Happy birthday! I hope you guys have a great day because you deserve it! I love you so much!
A star means that is a favorite poem of mine!
Dedicated to my mom and my dad

A tree has many aspects,
Just like a poem in a way,
A tree has all different parts,
Each with a different story to say.
A poem is written words meant to appease the mind,
A tree is a hidden treasure,
In which sometimes beauty is hard to find.
A poetic tree...now that's a wonder to behold,
And if you listen carefully,
You can hear all the poems needed to be told.
Poetic Tree
You don't appreciate the words that come out of me.
You don’t know that when you hear me speak, it is different then the rest.
And if you read between the lines, you will find it a test.
If you appreciate what I have to say,
Beneath the words that are said everyday.
If you really cared to know,
How each word grows.
And when I speak, it is shown as a task.
For you will never know which word just said will be the last.
Untitled Poem
In Life we find happiness on the path of distraught,
Because we find happiness in places we would not have thought.
We have to be shown the pain that pierces through,
The skin and goes to the heart that tells what you hold true.
It finds its way in,
And seems to never get out,
But let our heart not hold too much doubt.
There is one person who holds the key,
That lets go of all the negativity.
In life, we were taught that there were two paths to go on,
The wrong or the right,
But there is so much more than just day and night.
Much more than just one planet,
Because if you are able to reach that far,
You will find billions of stars.
That shine with happiness and love,
So all we have to do is look above.
We made a place of hope and love spread throughout this world,
But when you left me on my own,
I was merely a frightened girl.
We used to soar above the treasures that we had laid,
And the treasures weren't gold,
But instead the memories that were made.
Even with the lingering doubt that this would not last long,
I still called upon you like a bird singing a song.
We soared and swooped around the sky,
Not realizing our time was limited,
And I would soon have to say goodbye.
Untitled Poem

When we first met,
You were an unopened book in my hand,
But when I read it too much,
It became too bland.
I can’t seem to find the comfort and joy,
That used to be the only thing I lived for,
Now I have decided to close the long lasting door.
I’d once held you close to my heart,
But as the story continues,
We continue to grow apart.
But as I put you down to start a new book,
I can’t help but take one last look.
Love is a Book
“What does it mean?” They say to me
“To climb, but then fall,
Or to feel nothing at all?
To feel a pit of the freezing seasons,
Or the darkness that lingers with no purpose or reason?
The wisps of winds that drift through the sky?
Or what it sounds like when you can’t help but cry?
The abandonment and feeling of no hope?
Did you ever feel like you were climbing that slope?”
“Yes” I would say.
But haven’t we all?
But what really matters,
Is how we recover from the fall.

Welcome to the land of the great and the free,
And we allow you,
But only if your opinion is the same as what we believe.
But no you can’t leave just now!
You still have to stand strong,
But also make sure to bow.
We love the way your smile is shown,
But we don’t want it to become too well known.
We don’t want your tears to flow,
But we are the ones that cause them to grow.
We have a perfect balance here you see,
But only if you fit to a certain degree.
The girl who soared above the clouds,
Was one to admire.
She flew day and night,
And never seemed to tire.
She made others fly to places galore,
And never once thought about herself,
Or how she would soar.
Her life’s mission was to make things prosper and grow,
Not for herself,
But for the humans that roamed her wonderful home.
She was the savior of humanity,
One we did not deserve,
And we ruined our chances,
By ruining our world.
We asked for a second chance,
But little did we know that was our last,
And now Mother Nature is fading,
And her home, Our Earth, is decaying.
Family is an unbreakable bond,
That will never tire,
Family is the gas to to the flames,
That starts the fire.
Being a family means all different things,
Being a family comes with all different strings.
The only thing that is always true,
Is family will always love and be there for you.

I try to talk to you, but no words are given,
And i try to make you understand this is the world we live in.
I plead to hear your voice utter one more line,
But you stand there silently,
As if speaking was a crime.
Tears roll down our cheeks
But you still say nothing,
For you dare not to speak.
I ache to hear the sound of your voice,
But you do not say one word,
As if you had no choice.
And I wonder what has put you to no sound?
Alas, I cannot ask for I realize you have accepted your bounds.
And the world can have an impact on what we say,
Or if we choose to say nothing at all,
And continuously suffer day by day.
We made a place of hope and love spread throughout the world,
But when you left me on my own,
I was merely a frightened girl.
We used to soar above the treasures we had laid,
And the treasures weren't gold,
But the memories we made.
Even with the lingering doubt that this would not last long,
I still called upon you like a bird singing a song.
We soared and swooped around the sky,
Not knowing our time was limited,
And I would soon have to say goodbye.

She took a step of courage, a leap to the top,
And even if she crashed, she never seemed to stop,
A light among the flowers,
But also glowed in the moon,
And she was afraid that if she stopped,
Al would be doomed.
She fought the growing urge to sit and have a rest,
For she studied so long,
And this seemed to be the test.
A test if she would continue her journey or run away from the fear,
Or facing it head on to listen to what she didn't want to hear.
"The journey was hard," She would later describe,
"But it was worth it to know my fears were the pages and I was the scribe.

I thought the sound of my heart shattering,
Meant that I was alone.
But it only meant I allowed more space for everything to grow.
I thought when my tears fell,
They would fall forever all around,
But now I realize they were there for someone to pick them up from off the ground.
I thought that when my smile was gone,
It meant that my happiness has faded,
But I guess it meant there would be someone who would soon again make it.
I thought that when I could no longer laugh,
My voice would no longer be heard,
But now I know that happiness could come from one measly word.
He told me he’d stay forever,
And forever meant a while,
And just the sound of that always made me smile.
Promised a land where we would be the moon and sun,
But when I looked back on it, I seemed to be the only one.
He fell short of what I expected him to achieve,
And now with him so hopelessly gone,
I cannot help but to grieve.
I don’t blame you for going,
And I don’t blame you for much,
So when we are reunited again,
I can’t wait to finally touch.
Embrace each other and find the words that were never spoken,
And to fix the patches that were always broken
I’m like a plane that travels,
In and out of hearts,
I try to stay for a while,
But I’m always ready to depart.
Stay firmly on the path,
And not let the wind carry me away.
Because if it did,
Then I could end up wanting to stay.
Change is a mystery yet to be explored,
For the cost of changing is something I could not yet afford.
People would say that being able to change will open up your eyes,
But I thought they were already wide open
And that what people said were a lie.
However, one day I looked to behold,
A story that was yet to be told.
A world in which a life was not defined by what you’ve done,
Not how you started your life,
But the person you’ve learned to become.
Two different poems

The heart ache you’ve caused me,
Was a blessing in disguise.
For now I have learned to see myself in a whole different pair of eyes.
I used to find myself constantly being pushed around,
Not knowing you were the one who was bringing me down.
One time I was pushed so hard to the ground,
That I felt my heart breaking with a sickening sound.
A heart is made in one piece,
But somehow mine was split into two,
And now I realize who else could have done it but you?
I’ve learned how to mend,
A heart that had been broken for so long,
And also learned to realize my worth,
And how I was never in the wrong.
Untitled Poem
Trees lose its leaves,
Just like I lose mine,
But before that can happen,
You leave just in time.
Wait for my flowers to bloom,
To colors that delight your eyes,
But you never go down the path,
That has all the thorny vines.
Every beautiful essence,
Holds something that scars the heart,
But when I show you mine,
We move farther apart.
A rose has thorns,
But you pick the petals,
So you don’t have to deal with the pain,
Of loving another just to see the sun and not the rain.
It was easier for her to sit out in the rain,
Because to her the droplets of water took away the pain.
It was easier for her to write in words no one understood,
So she could be her own self,
And that made her feel good.
It was hard to be normal,
When normal is so bland,
She craved her own identity,
That would make her more grand.
She walked through life,
Not wanting to be known,
But just because she was different,
Didn’t mean she wanted to be alone.
You told her that you fell in love,
With her pretty blue eyes.
You sunk into the ocean,
And saw the waves crash on the tide.
So many emotions that covered the sea,
Trapped inside her mind,
Waiting for a day they would be freed.
And somehow her whole story,
Could be told just from her eyes,
And the ocean wasn’t made of water,
But all the tears she cried.
But it didn’t really matter to anyone who passed by,
Because at the end of the day,
She was just the girl with the pretty blue eyes.

“We all were created equal”, many books declare,
Then why are the results far from being there?
Equality is something that should be demanded every day,
Because in the end,
Weren’t we all created the same way?
Should we be judged by the color of the skin,
Or should we be based off of what we show from within?
This is an important factor in building a better society,
So all you have to do,
Is be kind and treat everyone with equality.

In the rose bush,
Only the ugliest survive,
And the prettiest are picked to put on display.
And seen on the ground,
The ugly ones lay.
In the rose bush,
The thorns are always hidden,
Because everyone wants to deny what type of world we live in.
In the rose bush,
One rose stood out,
One as white as snow,
And since that rose was different than the others,
The rose would continue to grow.
In the rose bush,
Everything just said was actually a lie,
For the prettiest roses were the ones who survived,
And the ugly and different ones were the ones left to die.
And at the end of the day it wasn't really a rose bush you see,
It was what one would call a failed society.
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Happy birthday! I hope you guys have a great day because you deserve it! I love you so much!
A star means that is a favorite poem of mine!
Dedicated to my mom and my dad

A tree has many aspects,
Just like a poem in a way,
A tree has all different parts,
Each with a different story to say.
A poem is written words meant to appease the mind,
A tree is a hidden treasure,
In which sometimes beauty is hard to find.
A poetic tree...now that's a wonder to behold,
And if you listen carefully,
You can hear all the poems needed to be told.
Poetic Tree
You don't appreciate the words that come out of me.
You don’t know that when you hear me speak, it is different then the rest.
And if you read between the lines, you will find it a test.
If you appreciate what I have to say,
Beneath the words that are said everyday.
If you really cared to know,
How each word grows.
And when I speak, it is shown as a task.
For you will never know which word just said will be the last.
Untitled Poem
In Life we find happiness on the path of distraught,
Because we find happiness in places we would not have thought.
We have to be shown the pain that pierces through,
The skin and goes to the heart that tells what you hold true.
It finds its way in,
And seems to never get out,
But let our heart not hold too much doubt.
There is one person who holds the key,
That lets go of all the negativity.
- END >
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