Airship Books

  • among us part 3
    A group of crewmates on an airship play a game of 'Among Us' to find the imposter, with twists and turns along the way.
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  • Planes and airships
    A collection of short sentences and phrases about different types of aircraft, their features, and activities related to them.
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  • The Hindenburg
    This book gives some very basic background information on the Hindenburg disaster of 1937
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    A brief history of the Hindenburg, including its construction, travels, and eventual explosion.
  • The Autumn Quest
    Bulbasaur's home is burning down! Only the power of the Super Emeralds will fix this mess!
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  • The Dino and Dragon War
    A human and a dinosaur team up to defeat evil dinosaurs and save the world in an action-packed adventure.
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  • The battle for the Magic Shield
    Flame-Thrower, a powerful dragon, protects a magic shield on Volcano Mountain from Crab-monster and his metal robot army.
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  • Pokémon Adventures
    This is a thrilling adventure story about Dylan and Mason, two young boys who embark on a Pokemon journey. They encounter various challenges, including battles with Team Skul…
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