Achievement Books

  • ABC's of Martin Luther King Jr.
    A brief biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his activism, achievements, and impact on civil rights in America.
    Eye Icon 11773
    Star Icon 770
  • My First Horse
    Abby, a 14-year-old girl, fulfills her dream of owning a horse named Angelo. She overcomes challenges and becomes a skilled rider, winning a barrel racing competition.
    Eye Icon 9177
    Star Icon 131
  • Alice the Flying Fish
    Alice, a fish, tries various methods to fly but fails. Finally, she uses balloons and succeeds. Her friends celebrate her achievement.
    Eye Icon 380
    Star Icon 4
  • Practice Makes Perfect
    A young child learns to ride a bike, facing challenges and eventually mastering the skill through practice.
    Eye Icon 121
    Star Icon 2
  • Zoey's Ballet Class
    Zoey dreams of becoming a ballerina, and through hard work and determination, she learns that anything is possible.
    Eye Icon 209
    Star Icon 12
  • Kobe Bryant
    This book provides a biography of Kobe Bryant, from his early childhood to his NBA career and achievements.
    Eye Icon 3167
    Star Icon 46
  • Are You Using Your Black Girl Magic?
    A collection of short biographies celebrating the achievements and empowerment of Black women in various fields.
    Eye Icon 266
    Star Icon 10
  • Potty Time
    A young child overcomes their fear of using the big kid potty with the help and encouragement of their mother.
    Eye Icon 417
    Star Icon 7
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