Cubby and other stories
L'istituto Comprensivo Maria Montessori in occasione dell' International Polar bear day
Attività in continuità tra le Scuole Primarie Bragazzi e Fiorini e la Scuola secondaria di primo grado Monti.
Storyjumper by Emma Tucciarone
This is the story of a polar bear family living in the frozen Arctic: mother bear named Pibi, father bear named Frost and a baby bear named Cubby.
One day, baby bear is hungry and hopes to eat one of his favourite snacks, a seal. He sees a hole in the ice and goes but he slips in it. He can’t swim very well so he starts to cry:
- Dad, dad, come here, help me!
Soon his father, who can run very fast, arrives.
- Cubby, my dear baby, don’t worry, dad is here!
Dad saves his baby bear but he suddenly stops because he sees a strange black spot on his child back.
- What have you got on your back?
- Oh dad, I don’t know, what can it be?
- It’s a strange spot and it has a terrible smell. Let’s call mum. Pibi, Pibi, please run here!
- Mum, please mum, come here!
Mum is not far, she hears their voices and runs to them. When she goes out of the water she sees that she has the same black spot on her belly
They don’t understand what the spots are so Frost roars very loudly to call all other bears in the surrounding area.
- someone knows what the black spots are, he thinks.
The bears around hear Frost's roar and they all run toward him.
There’s also an old and wise bear, named Jeremy, famous for his wisdom.
- What are these black spots? asks Frost.
- It’s oil guys, says Jeremy. Humans use it to power their infernal machines and they often spill it in the water. It is poisonous. You die if you eat or drink it and many birds, fish and seals die because they have their skin covered with it.
Pibi and Cubby start to rub their fur to remove the spots, but they don’t go away!.
Jeremy knows that it isn’t easy to clean the spots and suggests to take actions to solve the problem starting from the root; the humans
The wise bear remembers he has a friend who knows a lot of things: an old lady who lives in a village not far from them.
Frost goes there with Cubby and Pibi.
- How can we clean these spots, dear lady? - asks Frost
Isabel, the old lady, gives them a bottle with a magic liquid to clean the two spots.
- Don’t worry, she says, this can help you but be careful, there are other dangers due to bad human behaviour.
- Thank you granny, say Cubby and Pibi.
- Good luck, says granny.
Then the family go back to the hole but they hear a strange noise, something like an earthquake, the ice breaks and they find themselves on small pieces of ice. Frost is strong, he grabs his son with his long claws but sees that his wife is on another piece of ice and it goes away. Fortunately she can swim well and she sees a big narwhal coming to help them.
The stream is too strong that day and it pulls Pibi in a whirlpool.
- Help me , help me,she cries.
She is tired and she is not able to swim anymore so Narwy the narwhal uses its tusk and its tail to help the poor mother bear.
- Be quiet Pibi, don’t be afraid, I’m here with my friends to help you.
Other narwhals come because they usually move in groups and they try to give their help to Narwy.
First they help Frost and Cubby to arrive on the land where they find their bear friends, mooses and Arctic foxes waiting for them. An Arctic dog, Lucky, is not far and he starts to lick Cubby’s head because the baby bear cries for his mum.
Suddenly the ice starts to break again and the stream pullsPibi away.
Frost jumps into the cold water together with Narwy . Frost can swim very well because he has got webbed feet. They pull Pibi on the shore. Their bear friends, mooses and Arctic foxes are very glad that Pibi is safe and alive. Cubby hugs and kisses his mother. Pibi is so tired but very happy to hug her son again.
- I’m scared, Mum! says: Cubby.
- Don’t worry. I’m here with you, Cubby.
Jeremy, the wise bear, arrives and says:
- I know the cause of ice melting ….it’s because humans have got factories and cars.
Cubby says: - Let’s go to Granny again
The bears are very tired but they go back to Isabel and ask her:
- what can you do to solve these ongoing problems?
She nods with her head and says:
- I’ve a special potion. It's ‘awareness’. If you spread this potion as far as you can, the problem can be solved in few years.
The potion is not ready because she needs some ingredients not available at the moment, but she promises to look for them and to prepare it. Meanwhile she provides the bears some blankets and hosts them in her house for the night. Her house is very warm and cozy. After two days the ingredients arrive and the magic potion is ready to use.
- The problem, she says, is how to spread the potion on the continents and reach all human
Cubby has got an idea.
- let’s give the potion to the Arctic terns!
- Why the Arctic terns? asks Frost
- Because they can fly from the North Pole to the South Pole.
- It’s an amazing idea! answers his dad
Cubby and Frost go to the birds’ nest.
- Hi! Can you help us? Can you spread this potion around the world?
- What’s in the potion? asks the king tern
- There is awareness! Our world is polluted, our ice is melting. This is our only hope. We can show our situation to all humans because they are the cause and the solution of the problem.
- We can do it, your world is our world! answers the king tern
At night the birds get ready, they leave the North Pole with the magic potions and drop the potions all around the world.
In the morning the humans wake up and, thanks to the potion, they see the images of polar animals.
The humans understand the problem of pollution and they try to solve it.
Dear reader, are you ready to save the world?
Let’s help Cubby, Pibi, Frost and all their friends!
Pensez-vous que l'histoire se termine ici?
Mais non, nous vous présentons Oreo ( un ourson du Canada ) et Boubou ( un harfang des neiges du Québec).
Oreo et Boubou se rencontrent:
Boubou: Salut !
Oreo: Salut à toi!
Boubou : Comment tu t’appelles et qu’est ce que tu fais ici?
Oreo: Je m’appelle Oreo. Je me suis perdu.
Boubou: Mais tu viens d’où?
Oreo: Je viens du territoire de Nunavut, au nord-ouest du Canada.
Boubou: Mon Dieu! Mais c’est très loin!
Oreo: J’ai très faim. Je cherche quelque chose à manger.
Boubou: Mais tu es très petit. Comment tu t’appelles? Quel âge as tu?
Oreo: Je m’appelle Oreo et j’ai 5 ans. Et toi comment tu t’appelles?
Boubou: Je m’appelle Boubou….Mais dis-moi, qu’est ce que tu manges?
Oreo: Je mange des phoques, des morses et….. des harfang des neiges du Québec.
Boubou: Quoi??? Bien… dois y aller….au revoir…
Oreo: Mais non... c’est pas vrai... c’est une blague.
Boubou: Dieu merci! Ça va mieux….si tu veux je peux t’indiquer la voie pour rejoindre ta famille. Nous allons ensemble.
Oreo: Vraiment! Mais c’est fantastique! Merci beaucoup mon ami.
Les deux amis commencent leur long chem
Buenos días Carlos ¿ de dónde eres? Vengo de Madrid ¿y usted? Yo vengo de Oxford.¿Cómo está? Bien gracias y usted? Así así, estoy un poco preocupado ,¿qué pasa?Los glaciares se están derritiendo, debido al calentamiento global¿verdad? ¿Qué podemos hacer para salvar el planeta?Reunimos a toda la comunidad de osos y elegimos un representante.¡Buenas tardes!Escuché que está buscando un representante, me ofrezco. Me llamo Miguel,me gustaría que los osos dibujaran la situación en el ártico.Es necesario informar a todo el planeta de lo que está haciendo mal el hombre.Luego de ser informados por la comunidad de osos,los humanos se comprometen a respetar su hábitat a no contaminar.
La aventura de Pablito Érase una vez una familia de osos que decidió ir a cazar su comida favorita, es decir focas y leones marinos. Felices de haber encontrado la comida, empiezan a comer; pero después de una horas, el cachorro Pablito siente un fuerte dolor de estómago y llama a su papá oso Felix. Felix recuerda a su amigo doctor Rick y lo llama para que lo examinen. El doctor decide operarlo. La operación llevó mucho, pero al final el doctor Rick sacó lo que Pablito había comido, o sea, una botella de plástico. El cachorro de oso se salvó, todo fue filmado y enviado a los humanos que entendieron sus errores y decidieron fundar una asociación ambiental llamada “ SI LO TIRAS MAL SE ACABA EN EL MAR“ ….por lo tanto, el propósito de los seres humanos es mantener limpio el medio ambiente y salvar el PLANETA!
El osito KIM
Érase una vez un cachorro de oso llamado Kim que vivía con su familia en un iglú. Un día decidieron ir a visitar una familia de pingüinos, pero en el camino Kim quedó atrapado en una red. La madre se quedó con el cachorro Kim para hacerle compañía, mientras que papá Jacopo se apresuró al pueblo de los pingüinos. Papá Jacopo y papá pingüino Lorenzo buscaron el material para liberar al cachorro Kim. Encontraron algunas espadas y se dirigieron a Kim. Comenzaron a cortar la red, pero de repente las cuchillas se rompieron; al no tener otras herramientas disponibles decidieron cortar la red con sus dientes.Kim finalmente estaba libre, pero se quejó de que la red había dejado en su cuerpo. Su madre lo tomó en sus brazos y lo llevó a casa donde lo cuidó con tanto cariño. Kim, gracias al cuidado de su madre sanó. Los habitantes del ártico después de una atenta reflexión sobre lo sucedido crearon un eslogan invitando a los seres humanos a no contaminar el planeta.
Cody y la mancha misteriosa
Érase una vez una familia de osos que estaban almorzando. De repente, la pata de Papá oso Cody se cubre con una sustancia negra. Asustados, los cachorros de osos se esconden detrás de mamá Barly. Papá Cody intenta quitar la mancha negra pero no puede. Preocupado pide ayuda a sus amigos osos que se dan cuenta de que se necesitaba de un experto para eliminarla. Uno de ellos pensó en llamar al científico oso Michelangelo. El oso Michelangelo toma una muestra, la analiza e lamentablemente descubre que se trata de una sustancia química llamada petróleo. Por suerte el oso Michelangelo quita la mancha con una preparación especial así que Cody se salva. Después de unos días Cody cuenta su experiencia para que los seres humanos sean responsables en sus gestos diarios. Deberían cuidar el planeta por el bien de todas las especies animales y vegetales que viven en él. ¡TIERRA ,SOLO HAY UNA !
Cubby and other stories
L'istituto Comprensivo Maria Montessori in occasione dell' International Polar bear day
Attività in continuità tra le Scuole Primarie Bragazzi e Fiorini e la Scuola secondaria di primo grado Monti.
Storyjumper by Emma Tucciarone
This is the story of a polar bear family living in the frozen Arctic: mother bear named Pibi, father bear named Frost and a baby bear named Cubby.
One day, baby bear is hungry and hopes to eat one of his favourite snacks, a seal. He sees a hole in the ice and goes but he slips in it. He can’t swim very well so he starts to cry:
- Dad, dad, come here, help me!
Soon his father, who can run very fast, arrives.
- Cubby, my dear baby, don’t worry, dad is here!
Dad saves his baby bear but he suddenly stops because he sees a strange black spot on his child back.
- What have you got on your back?
- Oh dad, I don’t know, what can it be?
- It’s a strange spot and it has a terrible smell. Let’s call mum. Pibi, Pibi, please run here!
- Mum, please mum, come here!
Mum is not far, she hears their voices and runs to them. When she goes out of the water she sees that she has the same black spot on her belly
- END >
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