1-Sevil AKBULUT/Turkey/Chickpea boy (Page 5-8)
2-Halime SOYSAL/Turkey/ Keloğlan (page 9-10)
3-Ekaterini Mazneikou/Greece/Odysseus (page 11-22)
4-Alina Mihăilescu /România Harap ALB/(Page 23-29)
5-Eleftheria Athanasiadou/Greece/Hercules (page 30-37)
6-Serap GÜL/Turkey/Ashy Fatma (page 38-39)
7-Hatice Yazımcı Çalışkan /Lemon Girl (Page 40-41)
8-Daniela Eugina DİNU/Greuceanu/(Page 42-45)
9-Patrizia Carotenuto/Italy/Fairy Morgana (page 46-49)
10-Emrah HAN/Turkey/Mercan Kız (page ) (50-51)
11-Elena Simona Marin/Romania/Ileana Cosânzeana
(page 52-55)
12-Gökhan YAVUZ/Turkiye/Nasreddin Hodja (page 56-57)
13-Gabriela Gîlcă/România/Prâslea/(page 58-59)
14 -Andreea Goldschmidt/România/ Zâna Munților/ (page 60-61)
15-Menal KAYA/Belgium/The King of Fishes (page 62-63)
16-Roxana Dumitrache/Romania/Prâslea(page 64-65)
17-Kader ÖZŞAHİN /TURKEY /LRRH (page 66-68)
18-Huda Alsalem/Jordan/Shahrazade /( page 69-71)
19-Esem ÖZDEŞ ERDEN/TURKEY/(Page 72-73 )
20-Banu YILMAZ /TURKEY /(page 74 -75)
21-Manjola CEKA/ALBANİA/(page 76-80)
22-Ispir Iuliana/Romania/Salt in dishes(Sarea în bucate)(page 81-84)
23-Aynur BÜLBÜL ÇINAR/Turkey/Karagoz and Hacivat(Page85-87)
24-Samira AMRAHOVA/Azerbaycan/ (Page 88-89)
25 Giuseppina Rossella Ferrante/ITALY/ PINOCCHIO (88- 89)
26-Vlad Alexandra Anamaria/Romania/ The goat and her three kids (90 -96)
27-Dhurata Cuka / Burrel Albania/ The Beauty of the lake (97-99)
28 -Yolanda López / Spain / Bella Flor (100 - 105)
29 - Petya Petkova /Bulgaria/ The lying shepherd - a Bulgarian folk tale (page 106-111)

Hello I'm Anna.I have a homework.
I have to learn fairy tale heroes in the world.
So I will stop by the countries.
I will meet the World Fairy Tale Heroes.

My first stop was Turkey.
Because a fairy tale friend of my grandmother invited me here.
His name is Chickpea boy.

Hello, I am Chickpea boy, I am a Turkish fairy tale hero.
I am a boy from chickpeas, I have a message for you.

Do not forget to protect your cultural values.
Don't forget us, we miss you very much. We have messages for you in fairy tales. Let's meet my friends and learn their messages.Let's Anna fairy tale heroes tour begins.

Hello Anna. My name is Keloğlan.
I like Tarhana soup very much.I squeeze lemon into the soup.Lemon is rich in vitamin C. I strengthen my immune system. Take care of your health,children,too.

Now our little friend Anna has reached her second country :Greece!!

She is going to meet the Greek legentary hero Odysseus here....and she is thrilled!!!!

Odysseus the greatest tale
Odysseus was a legentary hero in Greek mythology,king of the island of Ithaca and the main protagonist of Homer's epic ,the
'' Odyssey''.He was obliged to join the Trojan expedition-something he didn't want to since he was more than happy with his wife ,Penelope.
After numerous memorable adventures finally managed to reach Ithaca,ten years after leaving Troy and twenty after joing the Trojan expedition...

He died an old man,probably killed accidently by Telegonus,a child he had fathered with Circe during one of his many adventures.
''Ithaca'' by C.P. Cavafy
A wonderful poem.....
And a ''short dialogue''between the couple when Odysseus has finally met Penelope....Does it ring a bell??
And now,after meeting the Greek hero our little friend is ready to sail to a new country....Have a nice trip!!!!Καλό ταξίδι!!!!!

Hi Ana! My name is Thinkerbell and I want to say that you are welcome in my beautiful country, Romania. First of all I want to say that I m happy to introduce you to a beloved character from my country. His name is Harap Alb.

After a few trials, the Ruined Alb manages to fulfill all the duties he received and will marry the daughter of the Green Emperor, inherit the kingdom and live happily ever after.
Harap-Alb, the youngest son of the Green Emperor, is the main character of the movie.
Cult fairy tale '' The Story of Harap
White '' by Ion Creanga. Your hero has it.
Supernatural and non-exceptional powers will, only by passing some tests, acquire a set of qualities such as compassion, kindness, friendship, courage, qualities that are necessary for an emperor.

Thank you , dear Tinkerbell!
I hope to see you again !
Let's see where I'm going now....

Hello Anna! We will be back in Greece and we will narrate the "Labours of Hercules"
Hercules is one of the gratest Greek heroes!
He had to be in service of King Eurystheus for twelve years. During this time, he is sent to perform a series of difficult labours.
He had to kill the lion on Nemea.The lion was a vicious monster and it was difficult to be killed with mortals' weapons because its golden fur was impervious to attack.
Another labour that Hercules had to accomplish was to capture Ceryneian Hind, which was so fast! The hind was under the protection of Artemis goddess.About a year took Hercules to caprture the female deer and he succeed it when the hind stopped to drink water.
At this time Hercules has to steal three of the golden apples of the Hesperides. Hesperides were leaving in twelve Gods garden. They had to keep in safe those applles, gifts from Earth when Jupiter got married Hera.
After a long time Hercules had to please not only Eurystheus but also his daughter, Admete. She wanted the belt of Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons. After many many adventures Hercules succeeded to take the belt.
Hercules tried so many many years to accomplish the labours!One tradition says that when he finally completed the labours he sailed with Jason and the Argonauts! And who knows maybe Anna met Hercules and many more heroes!

Hello, Iam Ashy Fatma.I am a Turkish fairy tale hero. I live with two sisters and my mother. They call me ashy fatma because I am always on the stove.

Hello, I'm Lemon Girl. I'm a Turkish fairy tale hereos

We wait again
Welcome back to Romania, Ana! I'm Daniela and I want to introduce you Greuceanu, a brave warrior of our fairy -tales. Do you want to hear the story?

Yesss!!! I'd love to!!!
After a long fight with the three zmei and their wives, Greuceanu sets the Sun and the Moon free so the people on Earth have light again.

Hero of the Romanian folklore, Greuceanu is a young brave man who finds out that the Sun and the Moon have been stolen by some monsters.

I'm Pacala and the kids love me. I can't wait to meet other wonderful characters in love with kids from other countries. I'm a prankspin and I can't wait to do a few nazbs.

This fairy tale goes back to King Arthur time. Morgana was the king’s sister and after leading him to the foot of Etna, Morgana never left Sicily, where she had arrived with her ship. She established her between Etna and the Strait of Messina, where sailors did not dare to approach because of strong storms, and she built a crystal palace. Morgana lived there for more than a thousand years but sometimes she thought about Camelot, castles, wild forests and other happy memories. The fairy sometimes enjoyed discovering people with strange images.

Morgana is said to come out of the water in a chariot drawn by seven horses, although she also has a silver vessel. When Morgana comes out of the sea, she throws three stones into the water and traces signs in the sky: then the sea swells and it becomes like a crystal; on it images of men and cities appear. Some people say they witnessed the miracles of Morgana fairy on the day of the Assumption of 1643: they said they saw the sea swell from their window and then it became like a crystal; on this "crystal square" there were images of beautiful cities, pillars, arches, castles and were transformed into an escape of windows which in turn turned into woods, pines, cypresses and very tall trees.

These people said that they heard of this phenomenon but they did not believe it, but after observing it with their own eyes they could say that it was more amazing than they could imagine. The legend is inspired by a phenomenon that actually occurs in the Strait of Messina in particular atmospheric conditions.

There was a sultan's son at that time and he loved his son very much. Her son Mercan fell in love with the girl. The coral girl was a girl with long hair and dark eyes. Prince Mercan found the girl and Mercan did not want her mother to meet.

The coral girl's mother cursed. They broke up and the coral turned into a dove and then a tree. After the tree was cut, an old woman prayed to the sultan to give the wood. Mercan girl, whose prayers were accepted, returned and started a happy life with the sultan.

Welcome back to Romania, dear friends! I'm Elena and I want to introduce you Ileana Cosânzeana, a beautiful good-natured princess. Do you want to hear the story?

Welcome back to Romania, Ana! I'm Daniela and I want to introduce you Greuceanu, a brave warrior of our fairy -tales. Do you want to hear the story?
”She is a mythical character with supernatural powers and with symbolic features. Ileana Cosânzeana succeeds in defeating the evil forces only because she is very brave, smart, modest and diligent. Ileana Cosânzeana succeeds in defeating the evil forces only because she is very brave, smart, modest and diligent. In some tales Ileana Cosânzeana is the fairy of the Spring flowers,who gives each flower its perfume,although she also has the power to take it back.

The elves love her, as do the flowers; even the wind loves Ileana, but he can never catch her. In the myth, she is a beautiful princess who is kidnapped by the Zmeu (a Dragon equivalent), who locks her in his castle and waits for her to give in to his marriage proposal. She is saved by Făt-Frumos, who is analogous to Prince Charming. Făt-Frumos is tested by many trials as he makes his way to Ileana Cosânzeana.

Finally, he fights the Dragon (in Romanian language Zmeu), beats him, and frees Ileana Cosânzeana. They both live happily ever after.”

Welcome to back TÜRKİYE,dear friends ANNA, I'm Gökhan and I want to introduce you Nasreddin HODJA.
Nasreddin Hodja was a wise,witty man with a good sense of humor.The peoplein Turkey are very familiar with the jokes and stories of Nasreddin Hodja.They are part of Turkish culture.

One day, Nasreddin Hodja walks over to Akşehir Lake with copper bucket in his hands and starts pouring spoonfuls of yoghurt into the lake. Seeing Hodja near the lake with a copper bucket full of yoghurt, the curious villgaers ask:
-“What’s up, Hodja? What on earth you up to?”
-“I’m turning the lake into yoghurt” replies Hodja.
-“Reverend Hodja, could a lake ever be fermented?” the villagers retort.
-“I do know it wouldn’t, but what if it does?” is the reply from Hodja

What if it does?

Hi, Anna! I'm glad to meet you! I'm Prâslea, a hero from Romanian folk tales.
Hi, Prâslea, what's your story?
I represent the good in the Romanian folk tale ''Prâslea the Brave and the golden apples''. I am a hero who cleverly and courageously faces the various incarnations of evil: thieves, fantastic beings and treacherous brothers.
The moral of the fairy tale is that truth and justice always triumph.
Hello again from Romania! This beautiful forest reminded me of the story of the Mountain Fairy! A Romanian fairytale!

The beautiful fairy of the mountains falls in love with a handsome prince. The fairy pretends to be a poor servant woman, but the prince discovers that she is the beautiful fairy. They get married and live happily ever after. It is a beautiful story that teaches us that love always wins.

And here is a beautiful river in Belgium. What is this?... I see an interesting fish inside!

I am the king of fish.
I'll give you something if you catch me and then
let me go ...
The King of Fishes

Hello, I am glad you are here again,
I think you know me
I am Prâslea, a novel story character.
Hello, it's good to see you again, I learned your adventures and courage.
You learned a lot about my story, I hope all children love it, I wish they could learn something about courage and honesty.
I am happy to see you again.

Hello again from Turkey.
What a quiet forest here!
I met a beautiful girl named Little Red Riding Hood.
Hello LRRH, What's your story?

Hello Anna .I am a little girl.I have an ill grandma and I want to visit her.Mom send her some food by me .But on the way I should be careful.I should pay attention to mom's warnings.And of course I shouldn't trust the ones I don't know .Otherwise I have troubles in my life.
Hello Anna .Iam Shehrazade Iam going to tell you some information about me.Iam very famous in Arab world specially in Jordan.to know more about me .See the next page .Ciao

cheherazade or Shahrazad (Persian: شهرزاد, Šahrzād, or شهرازاد, Šahrāzād; from Middle Persian čehrāzād: čehr, 'lineage' + āzād, 'noble' or 'exalted', i.e. 'of noble or exalted lineage' or 'of noble appearance/origin') is the legendary Persian queen and the storyteller and narrator of The Nights. She is the daughter of the kingdom's vizier and sister of Dunyazad.
She marries King Shahryar, who has vowed that he will execute a new bride every day. For 1001 nights, Scheherazade tells her husband a story every night, stopping at dawn with a cliffhanger, forcing the King to keep her alive for another day. She keeps telling him stories so she lives more days.

Hello, we are two good friends named Bit Hatun and Pire Bey, who love each other very much. We would like to tell you the greatest advice from our own fairy tale. Making sacrifices for our loved ones is the best act, let's not forget that.

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1-Sevil AKBULUT/Turkey/Chickpea boy (Page 5-8)
2-Halime SOYSAL/Turkey/ Keloğlan (page 9-10)
3-Ekaterini Mazneikou/Greece/Odysseus (page 11-22)
4-Alina Mihăilescu /România Harap ALB/(Page 23-29)
5-Eleftheria Athanasiadou/Greece/Hercules (page 30-37)
6-Serap GÜL/Turkey/Ashy Fatma (page 38-39)
7-Hatice Yazımcı Çalışkan /Lemon Girl (Page 40-41)
8-Daniela Eugina DİNU/Greuceanu/(Page 42-45)
9-Patrizia Carotenuto/Italy/Fairy Morgana (page 46-49)
10-Emrah HAN/Turkey/Mercan Kız (page ) (50-51)
11-Elena Simona Marin/Romania/Ileana Cosânzeana
(page 52-55)
12-Gökhan YAVUZ/Turkiye/Nasreddin Hodja (page 56-57)
13-Gabriela Gîlcă/România/Prâslea/(page 58-59)
14 -Andreea Goldschmidt/România/ Zâna Munților/ (page 60-61)
15-Menal KAYA/Belgium/The King of Fishes (page 62-63)
16-Roxana Dumitrache/Romania/Prâslea(page 64-65)
17-Kader ÖZŞAHİN /TURKEY /LRRH (page 66-68)
18-Huda Alsalem/Jordan/Shahrazade /( page 69-71)
19-Esem ÖZDEŞ ERDEN/TURKEY/(Page 72-73 )
20-Banu YILMAZ /TURKEY /(page 74 -75)
21-Manjola CEKA/ALBANİA/(page 76-80)
22-Ispir Iuliana/Romania/Salt in dishes(Sarea în bucate)(page 81-84)
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