Anishinaabe Books

  • The Creation of Turtle Island
    A story about Nanabozho and Wajashk creating new land with the help of animals and the four winds.
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  • To See With My Heart
    This short story is about using our hearts to see and understand the Seven Grandfather teachings on how people should behave toward others and the Creator through the Indigen…
  • Josephine Mandamin
    Josephine Mandamin, an Anishinaabe water protector, dedicated her life to conserving water through walks and leadership, leaving a lasting legacy of environmental stewardship.
  • learning ojibwee
    Nimkii, a new Anishinaabe student, introduces himself to his classmates and teaches them some Ojibwe words and phrases.
  • Stories as Placed-Based Pedagogies Looking at The North York Region In The Eyes of The
    This book presents the Sky Woman creation story from Haudenosaunee tradition, followed by a detailed history of North York and its indigenous inhabitants. It concludes with a…
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    A creation story about the origin of fire, light, movement, shape, Earth, and humans.
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