Accessibility Books

  • The digital divide
    The story explores the concept of the digital divide, discussing its causes and effects on individuals and societies.
  • Accessibility for disabilities
    This story provides information about different types of disabilities, the law of disability, web accessibility, and the experiences of Charles, Whoopi Goldberg, and Danny Gl…
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  • Mountain of the cross, Turó de Cerdanyolo
    A description of the Turó of Cerdanyola, a green space in La Llantia, with information about its flora, fauna, and accessibility issues.
  • Accessibility Book
    A guide to making websites accessible, including tips on navigation, alt text for images, color contrast, descriptive links, captions for videos, and mobile testing.
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    This book provides tips on making technology accessible to students of all ages, including identifying target audience, organizing content, using high-contrast colors and cle…
  • Technology In Education
    Raccoon and Porcupine discuss how technology tools can improve communication in education, as well as the potential drawbacks and enduring issues.
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  • Social Issues Story Accessibility for students with disabilities
    The story emphasizes the importance of inclusive and accessible learning environments for all students, including those with disabilities.
  • Why Does Susie Have to Leave Class Early?
    Jack uses social media to bring attention to his school's lack of accessibility and ableism, leading to positive change.
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