Advancements Books

    A tour guide takes readers on a journey through the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, covering its geography, society, caste system, religion, culture, and technological adv…
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  • History of Aviation
    The history of aviation, from kites in China to modern airplanes and drones, with key inventions and advancements.
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  • Comparison actions before and after Covid-19
    The story discusses various topics including introductions, a recipe for a Colombian dessert, changes in family size, advancements in music players, and the use of carbon fib…
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  • Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book provides a biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his upbringing, education, and his role in the civil rights movement.
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  • Inventions and Advancements of Earth
    An informative book that covers various topics such as the shape of the Earth, heliocentrism, navigation, and shipbuilding advancements.
  • Evolution of the Piano
    This book provides a history of keyboard instruments, including the piano, harpsichord, and clavichord, and their evolution over time.
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  • The Industrial Revolution: Agriculture
    The story explains the Agricultural Revolution and its impact on the Industrial Revolution, including changes in farming practices and technology.
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  • Evolution of Automobiles
    A brief history of significant advancements in car technology, from the Model T to driverless cars and solar-powered vehicles.
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