Allies Books

  • Ally The Anxious Avocado
    Ally is an anxious avocado who learns to cope with her worries, by using bravery and strength. Heartwarming story developed by a Professional School Counselor for PreK-5th g…
    I made this book because I love animals and I love to create things!!! By Alyssa Mobley
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  • The Great Ball Chase
    Ally and her dogs, Beatrice and Bella, search for a lost ball with the help of a new friend, Daisy. They encounter obstacles but eventually find the ball.
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    The LEGO EPIC ADVENTURES written by the Lego Writing Camp held at Wise Primary 2019.
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  • What's An Ally?
    A young girl learns about inclusivity and being an ally through her experience with her little sister who has a disability.
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  • ABC Book Of World War II
    A list of key terms and events from World War II, including allies, battles, and important figures.
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  • Peppermint Tea Girl and Friends
    A mysterious man in a silly hat prepares breakfast while a mischievous girl and her father plan their day. Meanwhile, an epic battle unfolds between a wizard, Spider-Man, and…
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  • Ally and her Art
    Ally, a girl who loves art, is teased by two boys. With her mom's advice, she befriends them through art and they become best friends.
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