I get a lot of my book ideas from every day life. Then I turn them into wild and crazy stories. My nephew recently found out that he has to wear braces. I know that some kids aren't too happy about having to wear them and so I wrote this story to turn it into something really cool. Hope you enjoy it.
Your pal,

Like most kids, I was not a fan of going to the dentist. No matter how much I brushed and flossed he would always find a cavity or two. Well, at least I got a free toothbrush when it was over. But not this time. Oh no. I ended up getting a whole lot more. When I walked into the office, I was greeted by the dental hygenist. I also noticed that my regular dentist wasn't there.

"Where's Dr. Macy?" I asked her. "He's taking the day off. Dr. Eason will be handling your procedure today. They say he's the best." "Procedure? I'm here for a cleaning and check-up." I sat down in the dental chair feeling confused and quite nervous. "Okay, special agent this procedure could take a while but I assure you it will be painless." "Special agent? I think there's been a........." Before I could finish my thought a mask was placed over my nose and mouth. Within seconds, I was out cold.

When I came to I felt a little groggy and boy did my mouth ever hurt. "Alright special agent, you're all done. Take a look in the mirror. I think I did a pretty good job." I walked over to the mirror on the wall and opened my mouth to find a horrifying surprise. I had braces!!!! As I stood there in shock, I overheard a tense conversation going on in the office. It sounded like two men quarreling.

"What's going on?" I questioned the men. "Um, there was a bit of mix up" the dentist stammered. "You see I was supposed to put those braces in the mouth of Special Agent Manley." "The name's Manning." "Whatever. Inside those braces are microchips with top secret information. They cannot fall into the wrong hands under any circumstances." "I still don't understand any of this" I grumbled. "Call Mr. Blair and have him explain it all to this kid. Unbelievable! I think it's time I finally started my own spy agency. Geez!"

Outside of the dentist's office I was greeted by a grey-haired man named Karl Blair. "Greetings. I am the head of an international spy agency known as 'INTELLIGENTS.' In your mouth right now is some highly sensitive intelligence that has been gathered by our agents across the globe. Your mission is to deliver this information to our secret base located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean." "You want me to do what?"

"Okay kid, it would be super embarrassing if people found out about this. Don't tell anyone anything about this mission. I've packed a suitcase for you, including a brand new three-pack of underwear for your trip." "What's the plan?" I wondered. "A taxi will take you to the airport where you will board a flight to Hawaii. I also packed a parachute as you will be jumping out of the plane somewhere above the Pacific Ocean" Mr. Blair instructed. "You want me to jump out of an airplane into the Pacific Ocean?" "Pretty much" he replied.

I tried to relax during the ride to the airport but was interrupted by a ringing phone. "Yeah" I answered. "One last thing" Mr. Blair began, "You'll have to watch out for Max Torch, a rogue agent that left INTELLIGENTS to go into business for himself. He's considered one of the most deadly men on the planet. He's currently working for General Victor Marisol, leader of Central America's most dangerous guerilla fighters, 'The Despacitos.' They are merciless and will do anything to get what they want." "Uh, thanks for letting me know." "Okey dokey. Have fun and enjoy the view and the free peanuts."

I presented my ticket to the airline attendant and was directed to my seat. I had never flown before and was a little nervous. "Ooo, window seat! Very nice!" a voice called out. "Who's there?" "It's me, Mr. Blair. We fit you with a tiny device that hides nicely in your ear. That way we'll be able to communicate. I'll let you know when it's time for you to jump out of the plane." "About that, uh, do I really have to?" "Don't worry kid. The parachute does all the work for you." "If you say so. Okay, I'm gonna rest for a while." I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. So far, so good as there was no sign of Max Torch.

After some initial turbulence, the plane settled into a smooth flight pattern. I started gazing out the window of the plane and was amazed by the view. I had always had a fear of flying but this was pretty cool. I was still fretting about having to jump out of a plane but I trusted Mr. Blair and was sure it would be fine. "Welcome everyone. This is your Captain speaking......hey! What are you doing in here!" A brief scuffle ensued and soon we heard a different voice coming through the speaker. "This is Max Torch. Stay calm everyone. I'm only here for one person." I scurried to the back of the plane as I prepared to escape earlier than anticipated.

Torch exited the cockpit and began to run after me. Thankfully he was delayed when he ran into one the flight attendent's carts. I opened the emergency exit, took one look back, and jumped. Hold up! I can't find my parachute! As I flailed through the sky in terror, I felt something jut out of my hoodie. It was a parachute! Soon I was soaring through the sky like an eagle. In my haste however, I lost my luggage. I don't think there was anything important in the bag but I probably could've used that underwear three-pack.

My magical journey through the sky would come to an abrupt end as I caught a glimpse of Torch. He had also jumped out of the plane with a parachute. He was holding a laser pistol pointed in my direction. "Mr. Blair! Mr. Blair! I need help!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. But there was no answer. I think the ear bud may have fallen out during all the commotion. ZAP! A laser blast grazed the top of my parachute which began to catch fire. One more shot and I'd end up crashing into the middle of the ocean.

As I watched my life flash before my eyes, I looked up to see that a plane had buzzed Torch's parachute. He began to rapidly fall from the sky. "Curse you Manson!" he shrieked. "The name is Manning!" "Whatever!" "Sorry about your parachute bro but I'm on vacation!" While the two former INTELLIGENTS agents bickered, I plunged into the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Thankfully my parachute remained intact during my descent breaking my fall. I swam back to the surface of the ocean only to see nothing but water for miles around. Oh, and I was also surrounded by sharks. "Blair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

Even though I had never been in the ocean, I had a great fear of sharks. While I was treading water I began to notice that the group of sharks were starting to slowly circle around me. No! It can't end this way. Mr. Blair didn't say anything about sharks. If I managed to survive, I vowed to not only brush twice a day but I would also floss before bed. And no more soda pop. Soon the school of sharks began to swim around and underneath me as they became more aggressive. I closed my eyes and hoped that this nightmare would be over soon. When I opened them back up all of the sharks were gone. Well, all except for one big sucker.
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I get a lot of my book ideas from every day life. Then I turn them into wild and crazy stories. My nephew recently found out that he has to wear braces. I know that some kids aren't too happy about having to wear them and so I wrote this story to turn it into something really cool. Hope you enjoy it.
Your pal,

Like most kids, I was not a fan of going to the dentist. No matter how much I brushed and flossed he would always find a cavity or two. Well, at least I got a free toothbrush when it was over. But not this time. Oh no. I ended up getting a whole lot more. When I walked into the office, I was greeted by the dental hygenist. I also noticed that my regular dentist wasn't there.

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