Dedicated to all those people who are fond of legends

Once upon a time the region around the small village called Murnau was a beautiful landscape
Es war einmal ein Dorf namens Murnau mitten in einer wunderschönen Landschaft
with hills, a lake, small islands in the water
Mitten in den Hügeln lag ein See mit kleinen Inseln und Weideland drum herum.

and much farmland with cattle on the farmers' fields.
Auf den Feldern befanden sich Kühe und Schafe.
But a bit later a captain of a sailing ship made a both interesting and horrifying discovery:
Eines Tages aber machte ein Segler eine interessante wie auch erschreckende Entdeckung:

An evil and hungry lindworm lived on one of the islands in the lake. The following months weren’t good for the farmers that lived in Murnau because the lindworm came to Murnau and gulped 5 to 10 sheep and cows every day.
Auf einer der Inseln lebte ein böser und sehr hungriger Lindwurm. Jeden Tag fraß er 5-10 Schafe und Kühe.

Everybody was hungry, horrified and scared.
Alle waren hungrig und fürchteten sich.

But one day the king decided to send a knight to kill the beast that was terrorizing the village. Everybody thought, that he could do it, everybody actually had hope. But then they saw that the knight couldn’t even give the lindworm a scratch. It just was too fast for him and he died.
Eines Tages beschloss der König einen Ritter zu schicken, der das Ungeheuer töten sollte. Er hatte aber nicht die geringste Chance gegen das Ungetier.

I have an idea!
But then, out of nowhere a small kid, the son of a well-known shoemaker had an idea: He said:
Wie aus dem Nichts tauchte ein kleiner Junge auf, der Sohn eines bekannten Schusters.

Could I have some quicklime?

So he asked the blacksmith if he could have some quicklime and he said yes.
Er fragte den Schmied nach ungelöschtem Kalk.

Then he took a dead sheep, filled it with quicklime and put it back after he had finished.
Er nahm ein totes Schaf, füllte es mit Kalk und legte es wieder auf die Wiese.
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Dedicated to all those people who are fond of legends

Once upon a time the region around the small village called Murnau was a beautiful landscape
Es war einmal ein Dorf namens Murnau mitten in einer wunderschönen Landschaft
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"The lindworm of Murnau"
The book is based on the legend about the dragon which threatened Murnau.
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