This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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As i walked through my new elementary
school, I stared at the new big classrooms and
the teachers inside. It was my first day, and I
was very scared about his new teachers. I
looked all over for my first teacher, until I
finally found Ms. Liberty. She was young,
pretty and let her students do what they
wanted. She treated us all fair and we liked
her very much. She had the kids write official
rules of the classroom which they signed and
agreed to.
Once Ms. Liberty's class was over i went to
Mrs. Social's class. Mrs. Social handed out
some rules and then gave us a small amount
of time to decide which type of project we
would have. She didn't let us have any
opinions on any of the details. When Mrs.
Social turned around, my friend Harry
whispered to me, "Lets all run out of the class
and never come back!" Mrs. Social's face
turned red with anger, and sent Harry to the
mean principal.
After Mrs. Socials frightening class, I got lost in
the giant hallways, leaving me in confusion.
When suddenly, a grumpy old man who said
his name was Mr. Cons began to yell at me to
come into his classroom, telling me I was late.
Mr. Cons then gave me a pile of work and rules
that i had to follow, or I would fail.
Then I walked to Ms. National's room. Ms.
National gave me a smile and told me to sit
with my friends. With my friends I created a
list of reasonable rules. Ms. National looked at
our rules, as well as everyone else and wrote
them on the board. These rules would have to
be followed by everyone in the class.
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:
As i walked through my new elementary
school, I stared at the new big classrooms and
the teachers inside. It was my first day, and I
was very scared about his new teachers. I
looked all over for my first teacher, until I
finally found Ms. Liberty. She was young,
pretty and let her students do what they
wanted. She treated us all fair and we liked
her very much. She had the kids write official
rules of the classroom which they signed and
agreed to.
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