American Literature Books

  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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    A brief overview of different historical periods and literary movements, including the Middle Ages, Age of Reason, Naturalism, Transcendentalism, American Romanticism, and Am…
  • ”The Lady in Black” by Eleanor Hodgman Porter
    A biography of Eleanor H. Porter, an American author known for her children's literature and romance fiction.
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  • Rich In Love
    A personal memoir about a Chinese refugee and immigrant experience, with family stories, historical context, and reflections on identity and resilience.
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  • Becoming Your True Self By: Ashlyn Huntwork
    A collection of biographies about LGBTQ+ icons, encouraging readers to be true to themselves and providing representation.
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  • Arthur Miller
    The biography of Arthur Miller, a renowned American playwright, known for his works like 'Death of a Salesman' and 'The Crucible'. It covers his early life, career, and the c…
  • The Painter's Monster
    As a product for my senior thesis about mental illness and its portrayal in children's literature, I created this picture book about Vincent Van Gogh and his famous struggle …
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  • Emily Dickinson: The Icon of American Poetry
    A brief biography of Emily Dickinson, highlighting her introverted nature and impact on American poetry. Includes excerpts from her famous poems and a personal poem inspired …
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