Alcoholism Books

  • My Mommy and Daddy are Different
    Jacob, a young boy with alcoholic parents, finds hope and love in a new family after his parents are taken away by the police.
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  • Alcoholism
    A story about an adult named Kyle who becomes addicted to alcohol, loses everything, and eventually gets help and turns his life around.
  • Daddy's Angry Again
    Jason learns about his father's alcoholism and how it affects their family, but also learns to separate his love for his father from his disapproval of his drinking.
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    Alfredo, a heavy drinker, encounters a legendary figure called El jinete en llamas who burns his hands. This incident leads Alfredo to quit drinking.
  • The effects of alcoholism
    The story is a personal narrative of Melissa, a girl whose father is an alcoholic. It details her struggles and how she copes with her father's addiction. The story also incl…
  • short & long term effects on alcohol
    A child reflects on their family's struggles with their father's alcoholism and his journey to recovery.
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  • Uncle Jeff's Addiction
    The story follows Jeff, a smart boy who falls into alcohol addiction and becomes homeless. It highlights the dangers of alcoholism.
  • Dangers of Alcohol
    Jim and his friend Barack's friendship is tested when Jim's alcoholism leads to a dangerous incident. Barack helps Jim get treatment and start his recovery.
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