Alaska Books

    a short story made my a 13 year old after a trip in alaska
  • Alaska ABC
    This is an informative book that introduces children to various aspects of Alaskan culture and nature, from A to Z. Each letter represents a unique element, ranging from 'Apr…
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    When Princess Skyler meets Prince Robert they become fast friends. Their friendship deepens during their adventures, and eventually leads to true love.

    A lovely s…
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  • ABC Alaska
    ABC Alaska is an informative book that takes readers on a journey through the Alaskan alphabet, from A for Alaska to Z for zip lining. Each letter introduces a unique aspect …
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  • Beary Alike
    Three bears in Alaska, a grizzly, black, and polar bear, meet at a salmon run and learn to fish together, realizing that despite their differences, they all love fishing.
  • Alaska's Geography
    An alphabetical guide to Alaska, covering its geography, wildlife, culture, and more.
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  • Alaska, The Great North!
    A description of the beauty and attractions of Alaska, including animals, Northern Lights, snow, and scenery.
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  • Noelle's Adventure
    Noelle, bored and seeking adventure, decides to go on a trip. With the help of her friend, she chooses Alaska and has a great time there.
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