For:: Southern Sudan Lost Boys, and Girls.

Hi! Meet six year old Mulia. Everyday, she has to walk with her older sister, Aalia to the pond that is two hours away, infected with diseases, and worms. When Mulia wasn't walking, her mother was teaching her how to cook, and survive at home.During 1990, a lot of things were going on in Southern Sudan. Mulia had only heard rumors about the Second Southern Sudanese War, from her Bapa, and friends at home.

One day while getting water with Aalia, the war was moving closer to the pond. Mulia heard many shouts, and gunshots, then saw some soldiers running towards them. Along with those soldiers, came more, and more, until there were so many that Aalia, and Mulia got separated.

Aalia kept walking, until she wasn't in sight of any soldiers. Occasionally, she passed a stray soldier, who was no where near the war. Wherever Mulia walked, she was in the middle of nothing. Sometimes there was a dead tree, or flower, or bush, but not much more.

While Mulia was looking for Aalia, she saw a woman in the distance. She got closer to Mulia, and took her hand. While they were walking, the woman finally said something.
"What happened, dear?"
"I was gathering water with my sister, when the war came." Mulia answered.
"Come home with me. My name is Irya, and I want to help you." Mulia had to decide what to do.

Irya took Mulia to her home. Irya's home wasn't in a village, like Mulia's. Irya had to raise cattle, and get food for herself. Then, one day Mulia decided she wanted to find Aalia, so she set off by herself. Not a word or a note left for Irya, and Mulia left in the night.

Mulia walked, and walked, until she couldn't walk anymore. She stopped at big, gray rock to rest. She could hear the shouting, and fighting of the war. It reminded her of when she was younger. Then Mulia heard a rustling sound. She turned around to see Aalia!

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For:: Southern Sudan Lost Boys, and Girls.

Hi! Meet six year old Mulia. Everyday, she has to walk with her older sister, Aalia to the pond that is two hours away, infected with diseases, and worms. When Mulia wasn't walking, her mother was teaching her how to cook, and survive at home.During 1990, a lot of things were going on in Southern Sudan. Mulia had only heard rumors about the Second Southern Sudanese War, from her Bapa, and friends at home.

One day while getting water with Aalia, the war was moving closer to the pond. Mulia heard many shouts, and gunshots, then saw some soldiers running towards them. Along with those soldiers, came more, and more, until there were so many that Aalia, and Mulia got separated.

Aalia kept walking, until she wasn't in sight of any soldiers. Occasionally, she passed a stray soldier, who was no where near the war. Wherever Mulia walked, she was in the middle of nothing. Sometimes there was a dead tree, or flower, or bush, but not much more.

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"Mulia's Tale"
Then find out how some Lost Girls got separated from their families. The following story of a Lost Girl, but it is fictional. You can find many true stories, however, if you look up: lost girls of sudan true stories. Enjoy!
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