1. Arzu Körpeoğlu /Korgeneral Enver Akoğlu Secondary School/ Turkey
2. Ayşegül Keşoğlu / Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Secondary School/Turkey
3. Catalina Roxana Olaru / Scoala gimnaziala "Dimitrie Luchian", Piscu, Galati / Romania
4.Darina Babjackova/ZŠ Bernolakova 1061/ Slovakia
5. Demet Koçoğlu/Mehmet Azman Çavuş Secondary School / Turkey
6.Fatma Özmen Ersoy/Ören Secondary School/Turkey
7. Zuhal Hande KAYABEY/Mehmet Azman Çavuş Secondary School / Turkey
8. Isabel Redondo / IES Escultor Juan de Villanueva / Pola de Siero, Spain
9. Katarina Arnaud-Nitze/ Realschule Aurich /Germany
10.Lúcia Tardão/Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Alberto Iria/ Portugal
11.Marina Orazi /Istituto Comprensivo Pescara 8 / Italy
12.Nino Chkhetia / Kutaisi Physical-mathematical Public School N41 After Andria Razmadze / Georgia
13. Oana Crihană / Scoala Gimnazială Dan Barbilian Galați/ Romania
14. Rita Flipetti / Scuola Statale Secondaria di I Grado "Da Vinci-Nucula" di Terni / Italy
15. Tuğçe Akyol / Private Antalya Başarı Secondary School / Turkey
16.Zehra Şentürk / Marziye İbrahim Ertek SS / Turkey
Arzu (Turkey)

Atatürk’s full name is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in 1881 in Salonika. He went to Şemsi Efendi Primary School and Salonica Military School. He graduated from War Acedemy with the rank of captain in 1905. He went to Samsun on 19th May, 1919 to start the War of Independence. He opened the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 23rd April,1920.He founded the Republic of Turkey on 29th October, 1923. He became the first president. In 1934, The Turkish Grand National Assembly gave him the surname "Atatürk", meaning 'Father of the Turks'. He started a programme of revolutionary social and political reform to modernise Turkey.
He was not only a president but also a farsighted leader, thinker, politician. He dedicated his life to the development of Turkish nation. He passed away at 09:05 am on 10th November,1938.
"Peace at home,peace in the world."

Aziz Sancar was born in Mardin on 8th September 1946. He finished primary school and high school in Mardin.He started Istanbul University School of Medicine in 1963. He graduated from Medical Faculty in 1971. He went to the USA to study after his graduation. Then he worked as a doctor in Mardin Savur which is his hometown, for two years.He studied for doctorate at Texas University.
Aziz Sancar received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for mechanistic studies of DNA repair in 2015. He is the honour of Turkey.
Aziz Sancar is married to Gwen Boles Sancar who is a professor of biochemistry.

Cahit Arf was a Turkish mathematician. He was born on 11 October 1910 in Selanik.He is known for the Arf invariant of a quadratic form in characteristic topology, Arf semigroups, and Arf rings. His family migrated to Istanbul with the outbreak of the Balkan War in 1912.He studied his primary education in İzmir and he continued his education in Paris and graduated from École Normale Supérieure.The recipient of numerous international awards in Maths,he taught at U.S and California.He also provided valuable service at several educational instituions in Turkey.He is a founding members of Scientific and Technological Reesarch Council of Turkey.

Necip Fazıl Kısakürek was born on May 26, 1904 in Istanbul. Kısakürek is best known for the poems that he wrote during the first years of the Republic; rendered in syllabic meter, these are aesthetically minded, profoundly metaphysical and psychological pieces. He led an extremely productive life, and wrote many poems, plays, articles, and essays. In 1980, in an official ceremony, The Turkish Foundation for Literature granted him the “Sultanı Şuara” (“Mastermind”) title.
Catalina (Romania)

Darina (Slovakia)
Milan Rastislav Štefánik
He was a Slovak astronomer, photographer, military pilot, brigadier general of the French Armed Forces, diplomat and politician . He was born in Košariská on 21. July 1880 and he died 4.May 1919. He had 11 brothers and sisters, two of whom died at a young age.He graduated in 1904 with a doctorate in philosophy and with knowledge of astronomy: his thesis is about a star that was discovered in the Cassiopeia constellation.In Tahiti, he also built an observatory and a network of meteorological stations.He also performed diplomatic tasks. He was Minister of War of the Czechoslovak Republic: disputes with the military missions of France and Italy on Czechoslovak territory.

Gabriela Futová
This is the Gabriela Futová. She is the writer. She was born on 23. February 1971. She is favourite writer for children in Slovakia.These are a few books: What teachers don ´t see
Our mum is a witch, Don ´ t go crazy mother, Four bones for Fliper.
She studied journalism at the Faculty of Philosophy in Bratislava. Since 2000. she has been involved in children ´ s literature. She is also active in working with children and acts as head of group focused on children and young people under the auspices of the Slovak National Library in Martin.
She is married. She has two children :Eliška and Maroš. She loves animals. She has 39 animals at home .

Demet (Turkey)

Fazıl Say was born in January 14, 1970 in Ankara. He started playing the piano at the age of 4. He studied at the "Special Statues for Gifted Children" at the Ankara State Conservatory. He finished the conservatory in 1987. He first won the Europian Piano Contest in 1991 and he is a well known pianist all over the world and he continues to composes.
You can listen his music by scanning the qr code.

He is an important astronomy and mathematics scholar. He gave works in many scienfic fields. He lived in 15th century. He was born in Samarkand in 1403. He drew in the hands of the moon. It shows that the Moon reflects the satellite from the Sun. He played an important role in teaching of mathematics lessons in madrasahs. He passed away in İstanbul in December 16, 1474.
o Observatory of Ulugbek Samarkand

Fatma (Turkey)
Mehmet II was born on 29th March 1432, in Edirne. He was the son of Sultan Murad II. His mother was Huma Hatun. He was a tall, strong and muscular man.Mehmet II was a statesman and a military leader. He was educated by famous scholar Aksemseddin. Mehmet was speaking seven languages fluently.
He took the name “conqueror” (fatih) after the conquest of Istanbul on 29th May 1453.He ruled the Ottoman Empire for 30 years.The emperor had died on 3rd May 1481. He was buried in “Fatih Turbesi” (tomb), near the Mosque of Fatih in Istanbul.

Mehmet Oz was born in Cleveland, Ohio, to Turkish parents Suna and Mustafa, who had emigrated from Konya, Turkey. Mustafa Öz was born in Bozkır, a small town in central Turkey. Mustafa did very well in school and earned scholarships that allowed him to emigrate to the United States as a medical resident in 1955. Suna comes from a wealthy family that includes writers, civil engineers, and businessmen.
Oz was educated at Tower Hill School in Wilmington, Delaware. In 1982 he received his undergraduate degree from Harvard University.
He authored over 400 original publications, book chapters, and medical books and has received several patents. He performed around 250 heart operations annually.
Hande (Turkey)
Barış Manço was born on 2 January 1943. He was a Turkish rock musician, singer, songwriter, composer, actor, television producer and show host. He was a pioneer of rock music in Turkey. Manço composed around 200 songs and he won twelwe gold and one platinum album awards.. He was the first Turkish singer to give a concert in the Olimpia Hall in Paris. Through his TV program, 7'den 77'ye ("From 7 to 77"), Manço traveled the world and visited many countries. "Adam Olacak Çocuk" strengthened Manço's popularity among the young generations. He got married to Lale ÇAĞLAR in1979 and had two sons. On 1 February 1999, Barış Manço died of a sudden heart attack. He remains one of the most popular public figures of Turkey.

Oktay Sinanoğlu was a Turkish physical chemist and molecular biophysicist.He was born in Bari, Italy on February 25, 1935
In 1960, Sinanoğlu joined the Yale faculty. He was appointed “full professor of chemistry” on July 1, 1963. At age 28, he became the youngest full professor in Yale’s 20th-century history. He received the "TÜBİTAK Science Award" for chemistry in 1966, the "Alexander von Humboldt Research Award" in chemistry in 1973, and the "International Outstanding Scientist Award of Japan" in 1975.
He married Paula Armbruster, a student at Yale University, on December 21, 1963. After this marriage, she married Dilek Sinanoğlu and they had twins from this marriage.He died at age 80 on April 19, 2015.
Isabel (Spain)
Rosalía is a very famous Spanish singer, composer, producer, and actress. She was born in a village in Barcelona, Spain on September 25th, 1993. Her parents were plastic artists, they changed residence a lot and Rosalía could know different parts of the world and cultures. She began her musical education at 16, but she wasn’t successful until her song ‘’Malamente’’. She’s received many awards, including Grammy Awards and has made a lot of collaborations with really famous artists.

Antoni Gaudí was born in Reus, Tarragona, Spain on June 25th, 1852 and died on June 10th, 1926 when he was hit by a tram. He spoke Catalan. He suffered from rheumatism and was a vegetarian. He didn’t get married because he was always focused on his job. His friends described him as friendly, polite and faithful. He was an architect and designer. His passions were: architecture, nature and religion. His most important contructions are: Parque Güell and Sagrada Familia in Barcelona and El Capricho in Cantabria.

Katarina (Germany)

Albert Einstein
(14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955 )
Einstein has been known to be one of the wisest physicists of his time and one of the best-known scientists to have positively affected physics and the way we understand nature and the universe as a whole.
Einstein was born in Germany, became a citizen of Switzerland to avoid military service and emigrated to the United States of America when Hitler came to power. He soon became an American citizen. He was married twice. He had three children with his first wife Mileva Marić,. He divorced her in 1919 and married Elsa, his cousin, in the same year. Elsa dies in 1936.
He received a lot of prizes and medals, for example the Nobel prize in 1921. Einstein worked as a lecturer and professor in different universities and different countries. He wrote hundreds of articles, essays and books and worked until the end of his life. He loved music and played the violin quite well. Albert Einstein was a genius. After his death, his brain was removed to find out why he was so extraordinally intelligent.
Cornelia Funke (date of birth: in 10 December at 1958,61 Jears old)
Cornelia Funke is the author of many books for children and teenager
Her first book, "The Lord of Thieves" was published in Germany in 2000, her international breakthough came in 2002 when her book "The Lord of Thieves" was published in the United States and was there for months on the bestseller lists. In 2003 her book Inkheart was published in many countries and was a great success. Other books, like Ink Blood (2005) and Inkdeath (2007) were also very successful and made Cornelia Funke the most widely read German children's book author internationally . Her latest book "Mirrorworld" was published in November 2020. Some of her books were turned into movies or series.
When she was a child, she wanted to become an astronaut or a pilot, but ultimately decided to study pedagogy at the University of Hamburg. After she had finished her studies, Funke worked for three years as a social worker. During her social work she focused on working with children who came from deprived backgrounds. She illustrated books for a short time, but soon began writing her own stories, inspired by the sorts of stories that had appealed to the deprived children she had worked with. She wrote her first story at the age of 28.
Cornelia Funke got the German Youth Literature Prize this year for her complete work. Cornelia Funke now lives with her children in Los Angeles.

Luís de Camões
We don’t know for sure when he was born. Apparently he was born in Lisbon, from a family of the gentry. He received a solid education in the classical moulds, mastering Latin and knowing ancient and modern literature and history. He attended the court of D. João III(1502-1557) and lost his eye fighting in India.
He was a national poet of Portugal, considered one of the greatest figures in lusophone literature and one of the great poets of the western tradition. His most known book is The Lusíadas, an epic poem where he tells the Portuguese history specially the narration of the maritime way to India by Vasco da Gama. It is said that in a shipwreck he saved The Lusíadas while swimming ashore, avoiding this masterpiece to be lost.
Lúcia (Portugal)

Vasco da Gama
Vasco da Gama (1469-1524) was a Portuguese navigator, commander of the great expedition that left Lisbon and opened the new sea route to India, an important center that produced spices, fabrics and precious stones.
Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, a Portuguese city in the Alentejo region, Portugal, probably in 1469.
His voyage to India (1497–1499) was the first to link Europe and Asia by an ocean route, connecting the West and the Orient. This marked the beginning of a sea-based phase of global multiculturalism.

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1. Arzu Körpeoğlu /Korgeneral Enver Akoğlu Secondary School/ Turkey
2. Ayşegül Keşoğlu / Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Secondary School/Turkey
3. Catalina Roxana Olaru / Scoala gimnaziala "Dimitrie Luchian", Piscu, Galati / Romania
4.Darina Babjackova/ZŠ Bernolakova 1061/ Slovakia
5. Demet Koçoğlu/Mehmet Azman Çavuş Secondary School / Turkey
6.Fatma Özmen Ersoy/Ören Secondary School/Turkey
7. Zuhal Hande KAYABEY/Mehmet Azman Çavuş Secondary School / Turkey
8. Isabel Redondo / IES Escultor Juan de Villanueva / Pola de Siero, Spain
9. Katarina Arnaud-Nitze/ Realschule Aurich /Germany
10.Lúcia Tardão/Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Alberto Iria/ Portugal
11.Marina Orazi /Istituto Comprensivo Pescara 8 / Italy
12.Nino Chkhetia / Kutaisi Physical-mathematical Public School N41 After Andria Razmadze / Georgia
13. Oana Crihană / Scoala Gimnazială Dan Barbilian Galați/ Romania
14. Rita Flipetti / Scuola Statale Secondaria di I Grado "Da Vinci-Nucula" di Terni / Italy
15. Tuğçe Akyol / Private Antalya Başarı Secondary School / Turkey
16.Zehra Şentürk / Marziye İbrahim Ertek SS / Turkey
Arzu (Turkey)

Atatürk’s full name is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in 1881 in Salonika. He went to Şemsi Efendi Primary School and Salonica Military School. He graduated from War Acedemy with the rank of captain in 1905. He went to Samsun on 19th May, 1919 to start the War of Independence. He opened the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 23rd April,1920.He founded the Republic of Turkey on 29th October, 1923. He became the first president. In 1934, The Turkish Grand National Assembly gave him the surname "Atatürk", meaning 'Father of the Turks'. He started a programme of revolutionary social and political reform to modernise Turkey.
He was not only a president but also a farsighted leader, thinker, politician. He dedicated his life to the development of Turkish nation. He passed away at 09:05 am on 10th November,1938.
"Peace at home,peace in the world."
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