Designed and Created
by Maria Azor Miron, by Fatma Kılıç
and Pupil Kaan SFDMTAL
Dear project members, Thank you for participating in the story writing activity "My Water of Life" eTwinning project final product "Little Pearly's Life".

1. "Ocean-Hot-Evaporation" Fatma Kılıç and Her Students
2."Spring-Cloud-Wander" Leonor Neves Alves and Her Students
3. "Cloud-Wind-Drought" Nazan Yılmazer and Her Students
4."Rain-River" Angeles de Santiago and Her Students
5."Animals-Water" María Azor and Her Students
6."Summer-Sea" Gonca Bahar and Her Students
7."Sea-Childeren" Anjeza Çerri and Her Students
8."Sea-Underwater Creatures " Dilek Bekoğlu Yılmaz and Her Students
9."Autumn- Evaporation" İmmihan Sezen AYDOĞDU and Her Students

10."Winter-Could" Buse Demircin and Her Students
11."Fog-Ice" Fatma Akgül and Her Students
12."Snowflake-Snowman" İskender Özcan and Him Students
13. "Marrow-Melt-Ground Water" Cristina Mato and Her Students
14. "Spring -Nature" Özkan Yetkin and Him Students
15. "Source of life" Sabriye Betül Geldi and Her Students
16. "Ocean" Alice Severi and Her Students

Pearly was one of the millions of living water droplets in the ocean. She was so happy with her siblings that they would dance hand in hand with them in the ocean from morning till night. From time to time she would chat with the other owners of the ocean, fish, starfish and many more. They would talk about the future of young generations, they would complain about the increasing foreign substances in the ocean, new neighbors they did not know, plastic bags.

1. " Ocean- Hot-Evaporation" Fatma Kilic, Pupil Kaan and Pupil Emiray
Şehit Fazıl Doğruöz Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School
Another day Pearly awoke to the first light of the sun, as usual. she and her siblings were holding hands, swinging from side to side. She was very happy to be with them. One day when the sun was at the top, Pearly felt his body temperature rise and began to shake, and after a short time he became so light that he separated from her siblings and slowly rose towards the sky. She was now in another phase of her life. Because Pearly had become a cloud. She was in a world very different
from her life in the ocean.
1. "Ocean-Hot-Evaporation" Fatma Kılıç, Pupil Kaan and Pupil Emiray
Şehit Fazıl Doğruöz Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

2. "Spring-Cloud-Wander" Maria Leonor Neves Alves and Pupil Lara
Agrupamento de escolas de S. João da Talha, Lisboa, Portugal

Pearly's days were passing in the cloud playing with Lili. It was like some voice was calling her. "Pearly! Pearly! Pearly!" glanced left and right. She could not see where the voice was coming from. Then a strong stream of air dragged them along with the cloud from the ocean to the land. Pearly was very scared, but she was also delighted. How beautiful she was drifting towards lands she did not know. She was actually getting bored with the cloud. She had dreams she wanted to realize. She suddenly had a chill. She snuggled to Lili calmly.
3. " Cloud - Wind - Drought '' Nazan Yılmazer and Her Students
(pupil Melıha ONHAL)Osman Nuri Hekimoğlu Anatolian High School

3. " Cloud - Wind - Drought " Nazan Yılmazer and Her Students
(pupil Hılal ONHAL)Osman Nuri Hekimoğlu Anatolian High School
Then she called out to the force that drove them,
"Who are you?" the wind spoke with a loud voice.
"I am the wind!". "Look how beautiful the earth looks from above, Pearly. But look carefully. Feel the thirst of the creatures that need you and your friends. Isn't it your dream to go to drought and thirsty places and help. You should gather more friends with Lili. Come together".
The wind blew on them with all its force. It really cooled quickly inside the cloud. Pearly and her friends hugged each other as they got cold. But Pearly was happy and excited. Because she was going on a new journey.

İşte size hikayemi bırakıyorum.
Bütün su damlaları birbirine sarıldı, heyecanlandılar... İlk kez bir aradalar, eğlendiler. Pearly yeni bir maceranın başladığını hissediyordu.
Rüzgar esiyor! Üflemek! Üflemek!
Ángeles De Santiago and students
Colegio Los Abetos

All the drops of water were happy, it was the happiest moment of her life. They were on a roller coaster!
Each time they hugged each other stronger, they were getting cold and suddenly ... plufff, all the drops joined and formed a huge one ... Pearly was screaming ... I am the queen of the world!
Ángeles De Santiago and students
Colegio Los Abetos

The great cloud was changing its color, that pearl color was disappearing, the laughter faded and ... very loud noises sounded, yellow lights appeared and disappeared.
What was happening?
Pearly was scared. Where were her friends?
Her size was gigantic, her color was dark gray and she had the sensation of exploding ... and so it was.
booom! That giant cloud that we had formed, we all exploded and fell. Next destination: Earth.
We saw a small party on a mountain, they called us ... Come here! We will have a great time!
A new adventure awaited us from that mountain.
Ángeles De Santiago and students
Colegio Los Abetos

We reached that mountain and we all parted ... We were together again!
Pearly was happy, it was time to live a new adventure, this time from Earth.
Around the river, we saw many humans, they were eating, laughing ...

María Azor and students

I was happy, but a boy came up to us and threw us a plastic bag. I thought we were the garbage!
We were very sad because they were polluting us. Throughout the entire river, where our adventure began, we saw a lot of plastic, the river was not that blue like us, it was green.
Therefore, we decided to find a solution. We were going to save our home!

María Azor and David CLA

I asked all my friends for drops
and all the animals that we met:
a crayfish and an eagle for help.
Together we can end this!

María Azor ve Öğrencileri
We decided to collect all the plastics we could find and remove them from the water. We had cleaned our home! Now the water was blue and the sun was guiding us on the next adventure.
We realized the importance of teamwork and caring for our habitat.
María Azor and students
Güneşin bizi nasıl bir maceraya çıkaracağını düşünürken büyük, yemyeşil, çiçekli, böcekli bir yola doğru gidiyorduk. Güneş dalların arasından bize gülümsüyordu. Güneşin kavurucu yaz sıcağında güneşlenen Pembe çiçek, gelen rüzgardan habersiz ve bir çığlıkla üzerime düştü. Tam iyi olup olmadığını soracakken, Lili'nin "DİKKAT!" O bağırdığında hepimiz kendimizi havada bulduk.
6."Yaz-Deniz" Gonca BAHAR ve Öğrencileri
(Alkım,Eren and Gökay Pupils)/ Yusuf Kalkavan Anatolian High School
Başıma düşen pembe ve tatlı çiçek oldukça mutluydu. Sanki bu anı defalarca yaşıyor gibiydi. Lili korku ve merak içinde pembe çiçeğe sordu: "Böyle nereye gidiyoruz? Burası çok yüksek, yardım edin bize." Pembe çiçek çok rahat ve sakin bir şekilde konuştu: "Merhaba doslar, benim adım Açelya. Sanırım bu bir şelale. Dedem bahsetmişti. İnsanlar burayı bilmiyordu ve o yüzden güzel olduğunu söyledi." DİKKAT! "Büyük bir hızla suya düştük. Yemyeşil ovalar, rengârenk bitkiler ve etrafımızdaki bütün ağaçlar vardı. Adeta bir şenlik yeriydi." Açelya, hayatımda ilk defa bu kadar güzel bir yer gördüm. Keşke hep burada kalabilsek. Açelya? Açelya? "Buradayım Pearly. Korkma. Keşke böyle kalabilsek ve sonsuza kadar burada kalabilsek.
6."Yaz-Deniz" Gonca BAHAR ve Öğrencileri
(Alkım,Eren and Gökay Pupils)/ Yusuf Kalkavan Anatolian High School
"This road to the sea ..." he said. There was a beach. Everyone was going to the sea to cool off in such beautiful colorful summer heat. This was their most natural right, but there was something they had no right to. This nature is all of us, but they were always throwing garbage into the sea as if it were only their own. We slowly moved towards the shore through the rubbish. The wave kept hitting us against the sand. We hugged each other tightly so as not to get lost. Then a sweet little girl came towards us with a bucket in her hand. All the drops of water started to panic. The little girl took us with her bucket and poured it into the pit she made of sand. The sand was pulling us into it. "NO! CAN'T! AZALEA! AZALEA! Give us your hand, come with us!" Azalea: "Pearly look ahead! The sand is sucking us in !.We had begun to embark on another adventure.
6."Summer-Sea" Gonca BAHAR and Her Students
(Alkım,Eren and Gökay Pupils)/ Yusuf Kalkavan Anatolian High School
7."Sea-Children" Anjeza Çerri and Her Students
The sand was sucking the waterdroples, and for them it was so scary for sure, but they later realized that there was nothing to be scared of. Pearly thought that he was going to dissapear in the sand, and the end of his journey would be there, but he was wrong. Pearly, alltogether with his friends, drained into the tiny pores between the grains of sand. It was kind of hard to move in there, but easy for them to grab by their tiny hands and to stay together until their next adventure.

The sun was so shiny and warm that day in the beach, and here Pearly was feeling that again: he was becoming lighter and lighter, going up to the sky, in the clouds as before. He was amazed: "Wow! I didn't know I could do that again! Thats amazing!" he thought and smiled to his friends. He felt lucky to be with his friends again.
7."Sea-Children" Anjeza Çerri and Her Students

Pearly was happy to do the same again. Suddenly, he remembered how scared he was when he first thought of it, and a smile formed on his face. She said to herself, '' Actually, there was no need for me to be afraid, on the contrary, it was a lot of fun.'' Before rising from the beach with his friends, he attracted his attention to the underwater creatures.
Dilek Bekoğlu Yılmaz and Her Students(DamlaVAL)
Hepsi çok mutsuzdu. Pearly, ''Sanırım deniz kirliliği yüzünden'' diye düşündü. Lili aklını okumuş gibi ''Keşke insanlar denizleri bu kadar kirletmeseydi, belki o zaman su altı canlıları daha mutlu olabilirdi'' dedi. Pearly, ''Haklısın, suyu kirletmezlerse hem su canlısı hem mutlu olur hem de ihtiyaçları olan suyu daha verimli kullanabilirler'' dedi .
Dilek Bekoğlu Yılmaz and Her Students(DamlaVAL)
The puddle was formed after the little girl dumped us in the pit of the castle she made of sand.Luckliy I wouldn't disappear thanks to the puddle.In the heat of the sun,all the water droplets began to be drawn into the ground,we were all afraid of it.I was thinking inside myself,what kind of adventures await me,will I encounter other drops of water? Time had passed and the little girl's castle was destroyed without realizing what had happened.The sea had taken us all in,we were so happy.I met new drops of water.They were telling their stories until they got here.It was my turn.There was a sound when I started Azalea! Azalea! She was my friend when I looked,we were both very happy.We told our story together they were very impressed.
9-İmmihan Sezen AYDOĞDU and students
Birleşince hepimiz göğe yükseliyorduk bir bulut oluşturuyorduk.Sonbahar gelmişti,yapraklar dökülüyordu ve her yer renkleniyordu.Heyecanlanıyorduk,düşmek için biraz vaktimiz vardı.Düşecekken el ele tutuştuk. ve ağacın dalına düştü ve bizim için yeni maceralar başladı.Sonbahar yaprakları o kadar güzeldi ki hiç gitmek istemedim.Ağacın yaprağı büküldü ve düşen yaprakların üzerine düştük toprağa karıştırdık. gökyüzüne ne zaman çıkacağımız belliydi.Yeni maceralara atılmak istiyordum ve bizim sayemizde ağaçlar, bitkiler büyüyordu ve bu bizi mutlu ediyordu.Birkaç gün sonra göğe yükselmeye başladık, yeni maceraları heyecanla bekliyorduk. .
9-İmmihan Sezen AYDOĞDU and students
Pearly was used to watching the world from above, it was nice to be the cloud again, but Pearly missed Azelea so much, but there was nothing to do. Pearly dreamed of seeing him as a pink flower in the middle of autumn, Pearly turned to Lilly and said, “I can't even think of the day I will return to my family. They can’t believe what i lived.".The days passed and they were going to other places without stopping, but one morning Pearly encountered an unfamiliar scene, everywhere was white and there were small animals.
10."Winter-Could" Buse Demircin and Her Students
Here Pearly turned to Lilly and asked" Where is this place Lilly? ". Lilly said "My father always told me here when I was little. I think this is one of the places that is very cold as he said, Buddy! Even look!" and pointed to the ice floes. They were both very impressed. The landscape looked very impressive from where they are.
10."Winter-Could" Buse Demircin and Her Students
Pearly felt herself scared because of large ice floes around her. She didn’t know what ice really means. She felt herself little bit cold…she was definitely lost. First she thought she never come back home but then she remember her friend lili…
Pearly started to move on. She didn’t know where she was going but it didn’t make her stop. She saw a giant boat. No, it was container ship. The ship was moving fast and it was making too much noise. Pearly was alone, its made her felt uncomfortable. Her vision wasn’t clear. She used to cry but that time she didn’t do it. Time passed and she figured out that it was a fog. She didn’t care but the ship was having a problem about moving forward because of the fog. She strated to sorry but she still made her way.
She had a bad feeling until she saw sunlight. When the bright light entered the field of her view she brightly smile but it has been short.
11."fog-ice" Fatma Akgül and her student Ceylin
Söke Yavuz Selim Anatolian High School

Pearly swallowed lightly when he realized that it was just one of a million snowflakes in the sky. Were they going to the land of snow from the fairy tales her mother told?
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Designed and Created
by Maria Azor Miron, by Fatma Kılıç
and Pupil Kaan SFDMTAL
Dear project members, Thank you for participating in the story writing activity "My Water of Life" eTwinning project final product "Little Pearly's Life".

1. "Ocean-Hot-Evaporation" Fatma Kılıç and Her Students
2."Spring-Cloud-Wander" Leonor Neves Alves and Her Students
3. "Cloud-Wind-Drought" Nazan Yılmazer and Her Students
4."Rain-River" Angeles de Santiago and Her Students
5."Animals-Water" María Azor and Her Students
6."Summer-Sea" Gonca Bahar and Her Students
7."Sea-Childeren" Anjeza Çerri and Her Students
8."Sea-Underwater Creatures " Dilek Bekoğlu Yılmaz and Her Students
9."Autumn- Evaporation" İmmihan Sezen AYDOĞDU and Her Students

10."Winter-Could" Buse Demircin and Her Students
11."Fog-Ice" Fatma Akgül and Her Students
12."Snowflake-Snowman" İskender Özcan and Him Students
13. "Marrow-Melt-Ground Water" Cristina Mato and Her Students
14. "Spring -Nature" Özkan Yetkin and Him Students
15. "Source of life" Sabriye Betül Geldi and Her Students
16. "Ocean" Alice Severi and Her Students

Pearly was one of the millions of living water droplets in the ocean. She was so happy with her siblings that they would dance hand in hand with them in the ocean from morning till night. From time to time she would chat with the other owners of the ocean, fish, starfish and many more. They would talk about the future of young generations, they would complain about the increasing foreign substances in the ocean, new neighbors they did not know, plastic bags.

1. " Ocean- Hot-Evaporation" Fatma Kilic, Pupil Kaan and Pupil Emiray
Şehit Fazıl Doğruöz Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School
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