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My name is Fon. I live in a far
away galaxy not known yet. So
shh! Today I'm going to be your
tour guide for the day. Today you
are going to learn about the Solar

This here next to me is what The Big
Bang would of looked like! This would of
happened about 13.7 BILLION years
ago!! The Big bang is what scientist
believe is what happened to create the
universe. It all started from nothing and
formed into what we call the universe

Next in the time line would be something called
a Solar nebula! This is caused by when a star
explodes. When something like this explodes it
causes a ring to be formed because gravity
implodes on the object. This belt or ring is now
where all of our planets sit.

Fon had to go away for a bit. So I'm here to help
out. The picture next to me, is what I look like. I was
formed about 4.6 billion years ago. I was formed
because when the nebula was done exploding, I
gathered the extra material in the middle and
created myself. If some got close enough to me they
could die from the heat. That is why your mom and
dad always tell you that you should never look me

Sorry about that! Where did I leave off at??? Oh yeah Mercury. Mercury
was created by mainly the same way of the solar system as a whole!
Material was collected together to form a planet. When the planet was
large enough it gained a gravitational pull. This causes it to orbit!
Though scientist believe that over time something must of caused some
of mercury to disappear, because now the crust in much thinner than
the core! Mercury is also considered a terrestrial planet!

This here is Venus. It isn't actually this color in real life. This here is
showing the elevation on Venus. It was created the same way as
Mercury. Over time it collected material and created it's gravitational pull.
Some interesting facts is that it is very similar to the Earth, because of
mass, shape and density. It also was named after the greek god of love.
A cool fact is that the planet is the hottest surface temperature. It is
covered in clouds due to the gasses that are surrounding it. Also it would
set in the east and rise in the west if you were sitting on the Sun!

For everyone reading this, you should know this planet! This is your
home!!! Wow I bet I don't know as much as someone from your
planet so I'm going to let Mr. Smith take this one!
Hello! Earth went through many stages to get where it is now! First it
started collecting material just like the rest. Well then it went into a
face called Hadean. It is called this because during this time Earth was
being boom-bared by meters and other things. This caused the care to
become the flaming hot molten that it is now today! Then comets with
ice were shooting by and got sucked into the earth and caused the
atmosphere to form and allow water vapor to be formed. As more got
sucked in, it cooled the earth's surface and created all the oceans that
we now see today! Then slowly the continents started shaping!

Mars was created the same way as the other planets. After the
Nebula it started to gather smaller particles of material to create it.
Then slowly Mars started to pull in more things by the gravitational
pull, and soon there were meters hitting it. This is what caused all
the craters that are on the planet today! As everything started to
cool it caused the layers to thicken and form to the way that they
are today! Slowly then gases started to get clogged around the
planet and caused an atmosphere to form. This all took place over
100,000 years ago!

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

My name is Fon. I live in a far
away galaxy not known yet. So
shh! Today I'm going to be your
tour guide for the day. Today you
are going to learn about the Solar

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