Acceptance Books

  • Ms. Rivard's Colorful Classroom
    Every child is special in their own way and being different is a good thing. It doesn't matter the color of your skin - it matters who you are within!
    Eye Icon 84943
    Star Icon 5017
  • The Rescue
    A lonely dog who lives on the street has no friend. Not until he meets a friend. Learn what happens in this story, and discover the LOVE of Jesus Christ for all of us.
    Eye Icon 99248
    Star Icon 4117
    Becca's Wild Moose Chase is the story of a bumble bee and a moose. Following an unfortunate first encounter and a chase through the prairie, the pair forget their differences…
    Eye Icon 107684
    Star Icon 4377
  • Wings
    A young girl unexpectedly grows wings and struggles with her new identity. She meets others like her and gains confidence.
    Eye Icon 42698
    Star Icon 1016
  • Puzzles
    This book is for ENG101 at Illinois State University, breaking the genre of children's books.
    Eye Icon 52996
    Star Icon 1354
  • There's A Cat In The Pack
    Meet "Sprout"- A loveable little kitty who warmed his way into the hearts of a friendly family of dogs.
    Eye Icon 16084
    Star Icon 1062
  • Debeaked
    This story compares growing up on a turkey farm and later being a school principal. It's a good reminder about how we should treat others.
    Eye Icon 7387
    Star Icon 203
  • Emily's Dream of College
    A chicken's dream of going to college and the obstacles she had to face.
    Eye Icon 239040
    Star Icon 5211
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