The following book, is about linguists and their important contributions to linguistic and syntax.
Also include a short description by audios from the theories and works.
-Dayana Pacas.
-Marcela Castro
-Estefany Ruiz.
-Jefferson Portillo.

List of linguists in the book.
1- Noam Chomsky.
2-Steven Pinker.
3-Enoch Power.
4-Roland Barthes
5-Noah Webster.
6-Ferdinand de Saussure.
7-Ronald Wardhaugh.
8-Joseph Greenberg.
9-Otto Jespersen
10-Edward Sapir.
11-Leonard Bloomfield.
12-Karl Brugman.
13-Geoffrey Nunberg.
14-Mario Pei.
15-Roman Jakcoson.
17-Laurie Bauer.
18-Mark Aronoff.
19-Charles Sanders Peirce.
20-Mark C. Baker.

Noam Chomsky
He is an American philosopher, linguist, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist.
Considered "the father of modern linguistics"
He put forth a novel approach to thinking about language, called the "Theory of Universal Grammar". This intricate theory includes the idea that humans are genetically endowed with knowledge.
The most important contributions are the theories that he had about the structure of language and how humans can acquire the knowledge.
Noam Chomsky

Steven Pinker

Steven Pinker is a Canadian-American cognitive Psychologist,linguist, and popular science author.
He is known for his energetic and powerful defense of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of the mind.
The most important contribution is the theory,"The Language Instintic". Pinker argues that humans are born with an innate capacity for language. In this theory, lucidly explains everything about language: how it works, how children learn it, how it changes, how the brain computes it, how it evolved.
Steven Pinker

Enoch Powell
He was a British politician, classical scholar, author, linguist, soldier, philologist and poet.
Powell was a classical scholar, becoming a full professor of Ancient Greek at the age of 25 in Australia.

The speech "Rivers of Blood",1969. His talk against immigrants and strong defense of involuntary repatriation deserved the dismissal on the team of moderate conservative Edward Heath and individual allegations of racism.

Enoch Powell abandoned political activity in 1987.
Enoch Powell
Roland Barthes
He was a French literary theorist, Philosopher, critic, and Semiotician.
Roland Barthes ideas explored a diverse range of fields and he influenced the development of many schools of theory, including structuralism, semiotics, social theory, design theory, and post- structuralism.

He is most recognized for his contribution to the rise of " Structuralism, post-structuralism" and the field of Semiotics.
It proposes that one may understand human culture by means of a structure modeled on language (structural linguistics) that differs from concrete reality and from abstract ideas.
Noah Webster

Noah Webster was an American lexicographer, textbook pioneer, English-language spelling reformer, political writer, editor, and prolific author.
He has been called the "Father of American Scholarship and Education".

One of the greatest contributions of Noah Webster are: his book "Grammatical Institute" of the English, and "American Dictionary of the English Language".

Ferdinand de Saussure ( 1857-1913 ) was a Swiss linguist who occupies an important place in the history of linguistics and is generally considered the founder of modern linguistics.
He was the founder of a “theoretic foundation to the newer trend in linguistics study". linguistics, Saussure was one of the founders of structuralism.
"Ferdinand de Saussure is the father of modern linguistics, the man who reorganized the systematic study of language and language in such a way as to make possible the achievements of twentieth-century linguists.

He distinguished between Synchrony and Diachrony, between language and parole, between signified and signifier.
He introduced the terms significant ‘signifier’ for the acoustic image and signifié ‘signified’ for the concept.
The first is the langue, the abstract and invisible layer, while the second, the parole, refers to the actual speech that we hear in real life.
Synchronic perspective observes language from a static point of view, it makes a temporary cut and determines what are the patterns that structure language at that moment. diachronic perspective. It is focused on how words signs are modified, new ones appears and other ones became old fashioned.
Ronald Wardhaugh is a Canadian retired professor of linguistic popular introduction to sociolinguistics, which now includes over 150 new and updated references and new study features throughout Features new "Explorations" sections in each chapter incorporating suggested readings, discussion sections, and exercises - all designed to encourage students to develop their own skills and ideas Reflects .
Date of Birth: 1932
Place of Birth: Canada.
Known for: his book An Introduction to Sociolinguistics

An introduction to sociolinguistics 1986 and 2015 The coverage of topics such as pidgins and creoles, code switching, and language change have been considerably revised and extended.
Introduction to linguistics This book attempts to provide a broad and not too highly technical coverage of linguistic theory, both historically and in its current status. Although no particular viewpoint is espoused, a penchant for transformation generative grammar is apparent.

Joseph Harold Greenberg (May 28, 1915 – May 7, 2001).
was a prominent and controversial American linguist, principally known for his work in two areas, linguistic typology and the genetic classification of languages.
Linguistic typology
Greenberg's reputation rests in part on his contributions to synchronic linguistics and the quest to identify linguistic universals.
Mass comparison
Greenberg rejected the view, prevalent among linguists since the mid-20th century, that comparative reconstruction was the only tool to discover relationships between languages.
Greenberg first called this method "mass comparison" in an article in 1954 and on 1987, he replaced the term "mass comparison" with "multilateral comparison".

Jens Otto Harry Jespersen, July 16, 1860- April 30, 1943.Danish linguist and a foremost authority on English grammar. He help to revolutionize language teaching in Europe, contributed greatly to the advancement of phonetics, linguistic theory, and the history of English, and originated an international language, Novial (q.v..)

He led a movement for basing foreign-language teaching on the use of conversational speech rather than on textbook study of grammar and vocabulary, and he wrote a number of textbooks used in Denmark and other countries.
He advanced the theories of Rank and Nexus in Danish in two papers: Sprogets logik (1913) and De to hovedarter av grammatiske forbindelser (1921).
He was most widely recognized for some of his books. His Modern English Grammar concentrated on morphology and syntax
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The following book, is about linguists and their important contributions to linguistic and syntax.
Also include a short description by audios from the theories and works.
-Dayana Pacas.
-Marcela Castro
-Estefany Ruiz.
-Jefferson Portillo.

List of linguists in the book.
1- Noam Chomsky.
2-Steven Pinker.
3-Enoch Power.
4-Roland Barthes
5-Noah Webster.
6-Ferdinand de Saussure.
7-Ronald Wardhaugh.
8-Joseph Greenberg.
9-Otto Jespersen
10-Edward Sapir.
11-Leonard Bloomfield.
12-Karl Brugman.
13-Geoffrey Nunberg.
14-Mario Pei.
15-Roman Jakcoson.
17-Laurie Bauer.
18-Mark Aronoff.
19-Charles Sanders Peirce.
20-Mark C. Baker.

Noam Chomsky
He is an American philosopher, linguist, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist.
Considered "the father of modern linguistics"
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