Mickey's First Day of Kindergarten
By: Libby Boisselle
It was the night before Mickey's first day of kindergarten, so Mickey went to sleep early. He wanted to be well rested and ready to go for school tomorrow.
When Mickey woke up in the morning, he was super tired, but excited for his first day. He knew he had to get out of bed and start to get ready for school.
Mickey was super hungry when he woke up. He decided to go downstairs and eat breakfast before he got ready for school. His mother told him eating breakfast before school is very important.
After Mickey finished his breakfast, he went up to his room. He decided he should put his clothes on. Mickey started getting dressed for school.
Mickey went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He knew he did not want bad breath the first day of school.
Mickey did not want messy hair, so he decided to comb his hair. He wanted to look the best he could for kindergarten.
Mickey realized he had a lot of time before school started. He wanted to have some fun before school. He went outside and started to play with his dog.
When Mickey's mom called out to him that it was time to go, Mickey raced to the car. He was very excited to get to school.
When Mickey got to school, he got out of the car and carried all of his books inside. He was nervous now.
Mickey was scared to walk into the classroom because he didn't know any of the people there. He walked in, and his classmates and teacher greeted him.
Mickey got to read a book, and answer math questions. He learned how to count, and how to tie his shoe. Mickey was learning so much in class, he didn't want to leave.
Mickey went to recess and had lunch in the cafeteria. He liked the feeling of independence.
He realized that he had nothing to be nervous about because he liked being at school with all of his friends, and be able to do things without other adults help.
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Mickey's First Day of Kindergarten
By: Libby Boisselle
It was the night before Mickey's first day of kindergarten, so Mickey went to sleep early. He wanted to be well rested and ready to go for school tomorrow.
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