Abstract Books

  • On the Moon with Concrete and Abstract Nouns
    This story introduces Neil Armstrong and his achievement of walking on the moon, while also teaching about concrete and abstract nouns.
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  • Road Signs ...and lessons along the way
    A Brain Development book for toddlers who respond to abstract art in early childhood by increasing and accelerating neural brain connections. Also, a book to teach toddlers a…
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  • Different Kinds of Art
    This is a book about different kinds of two dimensional art. I used pieces of my own work as examples of two dimensional art work.
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  • Kandinsky hearing colors & seeing music
    The story of Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian artist known for his abstract paintings and his influence on the art world.
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  • Nouns
    This book provides an overview of different types of nouns, including concrete, abstract, common, proper, and collective nouns. It also explains pronouns and their function.
    by zee1
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  • Emmy Noether
    The story of Emmy Noether, a German mathematician who made significant contributions to abstract algebra and mathematical physics.
  • Goodbye Apollo
    The purpose of this book is to comfort children during the five stages of grief. The target age group for the book is preschoolers however it can be enjoyed by all audiences.…
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  • Spiderwebs in Libraries Poetry for Everyone
    The story is a collection of abstract and poetic thoughts, exploring various themes such as nature, emotions, and imagination. It lacks a clear narrative structure.
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