Greek gods, goddesses and demi-gods
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©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Once upon a time there was a boy name perseus that was going to be sent on a
journey to kill medusa of the " Most beautiful women " in the world at that time.
So all i have to do is go kill Medusa and then come back home right?" Said
Perseus. Perseus was getting ready when zeus his trainer appeared and said "Oh
I almost forgot to give you your present.
His name is Pegasus and he will accompany you on your long journey." Said
Zeus. Pegasus was a magical flying horse that was created by a god named
Poseidon the god of the seas.only a few hours from taking off on his adventure he
started preparing and trying to get a little more training before leaving.

Perseus's mom as a child was named danae , she got locked in a tall bronze
because a man was going to come to kill her father so to keep her safe her father
Acrisius put her in a tower.The tower had no doors, but it had one very small
window. Danae was very sad, but one day a bright shower of gold came through
the small window. A man appeared, he had a thunderbolt in his hand and Danae
knew he was a god, but she didn't know which. The man said, . He walked into
tower and saw Danae with a baby
on her lap, smiling she said, "I have named him Perseus." "Bye Mom,bye Zeus
See You soon"Said Perseus
"Bye Son Be careful,Take good Care of Pegasus"said Perseus's Mom
"Bye Perseus and don't forget your training" said Zeus.

Perseus flew for a day in search of a dim cavern in the far north,
where nights and days are one and where the whole earth is overspread with
cloudy days.Only several hours away he didn't only have to worry about birds
almost hitting him,but also it was getting dark and his flying horse "Pegasus" was
getting tired.They were both very tired so they spent the night at a nearby cave on
the island they had been flying over. the cave they stayed in looked very
from the outside. Once they got inside they realized it had been a old
knew it used to be a house because of the old painting on the walls. Perseus made
small bed for himself using so leaves he had found on a oak tree outside the cave.
That nightmare about Medusa turning him into stone and he was trapped forever.

The next morning the continued on their journey
to visit the they finally made it to Graeae to visit the three sisters. The three sisters
were strange women, they only had one eye for all three of them to share
so they constantly fought over it. He slowly made his way down the cave when he
started hearing voices.He heard the three sister fighting over the eye.Perseus hid in a
near by bush he found in the cave and when the sisters traded to give the eye to some
on else he sprung out and grabbed the eye and said " I have your eye and if you do not
tell me were to find the Nymphs of the North you wont have it back!" The Three sisters
obeyed him and told him how to get to the Nymphs of the North's lair. The sisters of the
north told him to travel farther north a couple of hours and he would find the lair.

Once he located the Nymphs of the North they gave him the cap of darkness which
allowed its user to turn invisible. They also gave him the magic wallet, and told
where Medusa's lair was. Perseus went farther north until he found an island
surrounded by rocks and statues which used to be men. The statues looked like they
had tried to get to medusa to try to get her head but they had failed and medusa
looked strait into her eyes and they were turned to stone.Medusa kept the statues
there to lure people into coming in but once they got in they would see medusa in
the face an sometimes in the eyes and turn to stone like the other people. Perseus
fear that his nightmare he had a couple of nights ago that it would come rue and he
would also become a statue and join the other unlucky people.

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Greek gods, goddesses and demi-gods
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a time there was a boy name perseus that was going to be sent on a
journey to kill medusa of the " Most beautiful women " in the world at that time.
So all i have to do is go kill Medusa and then come back home right?" Said
Perseus. Perseus was getting ready when zeus his trainer appeared and said "Oh
I almost forgot to give you your present.
His name is Pegasus and he will accompany you on your long journey." Said
Zeus. Pegasus was a magical flying horse that was created by a god named
Poseidon the god of the seas.only a few hours from taking off on his adventure he
started preparing and trying to get a little more training before leaving.

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