Annoyance Books

  • Do Not Open This Book!
    There is no description! This book isn't finished!
    - Stick Figure
    Eye Icon 2009
    Star Icon 36
  • The duck song
    A duck repeatedly asks a lemonade stand owner for grapes, annoying him. The owner eventually buys grapes but the duck asks for lemonade instead.
    Eye Icon 378
    Star Icon 26
  • Super Ryan And The Grumpy Friend
    Ryan tries to help his grumpy friend but then regrets it.
    Eye Icon 467
    Star Icon 39
  • My Family as Characters
    A child describes their family members, expressing love for their parents and annoyance towards their older sibling. They also mention having many cousins.
    Eye Icon 100
    Star Icon 11
  • Buzz the Too Loud Bee
    Buzz the bee annoys the farm animals with his loud buzzing. They banish him, but he saves them from a fire and becomes a hero.
    Eye Icon 27
    Star Icon 1
  • Jimmie the Werewolf Talks to the Moon
    Jimmie the Werewolf Talks to the Moon parallels the relationship that a werewolf has with the moon to the relationship between man and God. Using a character my son and I ma…
    Eye Icon 162
    Star Icon 6
  • The Adventure Of The Rick Roll
    I couldn't think of a book to make so I chose this
    Eye Icon 50
    Star Icon 5
  • My Bad Baby Brother
    A young child expresses frustration and annoyance with their new baby brother, but eventually realizes the benefits of having a sibling.
    Eye Icon 701
    Star Icon 8
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