This book is dedicated to my dear family who are very precious to me

Once upon a time, in a little village far, far away, there lived an old man and woman who owned a cat, lamb and rooster. The couple loved their animals dearly as though they were their own children, and the animals came to see each other as siblings.

One day, the old man and woman had made a pot of stew which they had set to boil for dinner. The cat was left to watch the pot as the couple went to the village to buy some flower to make honey cakes for dessert, while the lamb and rooster went to fetch water and firewood.
After having waited for a while, the cat began to grow hungry.

Hmm, maybe if I only take a little bit, no one will know.
A few moments later, the lamb and rooster came inside, feeling a bit hungry as well. Thinking that the owners might not mind if only a little bit more was taken, the cat dished a small bit up for her siblings as well.
After they had eaten, and still feeling a bit hungry, the siblings chose to take several more bites of stew, thinking that their parents wouldn't notice if only a little bit

May we have some too, please?
Certainly, my
dear siblings.

By the time they had finished, the siblings looked in the stew pot and gasped in horror to see that it was empty!
Worried and despairing of getting in trouble once their parents found out, the siblings suddenly noticed the door still open a crack and quickly hurried outside.

Oh no! Mom and dad
will be so mad once
they find out!
We'll have to
run away from
What should
we do?
After traveling through the forest, looking for a place to stay the night, the siblings came to a lake near a cave with a large tree on top. Having grown a bit thirsty, the lamb asked if she might stop for a drink.
Noticing a pair of glowing eyes peering from the cave, the cat and rooster became concerned for her safety and chose to go with her.

May I stop for a
drink of water,
Hmm, that cave looks a bit suspicious....
Perhaps we'll
be safest if
we go together.
The siblings then made their way to the lake; no sooner had they arrived, however, when a large nasty wolf ran out of the cave and begin to chase the lamb, trying to eat her!

Mmm, a tasty
meal just for me!
Upon seeing her dear sister in danger, the cat pounced onto the wolf's back and began swiftly scratching him. Once the wolf was distracted, the lamb then began headbutting him in the side and the rooster began running around his feet until he was dizzy.
Seeing that he was well and truly outnumbered, the wolf quickly broke away and ran back to his cave.

Nobody hurts our
little sister!
Take that!
And that!
-doo, Can't catch me!
From outside the cave, the siblings could hear the wolf speaking with whom they thought to be several other wolves and carefully walked up to listen. They appeared to be planning their next move, but felt a bit afraid to after what had happened.
Inside the cave, the siblings spot a faint glimmer of gold. Had the wolves hidden treasure inside?

I'm not sure if it's safe
to go back out there,
those three little farm animals really gave me
a run for my money;
they're a lot tougher
than they look.
Don't be such a coward, we have to guard the
treasure and can't let
anything stand in our way.
Meanwhile, the old man and woman had returned from the store to find the house empty; noticing the empty stew pot and the three dishes on the floor, they realize what must have happened and become very worried.
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This book is dedicated to my dear family who are very precious to me

Once upon a time, in a little village far, far away, there lived an old man and woman who owned a cat, lamb and rooster. The couple loved their animals dearly as though they were their own children, and the animals came to see each other as siblings.

One day, the old man and woman had made a pot of stew which they had set to boil for dinner. The cat was left to watch the pot as the couple went to the village to buy some flower to make honey cakes for dessert, while the lamb and rooster went to fetch water and firewood.
After having waited for a while, the cat began to grow hungry.
- END >
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