Adults Books

  • Please! Raise My Bar
    A fun message to adults told from a child's perspective.
    Eye Icon 37727
    Star Icon 1382
  • When I Am An Adult
    A thought-provoking poem about the future of Earth and humanity, raising questions about war, environmental impact, and personal growth.
    Eye Icon 1216
    Star Icon 47
  • The Life Cycle of a Chicken
    This book explains the life cycle of a chicken, from egg to adult. It covers hatching, growth, and the role of the mother hen.
    Eye Icon 14752
    Star Icon 62
  • The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
    This book explores the life cycle of a butterfly, from egg to adult. It provides detailed information about each stage and includes definitions of key terms.
    Eye Icon 9577
    Star Icon 77
  • The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
    A butterfly's life cycle is described, from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to adult. The book also prompts readers to think about other life cycles they have experienced.
    Eye Icon 10480
    Star Icon 43
  • The Life Cycle of a Frog
    A brief and informative story about the life cycle of a frog, from egg to adult, including mating and reproduction.
    Eye Icon 7999
    Star Icon 23
  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
    Eye Icon 20665
    Star Icon 905
  • 3 Homes, 2 Divorces & 1 Family
    Going through divorce is never easy, even if you have experienced it once before. Luckily for me, even though there are 3 homes and 2 divorces, my family loves ME very much.
    Eye Icon 4595
    Star Icon 532
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