Animal Care Books

  • Tiny's Big Journey
    After being rescued from a hole, Tiny, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling, struggles to find the perfect habitat-one with all of her basic needs.
    This book will help intro…
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  • Shelter Souls
    Animal awareness, character building, responsibility & community involvement is what "Shelter Souls" is all about. Everyone deserves a loving home! Let's all do our part …
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    He runs with animals in the forest, pilots an airplane, and rides a wild horse. This extraordinary little boy does not know that he is growing up to be a superhero.
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  • Christmas on the Farm
    A Christmas parable that reminds us that although we may be different from others, we each have been given special gifts that will bring joy to us and others as we share them.
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  • Pet Pals
    A delightful story about Tara a vet, who takes care of animals like her own pets. Read on to see what happens...
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  • Caring for Heart
    Heart, a rex rabbit, shares what she needs to be happy and healthy, and how her friend Milo takes care of her. She also emphasizes the importance of caring for pets and being…
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  • Taking care of Animals
    A playful poem about taking care of animals and the joy they bring, with some tips and humor.
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  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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