one and me and Liza are taking
the other.
“So, what do think. or how do you.” Liza says.
“How do I think we will find the keys?” I say.
“Yeah, that.” Liza replies.
“Well I don’t know, but I assume we will just see them, grab them, and get out. If it’s that simple I guess.” I say. Jaxon says to meet back up in the front of the house in an hour and to bring any keys we found with us. We approach a door.
“Should we go in?” I ask out loud. The door is gray and looks like a thousand spider families call it home.
"What other choice do we have,” Liza says. Before we can push it open it opens on its own, which was kind of nice because I didn’t want to have to touch it. It is dark in the room; I am not sure what purpose this room is supposed to have.
“I don’t see anybody in here so that’s good,” Liza says.
“I think this was an old kitchen,” I say.
“Hey look! There’s the key!!!!” Liza shouts way to loudly. I run over and grab it; I have to jump to reach it because it is on the top self against the wall.
“That was suspiciously easy,” I state. I jinxed myself because just
then the pantry doors flew open and.....
Jaxon: I look behind me as Daisy says to watch out, and there is a doll bigger than me with her hand out trying to grab my neck. How the heck does that thing know my name. I duck, and grab Daisy’s hand and start running towards the door. The doll follows.
“Heelllllldaaa won’t like that,” the doll says. We make it to the door just in time, we shut the door and trap the doll inside.
“AAHHHHHH!!!!! I ALMOST JUST DIED!!!!” Daisy screams.
“Who do you think Hellda is?” I ask.
TALKING ABOUT!!!!” Daisy screams back.
“I DROPPED THE KEY!!!!” I say.
“JAXON, you...” Daisy says, but I interrupt her.
“I am just kidding, cool out.” I say.
“It’s not very FUNNY!!!!” Daisy says.
“Ok sorry. Know where’s the next room?” Jaxon says.
“NO, I AM DONE HERE!!!!” Daisy says.
“It’s our only chance of getting out of here,” I say.
“Fine,” Daisy said sadly and quietly. So, they walked up to the next
door and themselves for whatever was waiting for them inside.
Liza: We were in an old kitchen looking for a key. When we spotted it and then Bryan jinxed us. The pantry doors flew open and a Grimm Reaper came out and started chasing us.
“RUN!!!!” I say. We run for the door but of course I trip on a rusted old frying pan laying in the middle if the floor.
“BRYAN!!” I call. He turns around and sees me laying on the floor and comes over. The Grimm Reaper is now like 5 feet behind us.
“I got you,” Bryan says, he helps me up. We are running and he grabs
my hand, like holds my hand. I knew there was something up with him when he is around me. We reach the door, the key still in Bryans other hand, and we are back in the hallway. We slam the door and catch our breaths. When the Reaper's ax comes through the door just above our heads.
“AHH!!!” I scream. Bryan pulls me to the opposite wall in the hallway.
“We need to get in another room to get away from this thing, come on.” Bryan says, we run down the wall and approach the next
door. We are still holding hands.
“Thanks for saving me in there,” I say. Then I lean over and give him a kiss on the check. He blushes like crazy; his checks are the color of the dark red door in front of us.
“You're welcome,” he says, looking right at me. We push open the door and walk inside.
Chapter 5 -2009
Daisy: I really want to leave this place, but we can’t because we have to find the 13 keys and all that stupid stuff. So here we are standing in front of another door, this door is dark blue. We go in. I don’t know what this room was supposed to be, but the room is painted teal, it is currently completely empty.
“Well, here we go.” Jaxon says as we walk farther into the room. The room is actually not that dark.
“So where will the key be this time?” Jaxon says sarcastically. I already
spot it.
“There it is, I will get it.” I say. I run over and grab it.
“Ok now let’s get out of here,” Jaxon says. We start walking to the door.
“Do you hear that? It sounds like water running somewhere.” I say. Just then holes poke through the walls and the door is guarded by a metal wall.
“What’s happening?” Jaxon asks. Just then water starts gushing through the holes in the walls. The room starts filling up with water.
We are ankle deep in water know.
“Jaxon!!!! I can’t swim!!!!” I yell.
We walk into the room after Liza KISSED ME!! I am very excited! I think this is the only room in this whole place that actually has light. It is actually nice in here the walls are a gold color and there is red velvet furniture like chairs, couches, and loveseats. All the sudden are clothes transform to fancy outfits. I am wearing a tuxedo and Liza is wearing a sky-blue ball gown. The look of amazement on Liza’s face is priceless.
Then randomly music starts playing and the lights dim, it seems to be romance music. So, I decide to do what only makes since.
“May we dance, you know while we are waiting to make sure the coast is clear?” I ask.
“Why certainly,” Liza says playfully. I place my hand on her side and we fix our arms to dance like they do in the old movies. We start swaying to the music. Liza smiles at me, I feel surprisingly happy right now. We dance, dance, dance, and dance. Then all the sudden Liza stops dancing and looks at me in the eyes. She leans in for a kiss, I can tell because she is already closing her eyes. Our lips touch, but only for a minute because
all the sudden the lights go off and the music stops, and our clothes transform back.
I knew there had to be a downside to this amazing room. Then the floor starts shaking and I know there must be something wrong.
Jaxon: I know Daisy can’t swim and that’s why I am worried. The water is now at our chins and we can barely touch the bottom the room is filling up quicker and quicker.
“Jaxon this is all your fault!!!!” Daisy yells.
“Really, why?!!!” I scream back, it is hard to hear with all the rushing
water and hard to think.
“Because if you hadn’t gone out too far in the woods or walked inside this place, we wouldn’t be here!!!!” Daisy screams.
“Yeah just blame it on me!!!!” I say sarcastically. The water is now reaching our noses so we tilt our chins up to the celling so we can breathe. I decide to go under the water and see if I can find I way to make this stop. I take a deep breath and dive under.
“JAXON!!!!!!” I hear Daisy say, although it is muffled because of the water. I can see pretty good the water is pretty clear, although I don’t know where it came from. I see a plug on the floor below us. I come back
up for air and quickly go back under, I swim down to the bottom and reach for a metal chain attached to the plug and pull it. There is a drain that was being blocked by the plug but is now open. Water instantly starts quickly draining and the water stops coming through the holes in the walls. I swim up to surface and take a big gasp of air. I did it! I saved us. The water is ankle deep know. Now it’s gone all the way. We sit down on the bottom of the floor and I realize Daisy still has the key in her hand. The metal wall in front of the door lifts up and we can once again see the actual door. I grab Daisy and pull her into a hug, we just sit there
hugging each other for a while.
Liza: The best and worst things just happened to me. The best: I just kiss kissed a boy. The worst: It ended before we were ready for it to be over. Now here we are standing in the dark and the floor is shaking underneath us.
“Now what?” I ask.
“We run out of here before we get killed,” Bryan replies. He grabs my hand this time and we bolt for the door. I stop once we reach it.
“What about the key?” I ask out loud. We scan the room quickly and I can tell Bryan has spotted it.
“Wait here,” Bryan says. He runs and grabs the key, it is tucked away
in the back-right corner of the room, then comes dashing back towards the door which I have opened and am standing outside of. He runs back just in time because just when he gets outside the room the floor caves inside. We shut the door and stare at each other.
“Want to go into the next room?” Bryan asks.
“Why not,” I say, and we start walking down the hallway hand in hand and approach the next door.
Chapter 6 -2009
Daisy: We are still sitting on the floor in a hug when Jaxon breaks the silence.
“We should probably meet up at the front door with Bryan and Liza, even though it is way past our scheduled time.” Jaxon says.
“But we are so far down the hall and we are making decent time!” I say.
“Yeah, but...” Jaxon begins to say, but I cut him off.
“Jaxon, I have had it! First, you bring us to this crazy place get us stuck! And... wait, dad told us something you know! Not to go out too far in the
woods remember?” I ask.
“Huh, oh yeah I wasn’t listening at all.” Jaxon says proudly.
“That means dad must have known about this place before we even got here today, possibly since he even opened the hotel.” I say realizing so much at once.
“You're right!” Jaxon says.
“Well we have talked for a while now so what next?” I ask.
“I think we should go to the next room, because the sooner we get all 13 keys the faster we can hopefully escape from this crazy place.” Jaxon says.
“Ok I guess that makes since, well come on.” I say, unwrapping my arms from his. I stand up and so does he, we exit the room and walk down the hall to the next door and approach it.
Bryan: That was crazy I got the key and made it out alive!!!! Plus, Liza for sure likes me now!! Even though today is an insane day, it is also an amazing day, even though I have almost died like 50 times. The door to the next room is painted gray, and it looks like a fresh layer of paint. We know by now not to waste our energy knocking so we just wait for the door to open on its own, about 30 seconds later it opens without us even having to separate hands. It is dark inside (no
surprise). We walk a few steps inside.
“I think this is a bedroom, you know because there is a bed.” I whisper.
“Yeah, do you see the key?” Liza whispers back.
“Over there on the nightstand,” I say.
“Ok let me go grab it really quick,” I say.
“Ok,” Liza says. But we all know it won’t be that easy!
Jaxon: I can’t believe what just happened, I saved my sister's life. This door we are standing in front of has neon blue paint, my favorite color. I know that whatever is inside won’t be good because you always think it
will be easy to collect the key but IT’S NOT!!!! We open the door and it is cool inside there is a pool table and board games set up everywhere.
“I think this is a game room,” I say to Daisy.
“Really I never would have guessed,” she says sarcastically.
“Where is the key?” I ask.
“How on earth would I know?” Daisy said extremely annoyed.
“Hey, we have some time. Want to play pool?” I ask, purposely trying to annoy Daisy.
“You know what I am just going to wait outside you are driving me insane!!!!” Daisy yells. She storms out of the room. That did not go how I
planned. I just keep looking around for the key, I approach the pool table when......
Liza: We are in the next room which is a bedroom and Bryan is “tiptoeing” to the nightstand to get the key. He reaches his hand out when we hear a strange noise. It’s a cackle like the kind a witch makes. I spin around and see a huge ugly witch like the ones from any kids’ worst nightmares.
“B....B....B... Bryan,” I sputter.
“Yeah?” He says. Then he turns around and sees what I am talking about.
"RUN!!!!” He adds. He grabs my hand and dashes towards the door.
The witch cackles again.
"You will never escape this mansion at least not ALIVEEEEEEE!!!!!!” the witch screams.We reach the door and slam it behind us.
“BRYANNNN TH KEY!!!!!!!” I scream once we are out in the hallway because I realize we don’t have the key!!!!
“It’s right here so don’t worry, I got you girl,” Bryan says.
"Bryan, way to cringey! Thanks though!" I say.
Chapter 7 -2009
“DAISY!!!!” Jaxon screams. He is so needy. I walk back in the room and can’t believe what I am seeing. The pool stick is floating in the air, it bends down and hits the white ball.
“Wh... wh.... what the?” I say. I don’t know what the heck is happening. I don’t know what to do so I just stand there, and I don’t let myself move an inch. There are so many creepy things that have happened to me I don’t even know what to think.
“Jaxon, have you found the key yet?” I ask.
“Jaxon, have you found the key yet?” I ask.
“It’s floating right next to the pool stick, see it?” Jaxon asks.
“Oh yeah,” I say, I just realized that was there. This time I want to be the one who grabs the key and “saves the day”, so I slowly walk over to where the key is. Once I am up close, I realize that whatever this thing is it looks like it kind of has a face. The pool stick turns towards me and I realize it is a ghost that is holding the stick, and the KEY!! I get up enough courage this time, so I walk quickly towards the ghost yank the key out of his key and dash towards the door. Jaxon gets the hint and follows me out the door.
“That room wasn’t that bad,” I say.
“Yeah, it wasn’t, well let’s stick to the plan and go to the next room.” Jaxon says.
“Ok, sounds fine to me,” I say. We walk down the hall and the next door is painted white. We push the door open and go inside. Oh my gosh!!!!
Bryan: That last room was weird with the witch and all that stuff, but we got the key and are alive currently so that’s good. The next door we are in front of is painted brown. The door opens up on its own and I am surprised at what I see inside, there are couches and loveseats and
long it is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is all the food you could ever imagine!!!!
“Water!!!! FINALLY!!!!!” Daisy screams. We run over to the fancy glasses that are filled with water. Daisy picks one up and gulps a huge sip of water. I am about to take sip when I hear Daisy’s glass shatter on the ground, I turn around and she is laying on the floor!!!!!! I drop my glass and it busts.
“DAISY!!!!!!!!” I scream. The wooden floorboards open up, and she falls through!!!!Then they close shut after her!!!!
“NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” I scream and wish that my sister will be ok. Now
comfy looking chairs. Although the strangest thing of all is the humongous fireplace, that’s not what’s weird though, what’s weird is that the fireplace has a fire already lit.
“I need to sit down for a minute if that’s fine with you?” Liza asks.
“Sure,” I say. We sit down on the loveseat together. I start to drift off and so does Liza. I see the key laying on the cushion beside me, so I pick it up and put it in my pocket. Then I drift off to sleep.
Jaxon: I am so happy to see what I see; we’ve hit the jackpot of the dining room!!!!!!!!! There is a huge dining room table that is so
Liza: Me and Bryan are in what I am guessing is a living room, we are sitting on the loveseat. I just woke up I don’t know how long I have been asleep, but the last thing I remember happening is we walked in here and we fell asleep. I should probably wake up Bryan so we can move on with collecting the keys, so I sit up from the position I fell asleep in (which was Bryan's arm around my shoulders). I tap Bryan on the arm, he moves a little but then he goes back to being still.
“Bryan,” I whisper. His eyes open and he stretches.
“Oh hey, Liza,” He says while yawning.
“Do you have the key?” I ask.
“Yeah,” Bryan replies.
“Ok, well do you want to go know?” I ask.
“Sure sounds good,” He says. He gets up so slow, I think he is part sloth. I hear a faint sound but I can’t tell what it is though. Bryan is halfway up when he sits back down.
“Bryan!! Do you hear that?” I ask.
“Huh..oh, that little tapping sound?” He asks.
“Yeah,” I say.
“OH NO!” Bryan says. “What?” I ask.
“That is not a good sign? Whenever we hear a noise something bad always happens next,” he says. Right after he says that. Tarantulas start crawling out of the fireplace and I mean by the thousands, no joke here!!
“What now?” I whisper to Bryan.
“Don’t move or make a sound,” he whispers back.
“What is that going to do?” I ask quietly.
“I don’t know just do it, please?” he says.
“Ok,” I say. I stay as still as I can. More and more start coming out of the fireplace.
I really don’t understand how this is supposed to help the situation. They are getting very close to us now, then one comes and starts crawling on my shoe. I can NOT handle this!
“BRYAN!!!!!!” I scream, because one of them is now crawling farther up my leg! The tarantulas are crawling everywhere, but as soon as I screamed they all stopped moving at once. Then they all start moving towards me, I see why Bryan told me to not make a sound. I do not want to die from toxic spiders!!!!!!!!
“YOU STAAAYYYY HHHHEEERRRREEE,” the doll says very creepily.
“Ok,” I say quietly. She shuts the door behind me, and it locks closed. She walks back off the key in her cold white porcelain hand. I turn around and face the other people in the cell.
“Umm hey?” I say awkwardly. They don’t answer they just stare, so I try again.
“I’m Daisy Carson,” I say. Why won’t they talk?
“Hi, I am Dawson Mills.” says Dawson.
“I am his twin sister Lilly Mills,” Lilly says.
8 2009
I don’t know what just happened, all I know is that I drank what I thought was water and then I fell through the floorboards. I am now surrounded by a very creepy doll; in fact, it is the doll that was talking about HELLDA!!!!!!! She is really creepy up close, she has an evil looking smile, black wavy hair, a raggedy grey dress, and very creepy dark eyes. She lifts out her cold porcelain hands and pushes me back into the corner into a cell that kind of looks like a jail cell. OMG!!!! There are other kids in here also!!!!
“Twins, how old are you guys?” I ask.
“We're 11,” says Dawson.
“Same here. Oh, a might as well tell you that umm, I have a twin brother named Jaxon Carson.” I say.
“Does he look kind of like you?” Lilly ask dreamily.
“Uh, yeah.” I reply. She definitely has a crush on my brother and she hasn’t even meet him, she is making a big mistake!!!
“Umm how did you get down here?” Dawson asks.
“Good question, well I drank what I thought was water but it must
have had something in it because I fell on the ground. Then weirdly the floorboards opened up and I fell through. Where am I exactly? Also how did you guys get here?” I ask.
“We are in the basement currently and we got here the same way except we both drank the “water” and both fell through the floor.” Dawson says. “Wow, you are so pretty,” he adds under his breath, although I totally heard that.
“What?” I say.
“Nothing,” he says quickly. Well looks like I have somebody who likes me too. He is kind of cute, he has dark brown hair and bright blue eyes.
His sister looks just like him except her hair is long, and she is wearing it down. I know Jaxon would think she is cute.
“Where is your brother anyway?” Lilly asks.
“Oh, my brother well he is...wait, where is he? JAXXOOONNNNN!!!!!!!!” I scream.
All I know is that I fell asleep and then I woke up and here I am covered in tarantulas! Liza screamed my name and now they are all going towards her, I have to save her. There are no objects in the room to scrape them off with so I pull out the key and walk up to her. I am pretty
sure I am so scared my green eyes are so wide right now it is insane; I know that Liza’s brown eyes are. I have the key in my hand and I start scraping them off of her.
“Thank you,” Liza mouths to me. “Ur welcome,” I mouth back. There are only a few tarantulas left, now the thing is I knock them off but that is just putting them on the floor again. I get them all off her and we run towards the door, we run out and shut it after us. Liza hugs me so hard I don’t know if I can breathe but I decide to just do what I want and I hug her back.
“Umm... where are you keeping all the keys?” Liza asks while laughing.
“Oh those, me and Jaxon said we should keep the keys in our pockets, but I’m running out of room.” I say.
“Well do you have a purse?” Liza jokes.
“No, seriously do you have a bag or something? If I put one more key in my pocket my pants will probably get to heavy and fall down!” I say laughing. Just then a bag appears out of nowhere just floating in the air I grab it and put the keys in the bag. We walk up to the next door; this door is red we go inside and whoa!!!!!!!!!!
Jaxon: I can’t believe it, I just can’t. Daisy she’s gone! Through the floorboards!!! What will I tell dad: “We found a haunted mansion but
then Daisy drank some weird water, then fell through the floorboard and went missing,” cause that’s so normal.
“DAISY!!!!!!!!” I scream, I can’t take it I fall on the floor with my hands on my head, I can feel tears building in the corner of my eyes. Wait I can just go with Bryan and Liza and tell them Daisy is missing. I walk out of the room and start walking towards the front of the house, when out of the corner of my eye I see something shiny.
I stop and go towards it; it is near the door I just came out of. I bend down and I notice it is a really pretty gold detailed key, I hear Daisy in my head talking about how pretty it is. For Daisy and only for Daisy I
will continue. I pick up the key and realize my pockets are full, and apparently my pants are heavy because right then they fall down.
“AHHHHH!” I scream, I reach down and yank them back up. Then I bag apereas in midair a grab it and put the keys in it. I think I should keep going besides me and Bryan agreed that since 13 is an odd number I will get 7/13 keys and he will get 6/13 keys. I have only gotten 5 keys anyway so only 2 more. approach the next unknown door, but this time without Daisy.
Liza: Bryan saved my life once again he is awesome! There is a bright red door in front of our faces, it opens and I can’t believe it is a movie
theater!!!!!! A movie is playing and I am guessing it is a romance movie there are two characters eating dinner by candlelight. There are black leather chairs two rows of them. Bryan plops down in one of the chairs, I sit down in the chair beside him he puts his arm around me. Wow these recline!!!!
“Now what?” I ask.
“Well let’s just sit here and wait out the spiders,” Bryan says.
“Ok,” I say, and we start watching the movie. It gets to a part in the movie and the characters kiss I look at Bryan, he looks at me. He knows what’s about to happen, so do I it’s happened to us before. I close my
eyes and lean towards him, last kiss got messed up this one WON’T!!!! We are about a centimeter apart. Our lips touch, then I hear I noise I pull out of the kiss when its barely started. We are still really close face to face when......
9 2009
Daisy: I AM FREAKING OUT!!!!!!
“Daisy, it will be ok.” Dawson says.
“We will get out of here together!” Dawson says. Wow he really is nice! Also, really cute.
“Well what’s our plan to get out?” I ask.
“Well that doll is our problem right now, if we get past her then the coast is clear, but it’s not as easy as it sounds.” Dawson says.
“Yeah we have tried many times and the plans never work,” Lilly
says. Well that’s just great I’ll be stuck down here forever.
“How long have you guys been down here anyway?” I ask again.
“We got trapped down here last year,” Dawson replies.
“Why were you guys here in the first place?” I ask.
“Our family was staying in The Carson Hotel the one your dad owns and we were going in the woods to take a picnic and a hike, but Dawson and I got lost from our parents, then it started to storm. So we had to find shelter to hide out the storm, then we saw the mansion. We knocked but then the doors opened on their own, so we went inside but then the doors closed behind us.” Lilly explains. Wow I guess me, Jaxon,
Bryan, and Liza aren’t the only ones who went through this.
“Wait, did you guys see some note about 13 keys and stuff like that?” I ask.
“Yeah, we did we thought it was a curse so we burned in the fireplace in the living room, it turned to ashes but later we saw it back on the table just burned around the edges.” Dawson says. OMG!!! That’s why it is burned, wait.
“This note right here right?” I ask while pulling the note we found out of my pocket.
“Yeah!” Dawson and Lilly say at the same time.
“Guys, I have a plan.” Dawson whispers.
Bryan: Another kiss another interruption. This time we were in a movie theater and a romantic movie was on, we got to a scene in the movie where the characters kissed so that gave Liza an idea. I went with it, but now she pulled away because she heard a noise. So here we are me awkwardly staring at her, she is looking around frantically.
“I think the coast is clear,” I say, leaning towards her.
“You know what you’re right,” she says. We resume, but then something talks.
“NOO KIISSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! YOOUUU WIILLL BEEEEEEE DEEAAADDD SSOOOOONNNN!!!!!!” something says. We pause and look around and see a zombie coming out of the wall! More and more and MORE!!!!!!!!!! They are disgusting looking with blood all over them and there nasty ragged clothes. There are tons, males and females. I glance at Liza.
“Now what?”I mouth to her. She shrugs her shoulders.
“Well that was so helpful babe,”I mouth sarcastically. She giggles. I look around the room and realize they are coming out of every single wall. This is not the way I want US to die!
Jaxon: This door is dark blue I open it up slowly it creaks loudly. YES!!!!!! It’s the BATHROOM! Finally, I have been holding it in for a long time. There is a shower and a toilet, it is nasty in here, there is mildew and mold everywhere. I walk straight to the toilet and use it. Now that I am done, I need to find the key I look around, then all the sudden the shower curtain moves to the side on its own. Oh my gosh!!!!! Somebody has for sure been murdered in that shower there is bloody handprints everywhere. Then the water turns on by itself, please don’t let this be another round of the game room!
That’s when I see it the key floating right under the shower head.
Behind me there are shelves with mildew covering them and there are also a few very old towels that also start floating in the air.
“Oh no!” I say out loud because I realize that the only way for me to get that key is to go into the shower. I take off my sneakers and start stepping into the shower, oh my gosh the water is freezing. The key is very sparkly and right in front of the shower head!! I reach my hands out for it and close my eyes at the same time, but I can’t seem to get it. So I have no choice but to open my eyes!
“OWW MY EYES!!!!!!!! OWWWWWW!!MOMMY!” I scream and regret it, hopefully no one heard! Good news is I got the key!
I have it in my hand and instantly the towels go back on the shelves and the shower turns off (thank goodness). I put my shoes back on but now my feet have blood on them which is dangerous because I don’t know whose blood that is, so I take one of the nasty towels and get the blood off the best I can.
I exit the room and enter the hallway and look around on the floor in case there are any random keys but sadly there is not. I come up to the next room and open the door. Oh no.....
Liza: Of course something went wrong, this time zombies. Now if we want to look on the bright side then the good thing is Bryan called me
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I dedicate this book to my family for supporting my through writing it! My mom and dad for helping me so much (I love you guys more then anything), my big brother Justin, and my little sister Alayna! I also dedicate this book to my friends for reading and editing it! Also i dedicate this book to the UNCG coaches for helping me!

Prologue/ 2010
Daisy: This isn't what I planned my summer to be like at all.
Jaxon: This isn't what I expected my summer to be like.
Liza: I just got invited to spend a week with my BFF and her brother. I didn't think it would end up like this.
Bryan: I was excited to hang out with Jaxon, I didn't think it would lead us to a prodigious wood.
None of them expected the trip to lead them to a huge wood, but....IT DID.
Chapter 1- 1-year earlier 2009
Daisy Carson: I cannot concentrate on anything right now, it's two minutes before the bell rings. My twin brother, Jaxon, and I have to go down to our dad's hotel for a week which is usually so boring. However, this year we get to bring a friend each with us!!!! I chose Liza! We have been best friends since we were like 3 months old. We know each other like sisters and since she has known me so long, she also knows my brother like it's her own.
Anyway, we are all so excited. One minute until the bell. Liza is riding to the hotel with us and so is my brother's friend.
RINNNGGG!!!! Yes, finally there was the bell. Dad is supposed to be waiting for the four of us outside in the parking lot. Hopefully we all fit in his
- END >
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