After-school Program Books

  • Beneath the Surface
    A young boy discovers the impact that plastic pollution has on marine life.
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  • I Survived Virtual Learning. 2020-2021
    A student reflects on their experience of virtual learning during the pandemic, highlighting challenges, achievements, and appreciation for their teacher.
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  • How the
    Cami shares her transformative experience working at the YMCA, how it changed her life, and inspired her career path in education.
  • My Life As a Reader
    Megan, a reader who loves fiction, shares her favorite books and authors. She also discusses her strategies to encourage kids to read and talks about her hobbies and work at …
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  • The New Kid in Dale and his Journey at Strawn Elementary
    Mateo, a young boy who recently immigrated to Texas from Mexico, overcomes his fears and finds acceptance and friendship in his new school.
  • My Unsung Heroes
    The author reflects on the concept of unsung heroes and shares how their parents have been their inspiration and motivation in life.
  • Pharrell Williams
    The story of Pharrell Williams, a musician and fashion designer who uses his fame to support charities and make the world a better place.
  • CommunityService
    A young person shares their experience with community service and provides a list of reasons why volunteering is beneficial.
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