Adhd Books

  • ADHD and Me: The Key
    Jamarion takes us on his everyday journey with ADHD. After being diagnosed in the first grade, Jamarion doesn't let it tear him down or make him give up after a hard year. He…
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  • Understanding ADHD
    This short book is a book that discusses in general terms of what ADHD is. This book will be uploaded to story jumper.
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  • Living With ADHD
    A story about a 12-year-old boy named Bob who has ADHD and the support he receives from his family and teachers to overcome challenges.
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  • I can't pay attention to my teacher !
    Katie's grades are dropping, so she talks to her teacher and they discover she has ADHD. With treatment, Katie's grades improve.
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  • Andy the Ant
    Andy, a normal kid with ADHD, learns to manage his disorder and live a happy childhood.
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  • Why Do I Sometimes Feel....
    This book was written to help children & families struggling with ADHD, learn the signs and manage the behaviors.
  • Jaxon the great
    Jaxon, a gifted and talented student with ADHD, shares his experiences and strategies for success in school.
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  • Hang in There, Todd Fletcher
    Miss. Jewels prepares to teach a student with ADHD by researching and implementing strategies to help him succeed in her classroom.
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