Agreement Books

  • The Zebra and the Giraffe
    A zebra and a giraffe are best friends but they are showing off to each other because one can do something that the other can't. Then they remember that they are two differen…
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    Star Icon 719
  • The Legend of Surabaya
    The story of Sura the Shark and Baya the Crocodile, who were friends but became greedy when hungry. They made an agreement to stop fighting, but broke it. The fight between t…
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  • Constantine the Great
    The story is about Constantine the Great and his victory over Maxentius with the help of a symbol. It also mentions the agreement made by Constantine after winning the battle.
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  • Pippy and the Stereotype
    Pippy, a tomboy, faces challenges when she wants to join the school baseball team. With determination and support from her friends, she proves that girls can play baseball to…
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  • The Princess Competition
    Lily, a poor girl from a small village enters a Princess Competition that is filled to the rim with prissy, and spoiled princesses, does Lily have what it takes to win?
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  • The Horrible Bearzilla
    Bearzilla is a mean lonely animal. Will he be willing to change his attitude in order to make friends?
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  • Bob Warranty
    Bob and Sally discuss getting candy with a warranty. They agree and go to the park to eat it.
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  • The Story of Surabaya
    A story about the ongoing battles between Sura Shark and Baya Crocodile, their agreement to divide the region, and their subsequent conflict when Sura enters the river.
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