Hello! My name is Lena and this is my Husband Eric. My husband and I are expecting to have our baby today! I am nine months along in my pregnancy and believe me when I say that it was a long nine months.

Our day started out with us packing our baby's bag. We put in her socks, baby cap, clothes, diapers, blanket, mittens, and baby wipes. We then called our family members to let them know that we were on our way to the hospital so that they could meet us up there.

After we finished preparing our bags, we got into the car and hit the road. As I looked outside of the window and saw the muggy sky drizzling rain, I started to feel the butterflies in my stomach flutter. "Today is the day", I thought to myself and I just hoped that everything would go well.

About fifteen minutes later we finally made it to the hospital and my contractions were getting worse. Before we left the house we did as the doctor said and timed my contractions to see how far apart they were. Once they got closer together then we knew it was time to go. Now that we made it, I feel a little less nervous and more ready than before.

We headed into the hospital and filled out the paperwork that was given to us by the front desk lady. My nerves were starting to kick in again;however, I was so excited and ready to hold our baby girl. After the tedious paperwork we went to our assigned room.

When we got into our room the doctor and I talked about how the process would go. The nurse checked the baby's heart beat and position. Once she was done all we had to do was count the hours until it was time for our baby to make her entrance into the world.

After many tiring hours our baby girl was here! Before she came I was worried about the things that could go wrong, but now I am just happy and relieved. Eric was wondering if he would get this parenting thing right, and with the big smile that he had on his face while holding her I knew that he,we, were going to do just fine.

When we stepped out of the hospital, to my surprise, the sky was clear and the sun was shining bright. We put our baby in a secure car seat and covered her with a blanket. I sat in the backseat with her to keep her company.

Home sweet home.

Home sweet home at last! Eric got all of our bags and I got the baby from the car. As we walked up the path to our door Eric kept looking back to make sure that me and the baby were ok; he was extra cautious ever since the baby was in our arms.

Once we made it to her room, Eric and I discussed baby duties like who will wake up in the middle of the night on certain days, changing her diapers, and I gave him a mini lesson on how to swaddle her. We planned on doing all that we can to keep her comfortable and safe. We also went over work schedule changes.

This day was stressful, yet it was also exciting. It was eventful and changed both of our lives. This day was the most beautiful day of all.
The End

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Hello! My name is Lena and this is my Husband Eric. My husband and I are expecting to have our baby today! I am nine months along in my pregnancy and believe me when I say that it was a long nine months.

Our day started out with us packing our baby's bag. We put in her socks, baby cap, clothes, diapers, blanket, mittens, and baby wipes. We then called our family members to let them know that we were on our way to the hospital so that they could meet us up there.

After we finished preparing our bags, we got into the car and hit the road. As I looked outside of the window and saw the muggy sky drizzling rain, I started to feel the butterflies in my stomach flutter. "Today is the day", I thought to myself and I just hoped that everything would go well.
- END >
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