Aerosol Books

    An informational book about vaping, discussing what it is, the risks involved, chemicals in vapes, and a cautionary message.
  • Learning About Hazardous Waste
    Susie and her mom learn about hazardous materials and how to handle and dispose of them safely, with the help of Ed from the Swan Hills Waste Treatment Facility.
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  • Don't Juul in School
    This informative text highlights the risks of e-cigarettes and vaping devices, particularly for young people. It emphasizes the addictive nature of nicotine and the potential…
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  • Learning Science With My Favorite Teacher
    A student excitedly prepares for a field trip with their favorite teacher, Mrs. Stelling, learning about various topics along the way.
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  • The Earthling's Guide to the Universe
    This book is for my Grade 9 science project on celestial bodies!
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  • Global warming Air pollution Energy
    Its a book that talks about the planet
    and how we can help it
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  • Water Cycle
    A water droplet describes its journey through the water cycle, from being a cloud to evaporating and becoming a cloud again.
  • IPAD MANUAL 2021-22
    A guide for students and parents on how to use and take care of school-issued iPads, including guidelines for usage, transportation, cleaning, and internet access.
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