Muzika na shoqeron kudo, shijet tona jane te ndryshme. Kapercejne vitet, duke u rikthyer ne kohe, atehere ku shpertheu nje rryme e re muzikore e vitit 60-80. Kenge qe u krijuan per te frymezuar jeten, te bukuren, artin me gjithe ngjyrat e tij, kercimin, moden, kinematografine. Keto risi sollen “bumin” e atyre viteve, shpirtlumin qe ndjekim dhe sot , qe ka lene gjurme tek prinderit tane, emocione qe ne i ushqejme dhe ne brezin e shek. 21. Nuk mund te le pa permendur famen e magjishme, te Elvis Presly, me muziken e tij virale, te kercyeshme e qe u hapi syte brezave te ardhshem te asaj kohe,i beri te besojne se kenga the muzika ne pergjithesi eshte ushqim per lumturine, gezimin e jetes qe formojne nje bote magjike plot emocion:
Elvis Presley me kercimtaret e tij te pazevendesueshem, solli jo vetem nje zhaner muzikor,por dhe nje look te ri te veshjes dhe te pamjes. Muzika rock ose rock and roll eshte nje prejardhje te re kengetaresh .

Essay: Culture, Albanian and European art in the years 1960-1980.
The music accompanies us everyday, our different preferences pass the years, going back in the time where the new type of music of
60s-80s bloomed. Songs created do inspire life, the beautiful, art with all its colours, dance, fashion, cinema. These changes brought the “bow” of these years, an explosion that is felt nowdays, that has left its tracks in our parents, emotion that we feed to the new generation of the 21st. I can't stay without mentioning the fame of the magician,
Elvis Presley, with his vital music, a dancing one, that opened the eyes of that time generation. It made them believe that the song and music in averall, can be food for the instant happiness, the satisfaction of life that creates a magical world full of emotion. Elvis Presley with his irreplaceable creation, brought more than just a type of music, a new way of appearance and dressing . The rock music or rock and roll, is a constellation of singers that with their songs have resisted over the time and are now inspiration for other creations of late times, of the new compositors. An inspiration, a message that transmits, makes you believe that the music of 60-80s is an unstoppable
waterfall of the beautiful and pleasure, of the most unique songs dedicated to life.
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