Abiotic Factors Books

  • Abiotic and Biotic Factors
    An informative book that teaches children about biotic and abiotic factors in the environment, their examples, interactions, and impact on ecosystems.
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  • ABC's of Ecosystems
    An informative book that introduces children to key concepts in ecology, such as abiotic and biotic factors, food webs, and ecosystems.
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  • Abiotic and Biotic
    Beth, a bunny living in the forest, learns about abiotic and biotic factors with the help of her friends, Taylor and Brook.
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  • Waldo Gets Lost in the Rain Forest
    Waldo gets lost in a rainforest and learns about abiotic and biotic factors. He encounters various organisms and ecosystems.
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  • Temperate Forest
    An informative book about temperate forests, covering topics such as location, climate, animals, plants, abiotic factors, threats, and food webs.
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  • Survival Science: An Interactive Book about Ecosystems and Animal Adaptations
    This book is about survival science. It explains topics like ecosystems, the food pyramid, photosynthesis, symbiosis, the cascade effect, animal adaptation, and more. It also…
  • Ecosystems
    Zeke takes readers on an educational journey through ecosystems, covering topics such as biotic and abiotic factors, carbon and nitrogen cycles, population dynamics, and the …
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  • Ecosystem
    An informational book about ecosystems and the specific ecosystem of a bream fish.
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