The story of my family :)

Effie lived in a small village just outside the capital of Greece. She had many siblings but hoped for a better life once she came to Canada.

George Vlahos lived in a village called Florina it was in Nimfeo, in the country Greece. He also wanted a new life in Canada, here is their story.

Although in different places in Greece, Effie and George had similar reasons for leaving. The politics in Greece were so corrupt and Effie and George were in constant disbelief of the things going on in Greece. That was only one of the things that pushed them to want to leave. There was also no job opportunities in Greece, George found a job as a cop, but it was extremely difficult to get! Getting a job was far too hard. George and Effie had one final thing to push them off the edge of leaving Greece, during the time period of 1967-1974 the military junta was in charge of the country. So many people died when the junta was is charge and they wanted to leave to be protected and in a more stable country.

George and Effie both came to Canada. More specifically Toronto, Ontario in 1970. They came to Canada separately, and there were many immigrants coming to Canada around this time, for good reason. There were many pull factors that brought Effie and George to Canada.

A lot of things pulled Effie and George to come here. Although coming separately and not knowing each other yet, Canada would give them both amazing opportunities. Would allow them to get good jobs, and to start a new life here. There was also a better government and better politics here in Canada, compared to what they were going through with the military junta. The economy was stronger in Canada, everything was. The environment, the politics, the jobs. Something else that pulled them towards Canada was that there was many Greeks in Canada that have been immigrating there. Moving to Toronto was a new and exciting challenge.

Effie and George had no family or any friends in Canada. Which made the immigration to Canada a lot harder. They both came independently, and became citizens with that status. They became Canadians by being independent immigrants!

Coming to a new country is always difficult, George and Effie were trying to adapt to the new life.
It was difficult for them to learn how to use the transportation, it was difficult to find a job due to language barriers, it's a completely different environment, it was also very difficult to find a home. George found it especially hard to get a job, he tried to become a cop in Canada but, his cop credentials from Greece didn't match the ones needed to become a cop in Canada.

Despite the challenges Effie and George faced on their own. They learned better English, they learned how to get around the city. Through the challenges they faced, came great benefits.
George ended up getting a job as a butcher, and Effie found a job in a factory. Which is why they came here, for better opportunities!

George used most of his money to rent out an apartment.
Effie did the same, she rented an apartment as well.
They both hadn't met yet, so it was very hard to figure everything out by themselves.
They both were happy for their new life though.

Throughout all the challenges and benefits Effie and George faced. They faced it alone, neither of them had family in Canada. Until one day they met in an elevator. They began speaking in Greek, and fell in love!

They soon pooled their money together and rented a house in the Riverdale area of Toronto!

They got married not far after they met, they got married on April 12th!
Not soon later, they had two kids. Maria Vlahos in 1973, and Roula Vlahos in 1975!
They moved around a lot, until they found their permanent home in the West End of Toronto. They built a family together, and had two very amazing daughters.
They were proud of their decision to come to Canada because now their daughters would have a great education, and a great life.

Years later, Effie and George have raised their daughters and they've grown up.
Their first daughter Maria met a man named Jim, they worked together. Then they had me and my brother George. That makes my brother and I second generation Canadians!
My grandparents are Effie and George, I am grateful for their risk coming to Canada or I wouldn't have the life I have today.


Dancing is a big part of Greek Culture! With many traditional dances. Greeks always find a way to dance!
With many popular dances such as 'Sirtaki' 'Kalamatiano' and 'Hasapiko' which require a lot of fast paced dancing, and a lot of foot steps!

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The story of my family :)

Effie lived in a small village just outside the capital of Greece. She had many siblings but hoped for a better life once she came to Canada.

George Vlahos lived in a village called Florina it was in Nimfeo, in the country Greece. He also wanted a new life in Canada, here is their story.

Although in different places in Greece, Effie and George had similar reasons for leaving. The politics in Greece were so corrupt and Effie and George were in constant disbelief of the things going on in Greece. That was only one of the things that pushed them to want to leave. There was also no job opportunities in Greece, George found a job as a cop, but it was extremely difficult to get! Getting a job was far too hard. George and Effie had one final thing to push them off the edge of leaving Greece, during the time period of 1967-1974 the military junta was in charge of the country. So many people died when the junta was is charge and they wanted to leave to be protected and in a more stable country.
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