Inspired By : The movie 'INTERSTELLAR'

CHApter 1
In the year 2060 Earth has become uninhabitable due to shortage of food and water, climate change and catastrophic weather. The population has decreased from 10 Billion to 1 Bilion. Is the human race going to end ?? Is it the end or the beginning? While this all is happening on the Earth, the lunar outpost on the Sea of tranquility is buzzing with another problem .
. Dr Jade, an astronaut on the Lunar outpost and SOAR the robot have gone to check on the food reserves in the storage quarters and in the greenhouse . They are working on compressing food to tiny capsules in readiness for their next mission . Mankind has also produced water on the moon’s surface using Hydrogen Reaction in limited quantities to support a very small population .Dr Revv and Dr Toni are making plans for their mission, when they realize that it probably would take apparently 10 years to get to another Galaxy to find an habitable planet
They analyzed recent data and pictures sent by NASA. Dr. Revv exclaimed “ This is a wormhole behind Neptune and Pluto ! “ Dr Toni said “ In the past NASA has detected gravitational anomalies near Neptune and Pluto, So it is really a wormhole ! “ . Dr Jade immediately sent an update to NASA about their newly discovered wormhole . Now the crew on the Lunar outpost had something that could transport you anywhere in the universe. A‘ Tunnel in Space ‘ ! In the Mars Outpost and Lunar Outpost there was an message sent by NASA that the New Horizons mission had taken astronauts to another galaxy and the mission was successful . The crew knew that ‘they’ had possibly created this portal to another Galaxy .
chapter 1
15 days later both the crews of the Mars and the Lunar outpost had received both the probes and equipment to start building the ‘ New Horizons 2 ‘ Spaceship to carry the astronauts to humanity’s next home . They had hope that they would find a suitable planet but they never knew since the 3 places people believed had life were just lifeless . The Cassini - Huygens mission to go to Saturn gave data about Encyamede and Titan but the later satellites that NASA and ISRO sent proved it wrong even Jupiter’s moon Europa did not show evidence of supporting of any life . The probe which drilled through the ice in 2039 found no proof of supporting life .
4 month’s later .....
The rocket was ready to go and all the Astronauts for this Dangerous but exciting mission were ready . Dr Revv , Dr Toni , Dr Jade and the robot PACE were united with their crew mates for who knows ? How many years ..... Professor Sam a botanist and 2 robots CASE AND SOAR were transported from Earth . The crew replacing the crew on the lunar outpost were all there to witness the launching . The Launching site was on the Sea of Nectar . And soon the space ship was flying in the air with Dr Toni on its control .

The crew of the NEW HORIZONS 2 , are enroute their long awaited mission . Soon their high speed spacecraft zoomed over Mars . They could see the outpost on Mars . Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury. In English, Mars carries a name of the Roman god of war and is often referred to as the 'Red Planet'.
This dynamic planet has seasons, polar ice caps and weather and canyons and extinct volcanoes, evidence of an even more active past. Mars is one of the most explored bodies in our solar system and it's the only planet where we've sent rovers to roam the alien landscape. NASA currently has three spacecrafts in orbit, one rover and one lander on the surface and another rover under construction
Chapter 2
here on Earth. India and ESA also have spacecrafts in orbit above Mars. These robotic explorers have found lots of evidence that Mars was much wetter and warmer, with a thicker atmosphere, billions of years ago.
Chapter 2
And Mars was now going back as we were going further . Next we would have to tackle a very vital part of the mission . They would have to go through the asteroid belt . They will have to dodge asteroids and space junk . The asteroid belt is a ring-shaped region in the Solar System, located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter, that is occupied by a great many solid, irregularly shaped bodies, of many sizes but much smaller than planets, called asteroids or minor planets.
Dr. Toni was on the control of the ship and the whizz until they are close enough to the asteroid belt . Now began the most tough part . We started going into the belt of irregularly shaped bodies , we almost banged but Dr Toni was fast enough to take a turn .
Chapter 2
At last we were out of the asteroid belt but we would miss Jupiter as it was on the other side of the orbit not on the side we were on .
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Inspired By : The movie 'INTERSTELLAR'

CHApter 1
In the year 2060 Earth has become uninhabitable due to shortage of food and water, climate change and catastrophic weather. The population has decreased from 10 Billion to 1 Bilion. Is the human race going to end ?? Is it the end or the beginning? While this all is happening on the Earth, the lunar outpost on the Sea of tranquility is buzzing with another problem .
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