18th Century Books

  • Who was Jose de Escandon?
    The story of Jose de Escandon, a Spanish explorer and colonizer who founded and governed South Texas and northern Mexico in the 18th century.
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  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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  • 4th Grade
    This book explores the effects of human activities on the environment, including pollution from vehicles and factories, and the importance of recycling and using renewable re…
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • Andre's Adventures
    Andre, a 4th grader, shares about his life, including his dream of becoming a firefighter, his family, and encounters with a bully and sibling rivalry.
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  • A 5th Grade Teacher for a Day
    When their teacher is absent, a fifth-grade student named Kayla becomes the temporary teacher. She faces challenges but ultimately succeeds with the help of her classmates.
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  • By: Santo Elementary 4th Graders, 2017
    A group of 4th graders get trapped in a toy store and must use teamwork, friendship, and positive thinking to escape.
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  • The First Fleet - Arthur Phillip
    The story provides information about Captain Arthur Philip and the First Fleet's journey to Australia, as well as details about Britain in the 18th century.
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