Animal Farm Books

  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
    The animals on Manor Farm rebel against their human owner, Mr. Jones, and establish their own farm called Animal Farm. However, power struggles and corruption lead to a retur…
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  • Sally the Songbird
    Sally the songbird has lost her song, can you help her to find it?
    Young children can sing along to this musical storybook, meeting all sorts of animals along the way!
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  • Farm animals book
    A book introducing farm animals and their characteristics, uses, and interesting facts.
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  • Animal Friends on a Farm
    Learn about different animals on a farm, their unique characteristics, and how they are similar to humans.
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  • Farm Animals
    A simple book introducing different farm animals, their food preferences, and some basic facts about them.
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  • My Animal Farm
    Gabriel's little book about his farm, where he takes care of cows, chickens, and rides quad bikes.
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  • Animal Farm
    The animals on a farm in England rebel against their farmer, establish their own farm called Animal Farm, and face challenges under the leadership of Napoleon.
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    Fun counting for kids with colorful illustrations. Your kid will learn counting and many types of farm animals.
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