Yellowknife is the capital of northwest territories.
Facts and some statistics about Yellowknife.
- The population of Yellowknife(last recorded in 2016) is 19,569 and today is estimated to be about 20,000.
- Yellowknife is located in the Mountain time zone.
- Yellowknife's biggest industry is mining mostly gold but other things like diamonds are mined there as well.
- The city is 136.2 square kilometers in area.
- Yellowknife only became a city in 1934.
The city gets its name from knives that were used.

- city of Yellowknife.
Tourist attractions.
- Aurora village northern lights.
The aurora village can be found on the Ingraham trail just outside Yellowknife. The Aurora Village is a location in which you can see the Aurora Borealis (northern lights) from a group of teepees. The address is 4709 Franklin Ave. Yellowknife, NWT, Canada.

This is an image of the teepee village and the northern lights.
- There are many hiking trails to go on throughout the city of Yellowknife. The Tincan Hill Recreation Area, The Rotary Centennial Park Trail, and the Ranney Hill Trail, to name a few. But there is one, in particular, that is great to visit it is located on the Ingraham Trail, Fort Smith. This trail is the Cameron Falls trail, it is appealing because of the waterfall featured in it along with a river as well.

This is an image of Cameron Falls.in the spring.
Snowking Festival
- This is a festival held each year in Yellowknife, it is filled with many ice structures and castles. People carve and build these massive ice and snow sculptures for the festival. The festival is held at 3815 Bretzlaff Dr, Yellowknife.

This is one of the snow structures seen at the festival each year.
Old Town Heritage Tours
- The old town tour is a historical tour through the city the tour is self-guided. You can see many old buildings and landmarks. The old town tour is a long stretch of lodges and houses on the water east of downtown Yellowknife.

Yellowknife old town area.
Dog Sledding
- Yellowknife also has Dog Sledding. Which too takes place in the Aurora Village. There are trails in the forest where the dogs will pull your sled and take you on a ride through the forested snowy paths. This is also located at 4709 Franklin Ave, NWT, Canada. This being one of many Aurora tours in the city.

Image of the Dog Sledding in Yellowknife
Here are the locations of the things I chose and how to get there, Yellowknife does not have any transit route numbers it is a lettered system consisting of three letters route A, B, C. There are no subways in Yellowknife. Yellowknife's city hall is located at 4910 52 St, Yellowknife.
- first, the Aurora Village Yellowknife attraction which is located at 4709 Franklin Ave (where you book), and city hall is located at 4910 52 St which is walking distance from city hall but if you decide to take the transit you would need to take either the B or C bus to get there. To get to the Ingraham trail entrance you would need to go privately with a tour or alone as the bus does not go there.
- to get to Cameron Falls and other hiking trails on the Ingraham trail you will need private travel, you can take the C bus as far as it goes and go from there if you so wish.
- The snow king festival can be reached by taking the B bus all the way up to the start of the C bus then take the C bus to stop 3 which is Bretzlaff Dr. Where the snow king festival is located.
- To reach the Old Town area you need to take the B bus from city hall, then you move to the C bus which takes you directly into the heart of the Old Town.
- As I said before the Aurora Village is the same place as the dog sledding so they are the exact same location on the city map.

4709 Franklin Ave.
Ingraham St.
Old Town Region
Bretzlaff Dr.
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Yellowknife is the capital of northwest territories.
Facts and some statistics about Yellowknife.
- The population of Yellowknife(last recorded in 2016) is 19,569 and today is estimated to be about 20,000.
- Yellowknife is located in the Mountain time zone.
- Yellowknife's biggest industry is mining mostly gold but other things like diamonds are mined there as well.
- The city is 136.2 square kilometers in area.
- Yellowknife only became a city in 1934.
The city gets its name from knives that were used.

- city of Yellowknife.
Tourist attractions.
- Aurora village northern lights.
The aurora village can be found on the Ingraham trail just outside Yellowknife. The Aurora Village is a location in which you can see the Aurora Borealis (northern lights) from a group of teepees. The address is 4709 Franklin Ave. Yellowknife, NWT, Canada.

This is an image of the teepee village and the northern lights.
- There are many hiking trails to go on throughout the city of Yellowknife. The Tincan Hill Recreation Area, The Rotary Centennial Park Trail, and the Ranney Hill Trail, to name a few. But there is one, in particular, that is great to visit it is located on the Ingraham Trail, Fort Smith. This trail is the Cameron Falls trail, it is appealing because of the waterfall featured in it along with a river as well.

This is an image of Cameron Falls.in the spring.
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