To young children wanting to learn about Buddhism.

One day in Japan, a young boy named Huan was mourning over his father's illness, as he only had a few hours to live. His father decided that, before he died, he should guide Huan in his journey to seek nirvana; so, he did.
Huan, I think that it's time that I teach you about Buddhism.
OK dad, but what is

Buddhism is a religion that is mainly followed in Japan. It derives from Hinduism, another religion that is followed here, and even hails in India, just like Hindiusm.

In fact, the founder of Buddhism was originally a Hindu! He was a prince who had a lot of luxuries in his time. Then he found out that some of the citizens of his society were suffering, and he wanted to try and end suffering for those types of people.

His quest eventually led him to starve himself whilst sitting under a Bodhi tree in order to seek enlightenment. This is called "Asceticism", which means to deny oneself the basic needs. Many people, including Siddhartha, developed extreme interpretations of this, such as harming themselves. Siddartha was tempted by evil whilst sitting under the tree, but he never gave up trying to find enlightenment.

From sitting under that tree, Siddartha Gautama developed the teaching of "Dharma", which represents one's duty or responsiblities. One can reach dharma by practicing good karma. Karma is the belief that bad actions have consequences in the future.He also developed the "Four Noble Truths."
What are the "Four Noble Truths"?

The "Four Noble Truths" are:
1. There is suffering, which is common to everyone. (Dukkha)
2. We are the cause of our own suffering. (Samudaya)
3. We must stop doing what causes suffering. (Nirodha)
4. We must follow the Middle Way (which is more commonly known as the Eightfold Path) in order to end suffering. (Magga)

How do we know what to do in order to follow the Middle Way? Is there a god who instructs us on how to live?
No, Buddhism does not have a deity, or god. Instead, we use a religious text called Dhammapada. The main theme of the Dhammapada is: "all that we are is a result of what we think or do."

Anyone who reaches the Eightfold Path will have:
1. Right Mindfulness
2. Right View
3. Right Intention
4. Right Speech
5. Right Action
6. Right Livelihood
7. Right Effort
8. Right Concentration

If you read Dhammapada and put the rules into effect, you will reach the Eightfold Path, which will ultimately lead to you achieving nirvana.
Nirvana? What's that?

Nirvana is the ultimate goal of us Buddhists. When one reaches nirvana, they are incapable of suffering from anything. Nothing will put them into a bad mood.
Dad, I know what Buddhism tells me to do, but is there anything that Buddhism tells me NOT to do?
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To young children wanting to learn about Buddhism.

One day in Japan, a young boy named Huan was mourning over his father's illness, as he only had a few hours to live. His father decided that, before he died, he should guide Huan in his journey to seek nirvana; so, he did.
Huan, I think that it's time that I teach you about Buddhism.
OK dad, but what is

Buddhism is a religion that is mainly followed in Japan. It derives from Hinduism, another religion that is followed here, and even hails in India, just like Hindiusm.

In fact, the founder of Buddhism was originally a Hindu! He was a prince who had a lot of luxuries in his time. Then he found out that some of the citizens of his society were suffering, and he wanted to try and end suffering for those types of people.
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