"Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable."
-R Buckminster Fuller

Neville Sarle was not a nice kid. In fact he was a bit of a bully. All kids like to play pranks on one another but Neville often went too far. His pranks were mean-spirited and meant to embarrass his classmates. He didn't really have friends. His classmates merely put up with him and his antics. Many believed that he misbehaving so people would pay attention to him.

Neville had a penchant for telling tall tales and making up stories. He would often get some of his classmates in trouble by blaming them for things they didn't do. He also got great pleasure in making crank calls. Neville would often start laughing before he could finish the prank. After a while though, people began to grow weary of his immature and unfunny shenanigans. Soon nobody in town believed anything Neville said.

Once a week, Neville would stop by his grandpa's house to water the flowers. He had been watering them ever since his Grandpa Isaac went missing a few weeks earlier. Neville's mom made sure that he looked in on the place on his way home from school. "Hmm, still no sign of Grampa. I wonder what ever happened to him? Must've been another crazy experiment gone wrong."

Despite the fact that it was a bright, sunny day outside, Neville thought he heard thunder. A loud rumble shook the entire house. "What was that?" "That, my dear Neville, is how you make an entrance." "Grampa Isaac? But I thought you were eaten by dinosaurs in the literary classic, The Butterfly F/X by Dan Mazur?" "Listen Morty, I'm a mad scientist. I'm always getting in and out of crazy situations." "Who's Morty?" "Oops, sorry. Wrong grandson."

"While you're here I want to show you what I was working on before my disappearance." "What does this thing do?" Neville asked he picked up a large yellow laser gun. "Neville! No! Put that down!" Before he could heed his grandfather's advice, the laser gun went off. Neville began to feel light-headed. In fact, his whole body felt lighter. "Neville, are you alright? Neville? Where did you go?" "I'm right here Grampa. Can't you see me?" "No" a worried Dr. Mendel responded.

"Keep calm Neville. I'll be right back" his frazzled grandpa said. Neville could hear a car door being open and closed. The engine then began to rev before the car screeched out of the garage. "Where are you going?" Neville shrieked. "Now what? I'm invisible and there's nobody that can change me back." A loud rumbling sound shook the house again. "What was that?" a frightened Neville wondered.

"Oh well, guess it was nothing."
Neville desperately tried to see his reflection during his walk home. He stopped at store front windows, stared at puddles, and checked the side mirrors of parked cars. But he didn't see a thing. Neville looked down at his watch and saw that it was getting close to 8:30 pm. He began to run but ended up getting stuck between a pair of comic book nerds who were deep in conversation.

"So Farley, would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?" "Good question Nestor. There are pros and cons to both. Allow me to list all of them....." "Come on! Move!" Neville barked. "Oh, and I would go with the ability to fly. Invisibility is overrated." "Gasp! Did you hear that Farley?" "Sure did Nestor. I think we just encountered a supernatural entity. Quick! To the online chat room!"

Neville had missed his curfews in the past and always managed to sneak inside. But now that he was invisible he could just walk up the stairs to his bedroom. Unfortunately he stumbled on the top step and made a loud noise. "Neville? Is that you? Where have you been? Not only did you miss dinner but it's past your curfew!" his Mom shouted. "Sorry Mom. I'm going to bed now." "You're grounded for the next month. You can go to school and to look in on Grandpa's house but that's it!" "Yes Sir" Neville replied to his Dad's orders.

Hoping that the previous night had been a bad dream, Neville woke up and ran over to the bathroom mirror. "No!" he cried out. He was still invisible. If he didn't go to school that day he'd get in trouble. But then again how would anybody know he was there? He couldn't stay home so he decided to get on the school bus. Who knows? Maybe the school nurse would be able to help him. It was worth a shot.

For a prankster like Neville, the power of invisibility should've been a blessing. But he was too worried to try any funny business with the kids at school. "Has anyone seen Neville today?" Martha asked. "He wasn't on the bus this morning. Kinda nice not having him around" Rudy responded. "I know what you mean. He thinks his jokes are funny but they're not. He's so annoying. It should be a fun day without him" Riley laughed.

An upset Neville decided to skip school and return to his grandpa's house. "Hopefully Grampa Isaac is back and can make me visible again." When Neville arrived at his destination he was shocked to see that the home had been destroyed by a monster. "Oh no! Where did this monster come from? Something to do with Grampa no doubt. What do I do? This monster is going to destroy the city! I know, I'll go to the police department!"

Late Middle Ages
England 1272

Meanwhile in the Late Middle Ages, Isaac Mendel arrived in his time-traveling sports car. "All hail King Isaac!" a member of the nobility decreed. The people of England had declared Dr. Mendel as their new king after he arrived in a flash of lightning. With all of the bright lights that surrounded him, the people believed that he had been sent from the heavens. "Ah, now this is more like it. I can be greedy and selfish and these people will still worship me. I could stay here forever. But why does it feel as though I'm forgetting something?"

"Officers! Officers! I've got some bad news!" "You hear something Moynihan?" "Sounds like a kid's voice but I don't know where it's coming from." "I'm right here officers. It's me, Neville Sarle. I'm a Grade 6 student at Darwin Elementary." "Darwin Elementary? Doesn't your daughter go to that school Philbin?" "Yes she does. And she tells me that this Neville kid is a real pain in the shorts." "Beat it kid we don't have time for your silly games." "But........." "Scram!" Philbin grunted.
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"Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable."
-R Buckminster Fuller

Neville Sarle was not a nice kid. In fact he was a bit of a bully. All kids like to play pranks on one another but Neville often went too far. His pranks were mean-spirited and meant to embarrass his classmates. He didn't really have friends. His classmates merely put up with him and his antics. Many believed that he misbehaving so people would pay attention to him.

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