especially to my parents and teachers.
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"Five, four, three, two, one, ready or not, here I come!”
Hydrogen Holly dashed around the park trying to find her friends
Carbon Cody, Oxygen Ollie, and Neon Ned.
Hydrogen Holly was the oldest, but the smallest of the friends. She was
also the one who did most of the problem solving. Carbon Cody could exist
in many different forms. This meant he had many allotropes. Oxygen Ollie
was a very important friend and element. Oxygen can combine with many
other elements to make many different molecules. Oxygen Ollie was also
very smart, and he thought everything through. Neon Ned was a very
interesting element that many people enjoyed, and he knew that. But Ned
had begun to cause some problems for his friends...
Fairly quickly, Hydrogen Holly found all of her friends except for Neon

“We give up!” they all shouted.
A small leaf pile quivered. Beams of light began to glisten through
the orange and brown leaves turning them a bright neon yellow. “I am
just too good! My neon-ness is just too superior for you. You just can’t
win. But that's alright because I like winning. Bye guys! See you
tomorrow.” Neon Ned bragged as he walked away.
“Bye Neon Ned, see you tomorrow,” the other three replied, clearly

As Neon Ned walked away, Hydrogen Holly vented her frustrations to
her friends. “I am so fed up with Neon Ned thinking he is better than us.
Just because humans think neon is so awesome is no reason for Neon Ned
to treat us poorly. Yes, Neon is in television sets, signs in stores,
restaurants, and businesses all across the globe. But, Carbon is found in
the lead of our pencils, the gas in our cars, and in plastics such as water
bottles. Oxygen is found in the air you are breathing in right now. Oxygen
is also found in plastic, rocks, and the soil. Life wouldn't even exist without
you, Oxygen Ollie, and plants wouldn't be around without you, Carbon
Cody. I think we should do something about it. We should show Neon Ned
that we can be amazing too.”
“Sounds like a good idea to me, but how will we do it?” asked Carbon
“We are boring elements and Ned Neon is awesome, bright, and fun.
Everybody loves him,” sighed Oxygen Ollie. "And we... we.. we aren't
bright and glow-in-the-dark awesome like him.”

"Everybody notices the bright and amazing neon! Neon Ned's cousins
and siblings are displayed in signs and in restaurants all over the world.
Plus, neon is in T.Vs. Almost everybody watches television. ” Carbon Cody
sounded depressed.
“Cheer up. Let’s sleep on it. We will be sure to think of something,”
Hydrogen Holly replied.
“I guess,” agreed Oxygen Ollie.
“Okay. If you think so,” responded Carbon Cody.
After a long silence, Hydrogen Holly said, “See you tomorrow after
lunch then?”
They all nodded their heads and walked home for the day.

The next morning, Hydrogen Holly woke up from a restless night,
frustrated that she couldn't think of anything to do about Neon Ned's
bragging. Carbon Cody and Oxygen Ollie awoke just as upset. All
morning, the three friends tried to think of a plan. After lunch, they
met at the park. Oxygen Ollie arrived first, then Hydrogen Holly, and
lastly Carbon Cody. They discussed some ideas that might work, but
they just couldn't think of any good plans.

“Don’t worry guys, we can keep thinking about it,” Carbon Cody
stated. “We'll be sure to think of something."
“Yeah, I guess,” Hydrogen Holly and Oxygen Ollie murmured.
No sooner than they were done talking, Neon Ned showed up
happy, as ever. “Well isn't it a beautiful morning! All my siblings
brightly lit in store signs making the streets a happier place. Fine
morning, it is.”
He wasn't wrong about that. It was quite a fine morning but not
because of any neon signs! The sun had risen over the hills and
valleys. The birds were perched in trees singing cheerful songs. Rabbits
were scampering out of holes in the ground and the grass had fresh
drops of sparkling crystal dew glistening in the sun.

“Morning Neon Ned,” they answered while rolling their eyes.
“Morning friends! What a wonderful day it is going to be. Do you guys
wanna play a game?”
“Sure. What game?” Asked Oxygen Ollie.
“Well, I was thinking we could play this game where whoever is the
brightest, coolest or most well-known element would win. Of course, I
would be the judge of the winner,” replied Neon Ned.
“How can we make Neon Ned quit believing he is so much better than
all of us?” Oxygen Ollie thought to himself.
Carbon Cody decided to speak up. “C’mon Ned, we should play team
tag. Where we play in teams.”

Everyone agreed to that except Hydrogen Holly. She decided not to
play that day. She sat on a rock and thought while all the others ran
around the park chasing after each other, laughing and having a
wonderful time.
After they had finished playing tag and Neon Ned left, Hydrogen
Holly talked to the other two.

“That's it!” Hydrogen Holly exclaimed.
“That's what?” pondered Oxygen Ollie, walking over to the rock
that Hydrogen Holly was sitting on.
“Here we go,” moaned Carbon Cody rolling his eyes.
Oxygen Ollie was getting excited, “Just tell us already!!”
“Okay” Hydrogen Holly explained, “so TEAMWORK. Teamwork you

“Yeah, what about it?” asked Carbon Cody, who clearly wasn't getting
Carbon Cody stood next to Oxygen Ollie who was also confused.
“Well.... don’t you see? We can, together, create something to show
Ned that he isn't the only one that can be something amazing.”
“Like what?” inquired Oxygen Ollie. His face was looking a little bit
less confused.
“I haven’t got that far yet. I will think of something tonight” Hydrogen
Holly replied as she waved them goodbye.

That night, Hydrogen Holly didn't sleep any better than she did the
night before, tossing and turning all night. But she did manage to
think of a wonderful plan. She couldn't wait to share it with Oxygen
Ollie and Carbon Cody.
The next morning, she called Carbon Cody and Oxygen Ollie and
told them to meet at the park as soon as they could.
“Okay, so are you guys ready!?” Hydrogen Holly asked.
“Yeah. Come on! I am so excited!” Oxygen Ollie burst out.

“Come here you guys,” said Hydrogen Holly, gesturing for her friends to
walk closer, so she could whisper the plan.
They all leaned in close as Hydrogen Holly explained the plan.
“I understand now!” said Carbon Cody. “ So when are we going to do it?”
“Tomorrow,” Hydrogen Holly replied. "Make sure you have what you need."
“Alright guys,” said Oxygen Ollie. “see you tomorrow, and be sure to be
ready. I know I will!”
“Bye! See you tomorrow.” Carbon Cody hollered, waving to his friends as he
walked over the hill to his house.
Holly and Cody waved to each other, bid their goodbyes and walked their
separate ways.

The next morning, the weather was perfect, it was pouring rain, just
as predicted. It was a perfect morning for Operation Neon Ned.
Hydrogen Holly had brought her sister, Hydrogen Hanna to the park.
Hydrogen Hanna was very crucial to the plan and would help make the
show even more spectacular. Hydrogen Holly, Hydrogen Hanna and
Oxygen Ollie started talking the plan over when they noticed that Carbon
Cody wasn’t there. They started to wonder if he forgot.. or worse. They
sat and waited... and waited.
Hydrogen Holly, Hydrogen Hanna and Oxygen Ollie were starting to
worry. They were trying hopelessly to think of a new plan since Carbon
Cody decided to ditch them when they heard a CREAK, CRACK, BANG.
Oxygen Ollie sprinted over the hill to see what was going on; Hydrogen
Holly and Hydrogen Hanna were not far behind. Over the hill, they saw a
big red wagon holding some sort of metal contraption.
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