Accents Books

  • Barney the Fire Truck
    This story is based on a real fire truck from Baltimore that wound up halfway around the world. I hope it reassures children that change can be good.
    Eye Icon 89760
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  • Enghlish Stereotypes
    A description of British stereotypes, including tea-drinking, politeness, food, the Queen, emotional expression, football, TV-watching, and accents.
  • The Treasure Map - Part I
    Intrigue and excitement abounds as Charles and Elizabeth discover an old treasure map. A three part series, 1930s 1:12 scale.
    Eye Icon 22214
    Star Icon 306
  • Gay is Ok
    Sally, a 9th grader, faces judgment from her friends when she comes out as gay. However, they learn to accept and support her.
    Eye Icon 314
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  • Leticia's Journey
    The story follows Leti, a Mexican immigrant who faces bullying but finds inspiration in the story of Mother Luisita and becomes determined to succeed and help others.
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    Mr.Singh is an immigrant from India who strikes up a friendship with a kid named Alex and his friends. As his friends start getting older, they begin to act disrespectful tow…
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  • Jaxson's Dinosaur
    A young boy who loves dinosaurs is told a story by his grampa.
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  • English-Speaking Countries
    An introduction to English-speaking countries, including Great Britain, the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
    Eye Icon 1093
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